www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, August 17, 2017 |34 TD Songs o f Sum m er M usic and A rt set fo r Aug. 19 by Marta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff Above, at the TD Songs of Summer Music and Art, people can try their hand on the Zoosemobile - an interactive drum sculpture created from recycled material. Right, Carl Dixon is one of the performers. |submitted photos The Most Inclusive and Inspiring Wedding Experience! S e p t e m b e r 15-17, 2 0 1 7 International Centre, Mississauga B R ID A LSH$W Daily Fashion Shows Unique Exhibitors Retail Shopping Save $3 Off Online Tickets Using Code NBS17 WWW.NATIONALBRIDALSHOW.COM @NATIONALBRIDAL NEWThis wEEK: The Hitman'S BoDY GuARD, LoGAN LuCKY THE H IT M A N 'S BO D YG U ARD (14A ) Fri-Thu: 1:20,4:10,7:10,9:40 LO G A N LU C K Y(P G ) Fri-Thu: 1:00,3:30,6:50,9:20 THE N U T JO B 2 : Fri: 11:15,12:45,2:50,5:00,7:00 Sat-Sun: 12:45,2:50,5:00,7:00 Mon-Thu: 11:15,12:45,2:50,5:00,7:00 CHURCHILL (PG) Fri - Wed: 8:30 TH EB IG SIC K (14A ) Fri - Thu: 9:00 D U N K IRK (PG) Fri-Tue: 1:10,3:45,6:40,9:00 Wed: 3:45,6:40,9:00 Thu: 1:10,3:45,6:40,9:00 TH E E M O JIM O V IE (G ) Fri: 11:00,12:35,2:30,4:30,6:30 Sat-Sun: 12:35,2:30,4:30,6:30 Mon-Wed: 11:00,12:35,2:30,4:30 Thu: 11:00,12:35,2:30,4:30,6:30 171 Speers Road, Oakville (at Kerr St.) 905-338-6397 (M EW S) SHOWTIMES FOR AUGUST 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 7 weddingbells F U JE fIL M instax CADMEN d o l l h o u s e w p 00 G A Y WEDDING S w w w .f ilm . c a Downtown Oakville presents the TD Songs of Summer M usic and Art on Saturday, Aug. 19 in celebration of the com m unity and the cultural arts. The festival, w hich replaces the former downtown Oakville jazz fes tival, is a free one-day event from 10 a.m.-11 p.m. The Trews Acoustic Show will headline the festival on the TD Towne Square Stage. Other performers will include Carl Dixon, Liz Lockre, Vanessa Marie Carter, the Oakville Symphony Orchestra and more. The event will have six stages, with more than 40 performances, plus multiple interactive art zones throughout the downtown during the day. Kathleen Kovacs will be featured along with the Merriam All Star Band. She was also a runner-up at the CNE Rising Star Competition 2016 and Facebook Fan Favourite award winner 2017. The 15-year-old teen will appear from noon-1 p.m. and 6-7 p.m. at the Merriam M usic Stage. To see the TD Songs of Summer program, visit goo.gl/Pdw2x6. Seven finalists will be perform ing in the Merriam M usic Emerging Artist Competition. More than 100 bands entered the competition, but only 25 made it to studio auditions. The w inning artist or band will re ceive two days in the Merriam Pro duction Studio, $500 toward CD du plication and full video recording for additional content. The winner will be announced on Aug. 21. CharterAbility and The M oon shine Cafe will be providing acces sible musical river cruises from noon to 6 p.m. Departures are from Busby Park every 30 minutes. For informa tion, visit www.charterability.com. People can also listen to m usic on Sixteen M ile Creek. CharterAbility River Cruises will stop near the lawn of the Oakville M useum for perfor m ances at 1, 3 and 5 p.m. Or, people can try their hand on the Zoosem obile -- an interactive drum sculpture created from recy cled material. "TD Songs of Summer M usic and Art was created for everyone in the com m unity to experience and en joy together with each other," Susan Johnston, executive director of the Downtown Oakville Business Im provement Area (BIA), said in a m e dia release. "W e are very lucky to be part of a com m unity that values cultural arts. The festival is highlighting and cel ebrating those values and w e can't wait for the com m unity to experi ence the event."