Wednesday, December 8, 1999 M i beauty salon help THE OAKVILLE BEAVER E sthetician SPACE AVAILABLE mfam CANADIAN TIRE 2 0 7 0 A ppleby Line Laundry Sales Service · Required to service existing customers and establish new customers. · Musi be experienced and be able to provide full service, advice and open up new accounts. · Salary commission and car allowance. Reply giving full details of experience and wages required to: Box ????, c/o The Burlington Post 2321 Fairview Street, Burlington, Ont L7R 2E3 in modem, exclusive, new Burlington salon. 3 years experience please. Call for details at Upper Middle Rd., (Millcroft Centre) DAYCARE available, my h o m e -h o t meals, snacks. English/French speaking.. Playground. Holy Family School area. Very experi enced E xcellent references. 849-8119._________ LOVING in home daycare available Stimulating envi ronment. nutritious meals. Outdoor activities. CPR. re ceipts. references 3 33 3937____________________ LOVING mom offering day care: Stimulating environ ment. nutritious menu, indoor/outdoor activities, lots ol TLC. Downtown Burlington. 631-6602____________ S/E Oakville (Maplegrove) daycare provider with ex perience, CPR. fenced yard. Nutritious meals, lots of TLC. Excellent references. 905-842-6799 ECE mom has spaces Tues.-Fri., lot's of TLC & funl Come join our family! Headon Forest. 332-5630 I daycare wanted DAYCARE required for 2* 1/2 yr old twins. Our home Headon Forest. 2-3 days/ wk. References 905-3358622 _______ FLEXIBLE daycare in my SW O akville home, 2-3 days/ week French an asset. call 847-3386________ SAFE, nurturing childcare provider w /references needed for happy 8-mos. old. my home/ yours, part* time. 469-1228.__________ CAREGIVER required parttime (mostly afternoons) my home W alker's/ Mamway area. 2 children. Call 3366660 or leave message at (416)713-0077 NANNY required Mon.-Fri, 2 30-6pm in our Glen Abbey home Some evenings. Non-smoker. Must have experience. references 825-8413. LIVE-OUT Nanny/ House keeper full-time January. Care for 18-mos. old child. ECE an asset References. Must drive 331-5693. F/T & P/T Service Advisors · Must be customer focussed. · Have a strong automotive background and sales experience. · Be able lo work day, night & weekend shilts. · We oiler competitive wages, employee discount & medical/denlal benefits for lull-lime after probation period. (905)637-1041 M'Lord & M'Lady's- Down town Burlington requires Hair Stylist Assistant/ Ap prentice. Please call 905632-1443_______________ HAIRSTYLIST -ambitiousto manage new East Waterdown shop- Hwy.5/ Birke St. or possible partnership/ rent to own/ buy with small down paym ent. Also Space available (or Nails/ Esthetics. 905-629-2654 F/T & P/T Tire/Lube Techs · Must be detailed, neat and able work In a fast paced environment. · Must have an automotive background or high mechanical comprehension. · Be able to work varied shilts. · Benefits as above. Please fax resume w ith salary expectations to (905) 335-9724 or v isit in-store and complete an application MONEY Problems? Gar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bank ruptcy Trustee (905) 6310600 HAIRSTYLISTS MANAGERS CAREER OPPORTUNITY WITH LaserNetworks Canada's Laser Printer Experts L aserN etw orks requires a Full-time ·New Salon ·New Opportunity $350. Welcome on bonus +set of shears Come join the SUPERCUTS team! Now opening their 8th & 9th slore Great wages & comm. ·Full benefits ·Flexible hours Enjoy a chem ical tree environment Management openings available as well as great opportunities for advancement. Currently hiring in Hamilton, Oakville & Burlington Call Toll-Free 1'888-888-7778 EXT.1552 p NOW HIRING 2-4-1 Pizza & Mrs. Powell's ALL POSITIONS « FULL & PART-TIME BILINGUAL COORDINATOR/ ADMINISTRATOR for its premier product line. Fluency in both French and English. High degree o( proficiency in the use of Excel, a minimum of 3 years lu ll-lim e work experience in a customer service oriented position. The candidate must be detail and deadline oriented and a team player with an above average ability to relate to customers, suppliers, stall, sales personnel and management. Knowledge ol database software, accounting or leasing consid ered to be assets. LaserNetworks is an Oakville based company. We otter: opportunity lor advancement, a competitive compensation package including prolit sharing and group benefits. Please apply in confidence to: Sue Nadeau, Manager Accounting Fax 905-847-2471 or email: snadeau@ Application deadline December 22,1999 · BAKERS · FRONT STAFF F u ll/ Part-tim e Enjoy a fast paced, progressive fun, work environment. Apply in person, 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville Electrical A pprentice 3 rd o r 4 th y e a r fo r I n d u s tr ia l & C o m m e r c ia l C o n s tru c tio n . A P P LY IN PERSON 4490 Fairview (at Appleby) Burlington moving & storage 1 11 AAA Movers. Packing and S torage Local/tong distance. Weekly trips to US and coast to cast Free estim ates. Free boxes. (905)634-3721____________ Able to work with minimum supervision, have car & own tools. Send fax to: (905) 332-9964 Sears INDOOR CLEAN AIR SERVICES REQUIRES Offlcrcjarical ottlcrcrartcal Requires: Line Cook Experienced in casual line dining Ability lo work in high volume kitchen Coll Shell y tOom Noon / 2 pm 4pm (905) 339 0227 BARTENDER/ Manage! re quired by Tbe Dickens. Apply with resume. 2-4 pm daily, 423 Elizabeth SI., V e g a Square, Burtugion W AITR ESS/ W eller re quired Full or P arl-llm e. Experienced only. Please OAKVILLE Movers. Experi enced. licensed, Two weeks tree Free estim ates discount. Quality 337-9063 insured. storage. Senior's Service. DUCT TECHNICIANS & HELPERS Experience preferred but will train. Call Mr. James: (905)681-8103 PAR T TIM E A/R CLERK (Junior) A company in Mississauga has an immediate opening Thursdays & Fridays, day's only. Previous office experience is a definite asset. Please send resume to: Box # 2093 The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort ers. bed co-ordinates, fab rics. ta b le / chair accessories. Call Sherry. 634-6706. I services CARPET steam and 2-step cleaned. 4 rooms $65. ad ditional $12. sofa $60. deo dorizing. scotchguard. 416657-2002 I tutorial TH E R A P IS T w antedcaring e nth usia stic individual to work one-onone w/mildly autistic child 10-15 hours/wk., Will train. P sychology. ECE background preferred 8151779. NANNY · fu ll tim e Jan 2000.6 year old and 16 m onth old. ECE or equivalent, non-sm oker. Westmount (905)469-9477, LOVING Nanny required for 5yr old & 7 month old. South Burlington. 5 days/ week 905-333-0053 EXPERIENCED Nannies/ housekeepers in Philippines seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina, (416)699-6931.__________ LIVE-IN Nanny- Minimum wage Some nights and weekends to care for 3 children. 632-6082 LIVE-IN nanny for 3 pre schoolers required to work also some nights and wee kends. Minimum wage. Call Jackie (905)319-0114 bet ween 12pm-5pm. C y Z h u d l e i g h 's PRODUCTION TEAM Chudleigh's Is a family operated production bakery that has been providing families with as entertaining taste of the co u n try lo r g e n e ra tio n s . W e h a v e im m e d ia te positions available In our Milton plant. We are looking lor conscientious and thoughttul team members who enjoy working In a steady environment with others who share Ihe same desire lo r producing a quality product and feeling thal craftsman's sense ol pride In what they do. O ur step by s te p tra in in g w ill p re p a re yo u fo r the technical and m echanical knowledge you w ill need to become a team le ader In a specialized area o l our operation. We provide a great work environment, job stability, regular feedback on your performance and the opportunity to be a part ol a rapidly growing company. II you would like to be a part of our success please send your resume to: T U tH c tito H A . requires- COUNTERSTAFF ·All shifts* $50. signing bonus Benefits available Apply: 2316 Royal Windsor Or. at Ford Or- Oakville or ph or fax 338-1966 AHR has long taim posi tions in the lollowvtg Hades Screen P /inler with 4-co lour proceaaing. 2 yeers experience: Filter/ WekJers. Press Operators; Conven tional Machinists Please apply: 850 Legion Rd.. f8 . Burlington (905)631-9920 AUTOMOTIVE detailer re quired. Salary commensu rate with experience. Call or lax resume: Ann. Joe. Superior Rustprooimg. 905847-3333 Fax: 906-8478954 o rik K ln tc il 'ENTRY Level Collection Opportunities lor assertive Individuals. C andidates must possess exceptional communication skills, are highly morivaled with ability to achieve targets Qualified candidates must hold O S S 0 * post- secondary education Competitive sal ary/ bonuses. W ill train. French an asset. Fax: (905)403.1617___________ STUDENT loans Nalionel firm seeks protessionel. ex perienced student loan col lector Fast paced, growing o ffice In B urlington. E xce lle n t rem uneration. Alto, interviewing trainees lor junior's postion. Call Mr. Callahan 905-639-6990 BOOKKEEPER required lo r HVAC com pany in Oakville M u ll be able lo work flexible hours end be able lo com plele m onth/ year end processes. Fax resume: (906)847-2674 NOW interviewing lor Re ception/ Secretarial Imme d iate p osition In nalural health care clinic. Oakville. P lease lax resum e: (905)465-0854____________ JUNIOR OFFICE position, part-time, Mon-Tues-Wed. approx 3-7pm. Fax resume to: (905)6324599 can (905)842-0515 I teaching opportunities PRESCHOOL POSITIONS · Fulltime Qualified Nursery School Teacher · Part-time RECEPTIONIST/ SALES Required for busy Optical Retail Showroom. Well groomed, fluent English, retail experience an asset Only resumes of interest will be contacted. French Teacher APPLY: Brant C hildren's Centre 3180 New St. Burlington L7N 1M8 Tel: (905) 634-5518 PART-TIME DATA ENTRY CLERK Local Oakville firm has an Immediate opening lor a data entry clerk to help update computer system. (Approximately 3 month position). Flexible hours for a total of 20-30 hours/ week. Rale based on experi ence lo be determined. Knowledge ol computers a must. Must be quick and accurate. Will train on our system. Potential candidate will need to start ASAP. For Human Rasources, Chudleigh's By lax: 905-378-6979 By mall or drop off: 624 McGeachie Drive. Milton, Ontario L9T3Y5 Wi xppraoawalcanddws rawest, tarever orVy arose seitcsadlot wirawMwrwftearaicard Previous a&cartsrMd rut apply P le a se c a ll J ill: (905)849-6400 Food L o v e rs , come work with us! DRIVERS FULLTIME. With G Lie. std auto, trans. Small car for Burl/Oak. Able (o lift 50 lbs. Consider car & driver. Call: John, 2pm-4pm, Halton Aulo Electric 281 Speers Rd, Oak. (905)845-2118 FA N TA S Y F rult M arkets Now H iring: experienced Produce M anager, good starling salary: fulltime ex perienced Produce Clerks. Start $ 1 1/hr.; lu ll-lim e & pan-lim e Cashiers; Parttime Deli; fulltime experi enced Grocery Clerks. Ap ply In person: 427 Speers Rd.. Oakville, 842-3602 EARN Extra SMS* For The Holidays! The Added Touch requires seasonal h e lp meil order pickers/ packers Hours available are In the evening and night shilts. Fax resume: (905)3381486 or visit t i l t North Service Rd E.. Oekvile No appointment necessary ALOERSHOTGreenhoutet re qu ire s F/T help in l i t maintenance department This Is a challenging position that otters e lot of va ria b ility. M aintenance training i t not e tte n tie l. mechanical aptitude is. Fax resume to 632-4022 or drop oft to: 1135 Gallagher Rd . Burlington._______________ NEW Canadian company looking tor Hairstylists. Ju nior Hairstylists Assistants. Barbers. Managers end Nail Technicians. Wo otter bate salary commission lor interview call. 639-4418. or send resume lo: Profitzone Corp. 34 P laint Rd. West, Bur. ON L7T IE9 MATURE person required lo distribute laundry lo em ployees In en Induslrlel en vironm ent. M ilton plant. Suitable tor retired or semiretired individual Please lax resum e to: 905-5609616 or cell 905-560-9394. between 9am-6pm._______ WAREHOUSE person...... Experienced- Full-tim e-P o sition d u tie s include: shipping, receiving stock ing and organixmg ware house Forklllt operation required. Apply The Pel Supply Ud . 906-466-4444 EARN C hristm as Money Today! Pizza Delivery Driv ers Needed immediately. Fun end pert-line Hourly · not per delivery! Venous lo cations in the Burlington & O a kville areas... C all (905)979-1231____________ MICROFILM Service. Oak ville com pany requires general labour. S7.75/hr. plus benefits Fax resume/ te lle r lo: (905)825-1338: Call (905)825-1166 HANDYMAN, experienced tor new home construction site In O akville. Conslrudlon labourer also required. C all Norm or Diane (905)257-7481 or (416)605-5248___________ UNIQUE Caregiver (or 20-yr old male, private homo. 20 hrs/wk. Own transportation Near QEW, Stoney Creek. (905)662-1351 JANITORIAL Contractor re quires part-time Cleaners lor evening and weoksnd work In Campbleville. Call Frank: 905-371-2032 Please fax resume and salary expectations by Dec. 14/99, te: (905) 844-8310 Initiative, ability to be sell-directed and to be a part ol a team is essential. We are looking tor a Manage ment Parson. 2 day time cashiers. 1 dall clerk and 2 people to do grocery stocking, or dering 8 receiving. These are perm, positions full & part-time, starting ASAP (no alter Ihe holiday lay offs). We offer training, benefits & a fun atmosphere. For an application and interview call Lorri, Filiz or Jeremy al ALTERNATIVES MARKET 844-2375, or you can lax a resume to: 844-2917 We look forward to hearing from you. SWISS NOW HIRING Full-time · KITCHEN HELP Will train. Starting rate S9/hr. Apply in Person at STAY independent. Certified personal support w orker availa ble for personal care, h a ir/ nail groom ing, m aal p re paration. laundry, shopping, reading/ correspondence. B urlington area. Reasonable hourly, daily, w eekly rates. 10-years experience caring for seniors in th e ir homes. 333-4253 I personals LIFE wasn't meant to be lived alone...don't you dase/ve to have someone special In your life? Call Misty River IntroductionsToronto's traditional matchmaker 416-777-6302 PINK FLAMINGOS for rent. Proceeds to suppport Multiple Sclerosis Society. Call Pat's Party Rentals. Burlington 333-3034 FAST service, FAX your classified ads. If you can't afford to be tied up on the phone, save time. Use the Burlington Post/Oakville Beaver fax line. Indicate ad size, classification and the days and newspapers you would like it to run in. We will take it from there! If you have any questions about faxing your ads, call us at 632-4440 today! 1011 Upper Middle Rd location ONLY In Oakville (at Eighth Line) * * * * Join Our Record Sales Team **** NOW HIRING · JOIN OUR HAPPY TEAM! V ariou s p o s itio n s a v ailab le In the fo o d service industry: daytime, evening & late night. Suitable fo r mothers returning to work. High s c h o o l an d c o lle g e s tu d e n ts w e lc o m e . Competitive wage. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - W ILL TRAIN! addmore o T iic fi n im r t u r c L I lick* winners ROYAL Canadian Sea Ca dets raffle winners- 1st. R. Seed. 2nd- R. deHooge. 3 rd-Mr. EftOtt. I lost A found FOUND: Black & white small cat. not daclawad. very frtendty. Headon For est area, near Notre Dame High School 336-7415 S TILL M issing since Nov. 12. Week & white male cal. Nelson Park area. If you have seen ·Felix* please ca l 637-5494 FOUND: Black/ white cat. Guelph Line/ Palmer area Wo ca ll ' Tuxedo*. 637-7325_______________ LOST: Round diam ond pendant sat in white gold. Came off stainless steal band necklace, also lost. Oakville area. Sat. Dec 4th Reward. 844-6696________ FOUND: set of keys on George St.. Dec.3/99. Call A Identify. 634-3565. FOUND- Sports jacketblack cloth and leather, near bus stop Upper Mid dle/ Mountaingrove around 2 weeks ago. C all 905319-0735________________ LOST: ladies, gold chain lin k bracelet (old). N ov.27/28th. Plains Rd. area Reward 639-6958 APPLY IN PERSON OR C ALL: Luke or Mary-Lou, M-F, 9am-3pm, at Beaver Foods (a Cara Co.), at Sheridan College 1430 Trafalgar Rd. N. Oakville · 844-8532 Cribs 'N More, Your Baby Superstore Is expanding in Burlington & Ancaster Experienced R e ta il M a n a g e rs For Oakville, Burlington & Ancaster Experienced S a le s S ta ff Immediate openings in Oakville W a re h o u se S ta ff Immedfiate. Must have good driving record Fax application to: (905) 829-2326 PART-TIME Retail sales/ design help required by closet design com pany. Applicant must be motivat ed. s e ll-s ttrte r. Training provided. Please submit resume lo Shirley, in per son et Space Age Shelvng ei 466 Speers Rd . Oekviae. by la x 905-842-5062. or email: sp aceege950hotmailecm RETAIL SALES PERSON 1Large, established customer base >No evenings or Sundays >Salary plus sales bonuses >Comprehensive benefits plan Fax/Write: Bruce Grant 3245 Fairview Street Burlington, Ontario L7N 3L1 Fax: (905) 681-2806 HCA PERMANENT PART-TIME NIGHTS. Smaller Burlington retirement home. ' Eta:, working conditions. Housekeeping duties & support lo nursing stall. Resumes: Alin: Sue Alexander CHRISTOPHER COURT Retirement Home, 392 Pearl Sl,, Burl, ON L7R2M9 Fax: (905)639-9171 · FAX: SA LES P O S IT IO N S Have you been out o l the work force to r a tew years, raising a fa m ily? · Do you enjoy home decorating & helping people? · Are you looking lo r a career thal is challenging & rewarding? It so, we may have the perfect job lor youl · We are a successful chain ol lurnilure & gilt boutiques located In Ontario. · We need you lo work 15-20 hrs. per week during evening & weekend periods. · We will provide you with extensive training, including a lull tour of our factory. Tq join our team, apply in netson. with a resume: 632-8165 A D U LTS REQUIRED To Deliver The Oakville Beaver Door to Door Let us Know: · What hours you prefer · How much you would like to earn per month · What route area you prefer WORK DENTAL HYGIENIST & TREATMENT COORDINATOR required 20-30 hrs per week. Forward resumes to: 3505 Upper Middle Rd., Burlington. Ontario L7M-4C6 D EN TA L A s a ltla n l lo r quality, modern North Oakvilla other HARP Certified E xpart com m unication/ good computar skills Call 905-257-3368 (msg) DENTAL Assistant- Pan ama. excellent houra. highly m o liva ia d , excellent interpersonal skills a must. Fax resumt (905)829-9177 C r a te D e s ig n s L td . 162 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakville, ON L6J1H4 LOST 8 FOUND Delivery Days are: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Weekend: You will have up to 10 am Sunday to finish delivery. You will receive the papers on Saturday If interested please call 845-9742 Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 6:30 pm. Or Saturday between 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm Join Our Uniglobe Travel Team S e n io r P /T V a c a tio n C o n s u lta n t w ith S a b re ex p erien c e . Please fax resume to: (905) 827-7285 or mail to: Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE ol charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 Uniglobe Glen Abbey Travel 2441 Lakeshore Rd. West, Oakville L6L 5V5 Attn: Karen FI TNESS CAREERS II you are career minded & believe in litnessthenwehavean opportunity lor you. On a lirsl come first serve basis we will be hiring permanent lull lime Membership consultants with salary & commission, T ir n tm tc H A . requires- mature WEEKEND MANAGER Weekends / Holidays M ust be se ll motivated Banefits available Apply: 2316 Royal Windsor Dr. al Ford Or- Oakville or ph or fax 338-1966 3ELIVERY/ Shipping help required. Cell Larry 90S336-1296. Shipway Stairs. 1795 Ironslona Or.. BurSECURITY o lllc e rs re quired mmediaiety lor BurHnglon and Oakville. Good rate, vehicle an asset. Please can 905-525-5554 * NOW HIRING · Cooks · Dishwasher Apply in person to Pat or Brett PART-TIME TELEMARKETING REPRESENTATIVE P O S IT IO N A V A ILA BLE Selling lo the Burlington, Oakville. Milton end/or W e il Mississauga markets Monday lo Friday. !7>e position Involves telephone selling lor Community BATHROOM Renovalions, ceramic tllos. drywall and handyman services. Freo estimates call George (905)849-8996 511 ULTRAMAT1C requires ap pointment setters Monday to Friday. Spm-tOpm. 59/hr * bonus. L ea ds/trainlng provided. Call Mrs. Young 333-1737 attar 1pm. EARN extra $55$ Imme diate Part-time telemarket ing position* Day or even ing thills Fun paid trailing. (905)681-8103 Joe Dog's Gasbar Grill 531 B rant S treet Burt. ph #-6 32-5 110 WILLIAMS Coflee P u t req u ire * fu ll-tim e kitchen staff Soma experience a benefit but not raquirad. Apply in parson to: 2070 A ppleby Line (M illcro f! Shopping C entra) or (ax resume to 319-0967 Service. Special Features and J o t Print Salas. M usi te both an organized and lleslble Individual who takes direction w ell. ca ll M ark a t PREMIER FITNESS 905-842-2366 or fax 906-842-2371 SHIPPER/ Receiver Aaalatant for matal stamping company Fork hfl licanaa raquirad. Fax resume: (905>823-5171. There m ay be som e moderate travel Invelvedpictlng up copy. etc. Hourly wage plus commission, appros. 21 hr. weekly. TOTAL Rubbish Removaldemolitions clean-ups. dis posals. bobcat/ mmi exca vating services. Ted (9 05)469-2962. m obile 905-78-2-JUNK (5865) Drop resume lo: The Shopping News 1158 South Service Rd. W. O akville, Ont., L6L5T7 Fax: 827-9950 A ttention: General D irector PRO Movers Short/ long distance. No job too small Insured/ experienced 24hrs.. 7-days/wk. Hom e/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700 t*