w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, A u g u s t 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 | 4 D o w n s izin g o r S e ttlin g an E state in O a kville ? SELL EVERYTHING in ju st 2 Weeks ^ 6 4 7 -6 9 9 -3 4 3 1 M a x S o ld .c o m / O a k v ille L o c a l e x p e r t h e lp in O a k v ille to s e ll e v e r y th in g ! Motorcycle mob snarls traffic by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is asking for the publics help in identifying members of a motorcycle mob that disrupted traffic on a number of highways, including in Oakville, last weekend. On Sunday Aug. 6 between 12:30 p.m., and 2:30 p.m., the OPP Highway Safety Division received numerous complaints about a large group r e fle c tio n s O d < 0 Dr. M a risa D 'A n g elo D r. S h iv a n i S a g g a r We offer full Family Dental Services in our new modern office in a calm and relaxing environment.We are a paperless office and use digital x-rays.We welcome kids, teens, adults and seniors. NEW PATIENTS are welcome and we will accom modate your dental emergencies We will directly bill your insurance company and offer convenient evening and weekend appointments. 2 5 2 5 Old Bronte Road, Suite #130 Palermo Professional Centre (ground floor) v D undee8 tW. * N O ldB ronte R d . P fcieG len R d. w w w .r e fle c tio n s -d e n ta l.c a /c v B o o t walk-on-air Doctors recom m end the kyBoot "kyBoots help you keep balance and activate your muscles, from your toes to your back: they are helpful in the treatm ent o fpain in the heels and forefeet, and are a m ethod o f choice to support th e tre a tm e n t o fp a in in th e A ch illes tendon a n d b a c k ." - Dr. Markus Muller, specialist in orthopaedic surgery, foot surgery practitioner, Lucerne 3 " Une 905-827-8700 of motorcycles travelling as a group and driving in a dangerous manner in Oakville, on the QEW in the vicinity of Hwy 403, and also on highways 409, 401, the Don Valley Parkway and the Gardiner Expressway Police said the mob, which was made up of dozens of motorcyclists, were seen operating their vehicles in an aggressive manner, shutting down sections of the highway and causing major traffic disruptions to rally and perform stunts. "Not only were they driving dangerously and aggressively, at some times they came to a dead stop on the highway causing congestion, chaos, frustration for other motorists and really putting everyone at risk on the highways," said Sgt. Kerry Schmidt, OPP spokesperson in a Twitter video statement. "There could have easily been crashes, collisions and secondary crashes had there been problems in that congestion behind them. All for them to rally together, perform I = 17T PJ 31656 33506 Motorcyclists block highway to perform stunts. Police asking for public's help in identifying riders. | courtesy Ontario Provincial Police stunts, smoke their tires, do wheelies on a public highway. We will not tolerate that and right now we are asking for assistance from the public to identify riders involved in this occurrence." Schmidt emphasized all participants in the mob could be held accountable for actions by any member of that group, not just those who organized it or performed stunts. "If you were one of those riders thinking this was a funny activity and that you were just an innocent bystander or a casual observer I want you to know that by being part of this group you are a party to the offence," he said. "This is your opportunity to come forward and come clean." An OPP helicopter took video of the mob, but the individuals dispersed before they could be apprehended. Police are asking for anyone who took pictures or video or with any other information about this incident to contact them at 416-317-8250. Those wishing to remain anonymous can contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). EN JO Y Getting out & about with a S C O O TE R Easy to purchase, drive and maintain Suitable for air and cruise ship travel A great way to get around and enjoy life! K yB oots w ill help you w ith .... · Back Pain · Improving circulation · Knee pain · Strengthening muscles · Foot conditions · Improving posture T V y fin # ' -S E E tN tj IS B E L IE V IN G ! Enjoy a FREE Kyboot walking test, at the Medicine Shoppe on Lakeshore Rd. East v '^ jy ie d ic in e Sh opped P H A R M A C Y R ic h a rd P ric e P h a rm a c is t/O w n e r 2 67 L a k e s h o re Rd. E., O a k v ille Mon.-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 9-1 A Trusted name in Oakville for over 20 years! w w w .k y b u n .c o m 549 B ronte R d, Oakville 905-825-5335 D V2/ access abilities 154Norsem anS t, Etobicoke 416-237-9654 ® IU I Your a b ility store.O ur passion. 9 0 5 .8 4 2 .2 7 7 0 inf0 @a c c e ssa b ilitie S .C a WWW.aCCeSSObilitieS.CO