THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, December 29, 1999 This happy, airb o rn e tyke represents the w inning early b ird entry in the Oakville 2000 M illennium photo contest which was subm itted by Pauline F re n c h -H e rb ert The shot - taken in Ju ly 1983 in the backyard of FrenchH erb ert's Sam ford Place hom e - shows son B ryan, then 18 m onths, who ju st loved being tossed up in the air. F o r this picture, B ry an 's fath er did the throw ing while his m other snapped the picture from underneath. Deadline nearing for Oakville Purchase any new 2000 Windstar, 2000 Explorer op 2000 F-150 and get M illennium Book Contest Pauline Fenech-H erbert of Stanfield Drive has won the early bird draw in the O akville M illennium Book photo contest. The regular deadline for the contest is Jan. 15th, 2000. A selection o f pho tos entered will be published in the book, set for a fall 2000 release. The theme of the contest is "My Favourite Place." Fenech-Herbert wins a $100 dinner certificate to Jonathon's restaurant in Oakville, courtesy of The Oakville Beaver, one of the sponsors o f the con test. She submitted a 1983 photo of her son Bryan, now 18, being thrown up in the air by his father. "For years, people have been com menting on that photo, so I thought I would enter it and try my luck," she said. While the photo was drawn at ran dom by Beaver advertising director, Kelly M ontague, Millennium Book Editor Wendy Burton said it was a good example o f the kind o f photo the book committee is looking for. "It's a very creative photo showing a child doing one of his favourite things with his favourite people in one of his favourite places. His pleasure is obvi ous." Fenech-Herbert will still be eligible for the regular prizes, which include a $1,000 grand prize donated by Ian M artin Ltd. plus $ 1,000 worth of cam era equipment and services donated by M cC utcheon's C am era and Video. Polaroid Canada has also donated a camera. For contest entry forms, call the Oakville 2000 Millennium Office at 338-2171. For inform ation on the book, call Wendy Burton at 338-1200. GET LOW IN TEREST FINANCING AND YOUR FIRST LEASE PAYMENT IS ON US on any new 2000 Taurus, Windstar, Explorer or F-150 2 0 0 0 TAURUS SE EXPLORER 2 DR. SPORT 2000 E-ISO REG. CAB 4X2 Mississauga Veterinary Emergency Clinic O pen 24 Hours % PAY NO INTEREST ON SELECTED NEW IN-STOCK 1999 MODELS AND SAVE... HURRY, LIM ITED TIM E OFFERS OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 3 1 , 1999 HOURS: OPEN FROM MON. DEC. 27-FRI. DEC. 3 1 BUSINESS AS USUAL New Year's Eve & New Year's Day R e a s o n s ^ r u t\n < £ S > tAe. d o c to r s f- 3490 Mavis Road (south of Hwy. 403, north o f Dundas St.) FORD LINCOLN 570 TRAFALGAR ROAD, OAKVILLE at the Q.E.W. AK-LA' YOUR OAKVILLE LINCOLN DEALER QEW (905) 273-9335 Open Fri D ec 31" a t noon thru to Tiies Jan 4"a t 8am A lw ays open 7pm to 8am We are here to provide your Pet's Emergency when your regular Veterinary Hospital is closed 8 4 4 -3 2 7 3 O d cL n d | Get the Results You Want, at a Price You Can Afford! Join Now and Pay Only $39 Per Month with Down Payment A beautiful body doesn't take years of hard work and determination. It takes the right program! A program that incorporates strength, exercise,1 cardovascular exercise and proper nutrition. And the secret is ... it doesn't have to take forever. BOXING WEEK SALE Monday, December 27 Friday, December 31 ® B a ske t S y s te m SALE 2 M While supplies last. s i z e s twatokAe. Circuit training is easy and er Circuit training only takes about 30 minutes of your time. The results are fantastic and the workout is great! When you sign up this month, we'll include one week o f circuit training instruction absolutely free! Many other in-store specials. To Join Call 844-1610 We Make Fitness Easy! THE residential · commercial · industrial FREE IN -HO M E CONSULTATION ^Nautilus Voted Oakville's Best Fitness Club 1999 f 1 GYM NAUTILUS SPORTS/MEDICAL INC. Closet M aid Heavy Duty, Vinyl Coated Steel Shelving S P R C E R G E 466 Speers Road, Oakville 11 LAKESHORE RD. W., OAKVILLE S H ELV IN G Innovative solutions for all spaces. 905 842-5061 i n s t a l l o Jta fv QtioJoktes-