15 | Friday A ugust 4 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com Advertorial T h e f a r m e r s ' m a r k e t : y o u r o n e - s to p - s h o p f o r f r e s h n e s s Shopping for groceries at the farmers' market is increasingly becoming the spirit of our times. But what explains this recent infatuation with buying lo cal? Perhaps it's the desire to get back to our roots and to make healthy eating choices with natural, wholesome foods. A more human approach Buying food in public places where local mer chants converge is a surefire way to receive person alized, friendly service reminiscent of the bustling trading posts of the past. Merchants that set up shop in farmers' markets are proud to display the fruits of their labour, to discuss their farming meth ods and to answer all of your questions in order to meet your every need. Furthermore, these friendly labourers are often more than thrilled to provide free samples to further convince you of the quality of their crops. The possibility to communicate directly with lo cal farmers is an opportunity that modern, largescale grocery chains cannot fulfill, as most of their offerings travel long distances before landing on store shelves. Quality products When you buy local, you're guaranteed to be get ting the freshest foods available. Withered vegeta bles or two-week-old eggs at a merchant's stand? Unheard of! In addition, health fanatics that pri oritize foods that are certified organic or produced without preservatives, artifi cial colours, antibiotics and growth hormones can certainly fi ll their reus able bags with everything their heart desires at their neighbourhood market. This summer, take a break from the supermarket and swing by either of Oakville's farmers' markets instead - delicious discoveries and inspiring en counters with friendly farmers await. In te r lo c k in g & C o n c r e te S p e c ia lis ts L R oqE n's j Landscaping Ltd Lw dscApiNq F o r a ll y o u r S ea so n a l N eeds · · · · P e b b le C o n c re te · S ta m p e d C o n c re te In te rlo c kin g · F lag s to n e · W a lk w a y s G a ra g e Floors · P a tio s · D riv e w a ys C u rb s (French) ..... --- all driveways & walkways 10% off Call Mario 905.842.7171 s u n m a r la n d s c a p e .c o m IOI BAEUMLER BOUNCES LIKE RUBBER W E A R S LIKE ROCK I n t e r lo c k p a tio s a n d w a lk w a y s , R e t a in in g W a lls , G a r d e n In s ta lla tio n , S o d d in g & E x c a v a tin g , plus more! C all to d a y fo r a FR EE Q U O T E www.rogeKlaniscaping.oig 905 827-8158 - C a ll fo r F R E E E s tim a te 905.689.9911 · 1.855.766.7822 email: info@ rubaroc.com www.rubaroc.com