Tuesday, December 21, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 L a s t A tin u te S h op p er? Call Williams Distinctive Gems fo r last minute quality & value O A K V I L L E SHIATSU & MASSAGE THERAPY C E N TR E LTD. ( f(\'//ia/m Q^istinctiov ffe/m The signature of outstanding quality and value For your private consultation call 6 3 7 -6 3 7 7 or Toll Free 1-888-671-6999 720 Guelph Line (in Remax Building) across from Burlington Mall Visit our website: w w w .custom jew ellery.com FITNESS CENTRE ( f c / V f / Z c a / c S A /e a n : · Massages · Personal Training Memberships · Esthetics & Crazywear We Wish you Joy, Happiness and Health for the Holiday (Season! (and o f course) Gift Certificates Are Available 125 Lakeshore Rd. E., Suite 3 0 4 (Navy & Lakeshore) mMmi v I Ilk -d 845-3137 .J A . ^ WHAT THEY REALLY WANT Limited Time Only Unlimited Evening & Weekend Calling · · · · 150 Weekday & Weeknight minutes Message Centre Express Free for 12 months Three Way Calling Call Waiting & (all forwarding included S o l o Nights 849-1 467 SPEERS RD. (W OF DORVAL) Local Night colling 1( per Minute Local Day calling 35< per minute T he Perfect P repaid Phone G ift \^pfeAuj Svvrv, HOT E L ^ S U IT E S O A K V IL L E - A T B R O N T E QualcommTM QCP 2760 Digital PCS n >pleat's (§> c^ V ie ve @ fala * After $50 mail-in rebate Motorola DPC 650e Analog Reception at 6:00 p.m. C ocktails & H ors D 'O euvres D inner at 7:00 p.m. Host Bar: 6:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. * After $50 mail-in rebate M enu E u ropean R o lls & Focaccia B rea d S h rim p C ocktail L a sa g n a bolognese F ilet M ignon w ith P eppercorn Sauce R o a ste d P otatoes B ouquetiere o f Vegetables L em on T arragon B rea st o f Chicken P la tte rs o f Seafood P aella (scallops, m u ssels, sh rim p & ca la m a ri) M a rq u is S a la d w ith a H oney B a lsa m ic V inaigrette D ressin g A sso rte d Tartufo Coffee & Tea L a te N ig h t P la tters M illennium N e w Year's Eve G ala tickets: Bell Express Vu 2700 system Over 200 channels Starting at ·After $150 Gift Certificate & $50 programing credit. See store for details. Great Gift is a trademark of Nortel Networks. Great Value *Bell Mobility is a Trademark of Bell Canada, used under licence. See store for details. Some condrtions apply Tickets include door prizes, party favours, music, complete menu including reception cocktails & hors d'oeuvres, dinner with host bar (open bar) from 6:00 p.m. until 2:00 a.m., champagne toast at midnight, late night platters and all taxes and gratuities. Price $199.00 per person Catered by: AirCell Communications Inc. 481 North Service Road West (East of 4th Line), Oakville H o u rs : M o n d a y to F rid a y 9 :0 0 a .m .-7 :0 0 p m , S a tu r d a y 9 :3 0 a .m .-5 :0 0 p .m . 905- 847-5700 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS HOTEL & SUITES 2525 Wyecroft Rd. (Q.E.W. & Bronte Road) Banquet Centre Tel: VIP-1000 (847-1000) Mobility