31 | Friday July 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .in sid e h alto n .co m Vote for your favourites online at: w w w .readerschoice.oakvillebeaver.com V O T IN G W IL L C O M M E N C E F R ID A Y J U L Y 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 A N D C L O S E S U N D A Y A U G U S T 6 , 2 0 1 7 A T M I D N I G H T (T h a n k y o u The Law Office ofJohn Paladino would like to thank Oakville Beaver readers for your continuous support & confidence in nominating us as finalist for b e s t l a w f ir m & l a w y e r . Your support is greatly appreciated! Oakville JOHN PALADINO L A W O F F IC E CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL CIVIL LITIGATION · WILLS & ESTATES for once again nominating us one of the Best in these two categories: · Pharmacy · Richard Price - Best Pharmacist · REAL ESTATE FAMILY & DIVORCE 447 Speers Road, Suite 200B, Oakville, L6K 3S7 PHONE: 905-842-3311 jpaladino@jplaw.ca VISA FAX: 905-842-7433 www.jplaw.ca W ATCH U S W O M E N COME SEE OUR NEW EXPANSION Featuring: Joseph Ribkoff, Frank Lyman, S im p li, Tribal Lisette & UP Pants and Cartise. Mention this ad and save $25 on purchases of regular priced merchandise over$100 · Back Pain · Improving circulation · Knee pain · Strengthening muscles * Foot conditions · Improving posture -|YyLvv0/ YSEEiNTj IS BELIEVING! Enjoy a FREE Kyboot walking test, at the Medicine Shoppe on Lakeshore Rd. East New Fall Fashions Arriving Daily Z f h w T k ' I J a u For Nom inating Us For Best Overall Customer Service & Best W om en's Clothing Store 1 Pilniam sW au Shopped P H A R M A C Y 2 6 7 L a k e s h o r e R d . E., O a k v ille Mon.-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 9-1 le d ic in e Richard Price Pharmacist/Owner A Trusted name in Oakville for over 20 years! w w w .kyb u n .co m 1131 N o ttin g h ill G a t e g len a bbey OPEN 7 DAYS aweek QEW 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -2 2 7 1 9 0 5 .8 4 2 .2 7 7 0 TTC oam Ds ^ ® qd t o DD ® ouO 0nosG 0nD g oo© t o @@0@ © Q Q ® D D V® qq[f ©®mGM®OD@ @ B o o do© 0© a qd p®@ BsG@ d]B Oakville for Nominating us as your favourite Golf Course! Need help with house-cleaning? Let us do it for you! Discover cleaning service that's affordable, reliable, and convenient. BBB Sunrise Cleaning Services Call us today for a free estimate! GTA's M ost Scenic Golf Course! Servicing Oakville for over 20 years! , 905-567-1199 O Q l Check out our current specials at: www.Sunrise-Cleaning.ca D oin uis for Every Friday _-- -- -. j rzs n Enjoy your life and leave the cleaning to us! 2662 Britannia Rd, Burlington LowviMegolf.com 905.335.6181