Oakville Beaver, 10 Dec 1999, p. 41

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Classified houses for sale T h e O a k v ille B ea v er BO N U S! A ll cla ssified ads appear @ WWW. HaltonSeanfl.tDm The site y o u r co m m u n ity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 O R 337-5610 F A X : 632-8165 M ON. - FR I. 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. C H A R M IN G 2 bedroom . Burlington core apartment. G ro und floor level. Nice decor. Large kitchen. Big backyard. N ear Spencer Smith Park. Available im mediately. $950./month, call Jeff (905)-719-1757 -Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 - Auto 400465 Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 60(^675 · Services 700-800 INVESTMENT PROPERTY IRRESISTIBLE O FF E R : $200Q/mo. Rent with 3 -Yr lease for immac. 4 bdrm. house in Miss. 6.2% Mtge. Must close Immed. Call anytime (except Sunday) Join the Fastest G row ing M obile Tool Com pany in Canada Distributorships available in Burlington and Flamborough areas. Applicants should be selfm otivated, have technical aptitude and sales or business experience. _ F re e T ra in in g N o n -F ra n c h ise O p p o rtu n ity I n v e s tm e n t R e q u ire d F in a n c in g A v a ila b le CALL..... CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect S t · 632-2601 3 B edroom s · 3 a p pliancess · E at-in Kit. Basem ent · P lay g ro u n d · Parking A I V m ^ condom inium s for rant If y o u a re .... I · Single... new to workforce! · Couple., tw o income... starting out! · Senior... needing to join a com m unity! 905-824-7163 IM M A C U L A T E 3 bedroom hom e- 2313 H eadon Rd., premium lot 50x137. pro fessionally landscaped, inground sprinklers, eat-in kitchen, c e ram ics, h ard w ood in livingroom & di n in g room , G a s F P , C/A, finished lower level, large cedar deck w/hot tub. Visit us: w w w .a ttca na da .n et/ -overton4 or call 332-1513 D IS T R E S S S ale & other vacant properties are avail able in Burlington/ Flamborough area. All price ranges. For free print out call James Boyd, Sales Rep. Sutton Group About Towne Realty Inc. 681-7900._____________ P R IV A TE sale (no real es tate)- Burlington executive 2-story, 4 bedrooms, walk out basement backing onto park, double garage, very clean and beautiful decor. $310,000. 336-7402 B E A U T IF U L fully renovated b un ga lo w in C o ro na tion Park. 3 -b e d ro o m s +1, 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, many features. $ 3 1 9 ,0 0 0 . No agents. (905)847-7070 B Y O w n e r - 3 bedroom Bungalow, finished inlaw suite, near downtown and G O . No open house this w eekend D e c 11 & 12. $19 6,9 00 . 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -6 8 7 5 287 Maurice Drive, Oakville YOU DESERVE A 1-BEDROOM APT at BURLINGTON TOWERS Easy access to QEW Close to GO station Short com m ute! 1 . N O R T H O a kville - 2 -b e d rooms, balcony, Ja c u z z i, lakeview , 5 appliances, u n d erg roun d parking. $1295/ +hydro. Immediate. Helen Lightbody, Re/max Abou to w n e R ealty, (905)338-9000_____________ H AR B O U R VIEW : Fabulous 1500 sq.ft, suite overlook ing lake! 6 appliances, 2 parking. 2 ensuites, beauti fully finished. $1690/incl. Immediate. Linda Davies R.E., (905)333-4347 houses for rent Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Lim ited B U R U N G T O N - 3-bedroom sp acious, c lea n . Lake shore/ F ra n c is . Easy highway access. Ja n . 1st. $85 0./mo+ utilities. 6 3 9 0354, after 5pm A T G e o rg ia n C o u rt E s tates, 611 S u rre y Lane, Burlington, 2&3 bedrooms. P a rk -lik e setting. N e ar sho pp in g , sch o o ls. G O , Hwy, Pool. Tennis. Utilities included. 905-632-8547 N O R T H Burlington: Headon Fo re st, 2 -b e d ro o m s , white kitchen w/breakfast bar, 5 appliances, C/A, at tached garage, master 2-pc ensuite. $1200./mo. Imme diate. L .D a v ie s R .E ., (905)333-4347____________ O A K V I L L E , R ive r O a k s. E x e c u tive con do town h ou se , 3 -b d rm s , 2-1/2 baths. firep la ce . 5 appliances, C/A, finished b ase m e nt. $1600/m o. Im m ediate. Te rry, (905)616-1937____________ B U R L I N G T O N - large 3 b e d room , B lue fields D r. Fridge, stove, laundry, park ing, $856/+ utilities. January 1st. 336-9922 B R O W N S T O N E S tow n home- Burlington. 2-bedroo m s, F/P, C/A, 5 a p pliances, garage, Jan. 1st. $1050./mo.+ (416)462-3800 B U R L IN G T O N . 3-bedroom M a isonette with sm all b ac k ya rd . Q E W / B ran t. $750./mo. (-futilities). Avail Jan, lst/2000 332-9865 B R A N T/ Mount Forest. 3bedroom townhouse m ai sonette, laundry facilities. 1-parking. Feb 1st. $800/ mo.+utilities 905-319-9104 E X E C U T IV E Condo townh ou se , North O a k ville , 2300 sq.ft., 3-bdrms, 2-1/2 b aths, fa m ilyro o m , 5 appliances, fireplace, air, garage. Ja n . $1650/mo. Tra fa lg a r P rop erty M a n agement, Warren Hill. 3381130 -r O C M L S Mac Canada Recruiting · (905) 562-5601 Magnificent Indoor Pool & Fitness Centre · U tilities & Parking Included · Fantastic Location! W A N T E D - Mid late 20*s non-smoking professional female or couple to share townhouse with quiet cou ple, Burlington/ Oakville. 905-681-9158_____________ M A T U R E , n o n -sm o kin g m ale to share beautiful hom e in R iver Oaks. Up stairs bedroom, full house privileges. Dec. 1st. $500/ mo. 905-257-1428_________ D O W N T O W N Oakville- fe male to share house with 2 others. P arking, cable, $425/mo. inclusive. 905338-1978__________________ E X C L U S I V E use of top floor of con do in Kerns Road area. Many extras. $600/m o. A vaila b le immediately 331-1362 170 apartments & flats for rent 170 apartments & flats for rent 170 apartments & flats for rent TO VIEW CALL (905) 639-8583 B R O C K Lakeshore 3 bdrm, 1.5 baths, garage, air, 5 appliances, avail immedi ately $1250./mo 905-8039267______________________ B A S E M E N T apartm ent 1 bedroom , separate en trance, parking, utilities in clu d e d . n ear to O a kville P la ce /S h erida n C o llege.(905)842-9691. D O W N TO W N O a k ville . Spacious 2 bedroom, tri plex, wood deck for B BQ . $ 11 50 plus h yd ro. C a ll (905)844-8581 9am-5pm. TW O b edroom luxury apartm ent on M arine Dr. A v a ila b le im m ed iate ly. $1250/m onth including utilities. Scott Prior, Re/Max Blue Springs, 878-7777 O A K V IL L E . Q E W / Trafal gar. Large, clean 2 -b e d room from $879/mo. Park ing included. Jan. 1st. Well m ain tain ed building. (905)338-2276.____________ B A C H E L O R and 2 -b e d room apartm ents in w elllocated, quiet building near downtown Burlington, buses, etc. Call (905)634-3635 D O W N T O W N , Burlington 2 -b e d ro o m , D e c. 1st/ J a n .1st.; 1 -b e dro om ,Ja n. 1st. Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital. Lake. 637-0321 75 S tew art: 2 -B e d ro o m A p a rtm e nts a va ilab le J a n . 1st. N e ar dow ntow n Oakville/ Q E W . W ell-main tained clean building. Call (905)844-4294_____________ L A K E S H O R E . Burlington1&2 B ed room s Available Fe b ru a ry. C a ll 6 8 1 -71 26 Professionally managed by L .T . G re e n w in P rop erty Management___________ S P E N C E R Sm ith. Large bachelor, newly decorated. Large 2 -b d rm , hardwood floors, e at-in kitchen. Jan. 1st. Laundry. 639-1466 2 -B e d ro o m Suite am ong refined tenants in luxury building close to Burlington Mall. Call "Th e Princess', 639-8009__________________ B U R L IN G T O N Lakeshore. near Burloak. 2-bedroom, 2 bath roo m s, great view , Feb. 1st. $900/mo.+ parking. (905)639-3301________ B U R L IN G T O N 2 bedroom$685./mo utilities included. Ja n . & Fe b. Q uiet, near lake. 634--8089 (3-6pm) O A K V IL L E Lakeshore/ Kerr Bright, spacious 2bedroom, (above stores). 4 a p p lia n ce s, parking. Dec. 15th. $995/mo+ hydro. (905)842-3196_____________ C A N A D I A N A .Q u ie t, well m aintained lakefront building. V e ry spacious 1&2-bedrooms, Jan./ Feb. 5220 La kesh ore R d ., Burlington. (905)632-5486 O A K V IL L E - newly renovat ed luxury 1 bedroom. A/C, cable, w asher/dryer. No smoking, no pets. $690/mo inclusive. (905)815-0935 2 bedroom apartment very clean quiet building, river view, near downtown Oak ville. 337-0497; (416)8140620.______________________ L A R G E , spacious lower level apartment available for mature person. $700. + part utilities. Non-smoker. No pets. Jan .1 st/2 00 0. 905-630-5350_____________ B U R L IN G T O N Downtown. W ellin gto n P la ce . 478 Pearl Street. Newly deco rated 1.2&3 B edroom A p artm e nts with scenic views. 632-1643__________ S H O R T -T E R M Rentals. 3+ m onths. S p a cio u s O n e Bedrooms. Utilities, Indoor Pool, Work-out Room. Burlington Towers. 639-8583 T O P F l o o r - B eautifully maintained quiet building, 2-bedrooms, lake view, lots of seniors, $1150/mo. inclusive. (905)845-8254 B U R L IN G T O N 2-bedroom apartment in lowrise apart ment building. Quiet ten ants and no pets. $610/mo. Call 388-5236_____________ B U R LIN G TO N , 1-bedroom, 2 a pp lian ce s. $600/mo. Call Joe Boersema, Sales Rep., Re/max Garden City Realty, (905)333-3500 1&2 Bedroom, $755/mo. & $85Q/mo. (+$3Q/car). Avail able F e b .'00. Sunken liv ingroom , eat-in kitchens. Quick Q E W access, Guelph Line near New St., Burlington. 637-9725__________ O A K V I L L E - Beautiful. 2 bedroom , upper floor of house in quiet mature area. 4 appliances. C/A, Cable, parking. $1150/mo. + 1/3 hydro. No pets, nonsmokers only. Immediate. 905-845-0161_____________ ITO W E R S BURLINGTON T L I I A P A R T M E N T S 2 & 3 B e d ro o m s A ls o A v a ila b le HOMES to RENT w / O ption to BUY o r Creative Financing Available to facilitate purchase of home with little or nothing down! Call Jay Nelligan, Sales Rep., (905) 639-5258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor E-mail: creativeoptions@sprint.ca E X E C U T I V E 4 bedroom home, 3 bath, brand new, B urlingto n, A va ila b le , D ec. 1/99, $2,250/month, Neil 4 1 6 -7 2 5 -3 0 9 8 , neilQpegsoft.com_________ IN the heart of Bronte- 3bedroom house, residen tial or commercial. Newly renovated. Immediate. Asking $1,300. 847-3564 O A K V I L L E - Glen Abbey. Luxury executive home, 2storey, 3-bedroom, finished basement w/bedroom, recroom & kitchenette. 7 ap pliances. spacious ravine lot. $2500/month. Jan . 1/ 2000. (905)501-1675 B E A U T I F U L 3 bedroom home in River Oaks Oak ville. Large yard, garage, well m aintained, modern decor, finished basement, ensuite, 5 appliances, air, excellent neighbourhood, no pets or smokers. Suits professional couples, Feb. 1st. Call 905-845-3869 N E W Year/ N e w H om e. Lovely 3-bedroom bunga low J a n .1/2000. W alk to lake & shopping. Backyard, garage, laundry, air condi tioning, utilities. $1200 for main floor only (basement separate). Non-smokers, no pets. O a k ville . 9 05 825-3568. LK g g W liW J 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Studios · 1&2 Bedroom Suit) > All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths » Indoor pool & saunas * Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable inch' Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access' B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E (905) 6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm Inquire about our A T T E N T IO N Skiers! Ellicottville, N Y . 3 -bd rm town h o u se a va ilab le for weekends plus. $125/night (Can.) Sleeps 6. Suit family or g ro up s. N e w Y e ars Weekend still available # $200/night (C a n .) (905)847-6391. | ( [ I K J items under $100. A R M C H A IR , huntergreen and burgundy, 4 yrs old, ex cellent condition. $80. 6 3 1 1876.______________________ B A B Y crib , J e n n y Lynn style w/m attress, large d raw er, $99. Meets standards. 825-0111. B A R B IE doll dress, handknitted, great as gift, $2.50/ ea. 319-1797._____________ B E A N IE Babies- full set of M cD o n ald's collectibles, unopened. Call Mark 3 1 9 3266______________________ B R A N D new w hite crib, mattress, linens, quilt, blan kets, etc. Complete $100/ obo. 6 8 1 -0 9 9 5 (lea ve message)_________________ B R O W N aluminum screen front door, left side hinge, $60. 844--4574____________ C A N O N colour printer, ster eo cabinet w/glass doors, 8 4 ' chesterfield, TV /V C R c o rn e r cabinet. (905)331-9295__________ __ C H A IN link fence, black, approx. 100`, 1 gate, posts & ha rd w a re , $80. 8 4 4 4574______________________ C H IL D R E N S kitchen centre, excellent condition, incl. dishes accessories, $65. 634-3836____________ COFFEE table, solid: w alnu t, 60* long, with drawer, $95.632-4688. C R A F T S M A N childs pedal tractor & trailer, excellent condition, $40, 825-2714 D O G L O O brand dog house with entran ce flap, $8C » 338-1147_________________ D O U B L E size boxspring & m attress, Sim m ons orthopedic, good condition,1 $100. 339-1316.___________ D R ES S ER , girl's, white. 48' with mirror, 6 drawers. $55. 632-4688._________________ D R E S S E R , triple, ladies, good condition, $40. 3 1 9 1797._____________________ _» D U P L O (le g o ) building blocks, includes farm& train sets, plus. Can separate, '$75. 829-8477 BRAND NEW, DELUXE O A K V I L L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated Suites. 1&2 Bedrooms from $775. Call Linda 844-5474 B U R L IN G T O N . 1 -b e d room , suitable for one. Above dental office in older home downtown. $680/mo. incusive. No pets. Feb. 1st. 637-6195 after 7pm._______ S P A C IO U S bachelor suite in downtown Waterdown. Private entrance and bal cony. Parking/ utilities in clud ed . C a ll (9 0 5 )6 8 9 2121, 9am-5pm___________ B U R L IN G T O N Basement a partm ent- partially fur nished. 1-bedroom. Utilities, cab le , parking included. $625/m o. First/ last. References. 639-1729 D O W N TO W N O akville. N ice, clean building: 2 bedrooms, $900/mo.+ hy dro (in clu d e s parking ), Jan.1st7Feb.1st (905)8498453______________________ S P A C IO U S 1.2&3 B ed room s. F re sh ly painted, bright. Com petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm C O N D O - 1yr old- 1 bdrm +de n. 2 parking, near Tansley Woods. JanTFeb. occupancy. $975/+ utilities. 905-331 -9378,message. R E F U R B IS H E D Apart m ents. D ow ntown B urlin gto n. Eliza be th Manor, 477 Elizabeth Str. 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments with spectacular view. 6 34 9374______________________ R E T IR E D Senior requires bachelor basement apart ment in downtown Oakville. Parking & cable a must. For J a n u a ry 1st. (905)849-4431____________ O L D Oakville in beautifully maintained, quiet building dow nto w n, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 2bedroom , $ l0 8 0 / m o .; 1bedroom: $925/mo. Inclu sive. Please leave m e s sage (905)845-8254. GARDEN A P A R TM E N TS Includes 9'6" ceilings, Jacuzzi, double vanity sinks + more! AVAILABLE JANUARY 15TH. O A K V I L L E - large bright one bedroom in small quiet building, hardwood floors, close to downtown. Avail able Dec. 15. $650. +hydro. (905)-8 15-0768____________ B A S E M E N T apartment in quiet area. Quiet main floor tenants. Fully furnished, utilities included. Yard, pa tio & laundry facilities, close to Oakville Place. Imme diate. $775. (4 1 6 )2 0 1 6982, leave message. D O W N T O W N Oakville, 2bedroom s, 5 appliances, fireplace, C/A. Jan 1st/ Im mediate. $1,295/mo. inclu sive. Call Forbes, (416)4203952; (905)842-9275 I rentals OPEN H o u se : 1160 Bellview St., #32. Sunday 1-4pm . Bungaloft, nearly new, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, m aster, la un d ry on main floor, ceram ics. Private, exclusive area of detached & sem i-detached homes, walk to Spencer Smith, lots of green space, walkways. $233,000. 631-7837 W HY PA Y RENT? Keep your regular day job. F r e e B e n t? Free Food! Free Parking! IN E X P E N S IV E warehouse space for lease. 18,000 sq.ft, or less, also 2,100. Truck level access. O a k ville. Jo e Luyk, (905)8457597 IN EXCHANGE for: looking after my 2 dogs & 2 cats, keeping my house neat & tidy + oc casional evening meal cooking. Live in own private suite in large house with all the com forts. Near Oakville Hospital. Must be nonsmoker. Please call (4 1 6 ) 3 5 9 -7 5 9 5 of fice hours or (9 0 5 ) 849-9557, evenings 2 -B E D R O O M A p art ments $760. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Une. Rental Office Open 11 -8pm. 639-5761 N E A R U p p e r O a kville S h o p p in g M all. S h a re house. Pool, A/C. $350 / month. Jan. 1st (905)-3373848 or (905)-338-1502 "H O M E away from home' perfect for student, close to S h erid an collag e. Bus route, sm oker in house. Immediately. Call 844-1818 R O O M in m y hom e for rent, Shared washroom and kitchen facilities. Looking for quiet fem ale n on sm oker. S ixth Line and Upper Middle area $375. Please phone after 7:00pm Christine (905) 257-7636 T R A F A L G A R / Upper Mid dle- Large furnished room, executive hom e, extras inclu sive , respo nsib le individual. $450. 338-5956. O A K V IL L E Downtown. Re tail/ office/ c o m m e rcial units. 1100 sq.ft. & 1200 sq.ft. (9 0 5 )8 4 5 -6 1 6 0 , (416)746-9494_____________ O F F IC E plus storage Space 1,600sqft SpeersRd 3rd Ln .O a kville .$80 0./mo 905-631-9895, 465-1493 S P A C E for lease. Feb. 1st. in D ow nto w n B urlin gto n Salon. Perfect for Esthetician. Lots of parking. Call (905)631-0103_____________ IN D IV ID U A L offices for rent from $450- $1000/mo. available im m ediately on short-term leases and flexi ble terms; desirable pro fessional centre in prime dow ntown O a kville lo ca tion; tenant and client park ing included; boardroom , fax, photocoping and re ception area available. Call Paul (905)338-2300. TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors from $689.' 1-Bdrm from $779.' Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 Y Y Y Y Y F U R N IS H E D Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm Corporate, Executive Homes, Condos. 1-2 baths. 6 appliances, Central Air, Jacuzzi, recreation centre, pool, security. T V , V C R , stereo, from $1295-2795 month. 681-R E N T (7368). E A S T Burlington- 2 bdrm condo townhouse. Rec-rm. $949/mo., cable included. Albert M c D on ag h Ltd ., Realtor, 905-632-5690. B R O N TE Harbour- Walk to Lake! Spacious 3-bedroom, appliances included. Im mediate. $1150/mo.+ utili ties. Jeff Pearcy, Sales As sociate, Prudential Tow n Centre Realty, (9 0 5 )3 3 8 6550 "(2% disc, included) F R E E . Apartment Locator. Save time and money. One Stop Apartment Shop. All a reas and p ric e s ...... (905)331-5700____________ TW O bed room luxury apartment on Marine Drive. A va ila b le im m ediately. $1250/mo. including utili ties. Scott Prior, Re/Max Blue Springs, 878-7777. B U R L IN G T O N Downtowntop flo o rh ou se . 1 b e d room , A /C , laundry, parking, patio, $730/mo. inclu sive , n o n -sm o k in g , immediate. 634-3293. O A K V I L L E , S p a cio u s. 2 bedroom basement apart m ent with se pa rate e n trance. Jan. Asi $8507mo. No pets. (905)827-6027 C all 3 3 6 -0 0 1 5 o r 3 3 6 -0 0 1 6 For into, on Tyandaga Terrace in Burlington! Freshly decorated 1&2 Bedrooms Available with private landscaped patios. Low-rise building in a garden-like setting. D O W N TO W N O a kville. N ice , clean building: 2bdrms, $900/mo.+ hy-dro (includes parking), Jan. 1st /Feb. 1st (905)849-8453 W A TER D O W N Village Lo ve ly , quiet building. Large, bright, carpeted 2bed room , 5 a pp lian ce s, balcon y, $1025/m o. 'F e b . 1st. 689-6970 GEORGIAN APARTMENTS 1 ,2 & 3 BEDROOM SUITES Avail. Jan./Feb./Mar. Heat/Hydro Included Parking extra. No pets B U R L IN G T O N luxury fur nished 1&2 bedrooms from $1,495/month all utilities included. Immediate. 905632-8354; (905)632-3861 E X E C U T I V E furnished 1bedroom apartment: private entrance, gas fireplace, 6 appliances, completely selfcontained in 1-sto rey hom e, South Burlington. $1350/mo. inclusive. L D a vies R.E., (905)333-4347 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $852+ Burl · 639-0456 M-F: 9-4 & 6:30-8 G H E N T A ve. S pa ciou s, clean 2-bedroom , fridge, stove, parking. Newly reno vated. C e ntra l, quiet. J a n .1st.. $740/mo. Jeff days 905-333-3720.________ D O W N TO W N Burlington. 2bedroom s, $945/m o.+ A vaila b le J a n .1st. Ca ll Forbes (416)420-3952 or (905)842-9275 D E M P S T E R S bread route serving Base Borden and area. Valuable and w ellestablished. If serious call (905)849-6079 795 Dynes Road Tel: 639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON I Amelin Property Mgmt TH R EE bedroom tow n h o u s e - $780/m o. + utilities, 1st & last. North Burlington. Gas fireplace, 2 underground parking. Feb 1st. 637-8752 HWY#5/ Guelph. Share 3bedroom home with non sm oking fem ale. P rivate bathroom, fireplace, B BQ, furnished, parking. $500/ mo. 319-7556_____________ S H A R E 2-bedroom apart ment, $450/mo. inclusive. Furnished or unfurnished. Bronte/ Lakeshore. Imme diate/ Jan . 1st. (9 0 5 )3 3 0 9854, leave message S H A R E large home Bronte. Private bedroom, bath, fully furnished. Includes utilities, parking, non-smoker, $450/ mo. 847-1224 ` ' O N E bedroom basem ent apartm ent in O a k ville . $640. First a n d test Y e quired.. (905)844-5712. . » , B U R U N G T O N Core arearegistered 2-be dro om duplex. D oub le carport, b ackya rd, laundry. A vaila b le im m ediate ly. $845/mo. -futilities. (905)634-2646.

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