23 |Thursday August 24, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com CommunityUpdate continued from p. 22 O Thursdays 1:00 - 6:30 pm P E Saturdays 10:30 am - 1:30 pm N Sundays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm wG TUESDAY, AUGUST 29 Kick S tart Your Jo b Search with employ ment specialist Peter Lesser,10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Goodwill - The Amity Group,Oakville Career Centre, 2387 Trafalgar Rd., Unit B5. Free. Call 905-257- 8856. Free exercise/health program fo r seniors, Oakville Seventh-Day Adventist Church offers Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., until Sep tember at Trinity United Church, 1250 McCraney St. E. Call 416-900-3931 or 289 300-0392. O akville C ruze N ight, 6-9 p.m., Tuesdays to Sept. 19, Dorval Drive and North Service Road at Boston Pizza. Antiques, hot rods, classics and sports cars. Nostalgic music, door prizes, and 50/50. Proceeds to local charities. Free. www.oakvillelions.org. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 Targeting Resum es and Cover Letter with employment specialist Peter Lesser, 10 a.m.12:30 p.m. at Goodwill - The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2387 Trafalgar Rd., Unit B5. Free. Call 905-257- 8856. TUESDAY, SEPTEM BER 5 O akville Choral Society holds a registra tion night 7-8 p.m., St. Aidan's Anglican Church, 318 Queen Mary Dr. For info visit www.oakvillechoral.com or call 289-351- 1574. The Angela Bruce Chapter IO DE holds its regular business meeting at St. Paul's Church, 454 Rebecca St. The meeting starts at 1:30 p.m. and refreshments will be served. Visitors are welcome. THURSDAY, SEPTEM BER 7 Codependent N o M ore at the Women's Centre, 10 a.m.-noon. Co-dependency is an emotional/behavioral condition that effects an individual's ability to have a healthy re lationship. Free. Call 905-847-5520 to reg ister. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Four-week confidential Separation and Divorce Support Group at the Women's Centre, beginning Sept. 11, every Monday from 7-8:30 p.m. Confront hardship and loss together. Call 905-847-5520 to register. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Rev. Jen n ifer Potter, foun der o f 4 : One O akville, speaks on human trafficking at St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca St. Oakville at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments at 7 p.m. The Oakville Choral Society holds a reg istration night, 7-8 p.m. First rehearsal is 7:45-10 p.m., St. Aidan's Anglican Church, 318 Queen Mary Dr. Visit www.oakvillechoral.com for info or call 289-351-1574. llf p . Hom ei r a U k r a in ia n = n : te rra c e ta k e -a w a y all prepared and easy to warm up 9 0 5 .3 3 7 .1 4 0 0 e x t . 1 1 6 orders@ terracetakeaway.ca · www.terracetakeaway.ca St. Joseph's Ukrainian Catholic Church 300 River Oaks Blvd. East (at Trafalgar) Oakville ON ,, i ·, . <. ' , ' · -· Food scraps in your recycling bin break the cycle. ' , f * . t Keep things like banana peels, apple cores and tea bags out of your blue box. Proudly sponsored by Visit your municipality's website to learn what can go in your blue box. Stewardship Ontario