Oakville Beaver, 28 Apr 2000, p. 33

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Friday, April 28, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 33 C la s s ic a l m u s i c r e v e a ls m o r e p a s s io n (C ontinued from page 27) BAPTIST CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1215 Lakeshore Rd. W. 827-4157 TATTED (1 block W. of Trafalgar) www.triaityunited.com Reverend Andrew king Director of Music Carole Falconer PREBBYTEBIW KNOX PRESBYTERIAN Lakeshore Rd. at Dunn St Downtown Oakville 844-3472 Rev. H arry M cW illiams NOVDENOMLNATIONAL and taking some OAC courses while she finishes off her Grade 12. After high school, the accomplished musi cian intends to continue pursuing music, earning a Bachelor of Music at university. `T hen I'm open to any possibilities. If something is offered to me by way of performance or teaching or anything, I'll take it - possibly teaching in a school or a conservatory or privately, you never know," she says, adding that a prospective job could be in any musi cal genre, although she prefers classi cal and jazz. "I have a passion for life, and with classical music you can get more of the passion than with pop, in my opinion," she explains. "It's just so much a part of me and always has been. Even with out words, you know what the com poser was thinking when he was com posing it." Cullen's next performance will be at the Kiwanis scholarship concert tomorrow (April 29th) at 8 p.m. in the Noel Ryan Auditorium of the Missis sauga Central Library, 301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. Tickets are available at the door, she says. "I'll be playing last, so the pressure will be on," she says with a laugh. "I'll be expecting to play perfectly." 1250 McCraney St. E. 845-3152 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Sun day Service 10:00 a m . "Sunday is f o r M onday" Sunday 9:30 am. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Praise and Worship Service Message: "Which Way to Heaven?" Pastor Lam bert Baptist ·Concurrent Children's Program & Nursery Care T0.C.C. OAKVILLE CHRISTIAN CENTRE 146 Trafalgar Road P a sto r Ja m e e l A l i - Support, Self-Help Group for Bereavement Available Friday Morning Sunday School, Nursery Care, Youth Devotions All Welcome 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Cantata by our Senior Choir 842-8211 "A Reason to Rejoice" C h ild re n s M in is try P ro gra m A N u rse ry Family Night Tuesday at 6:45 pan. Prayer Meeting, Wednesdayat 7JOpan. P a s to r G o r d o n H . P h illip s R d . 842-0938 ST. PAUL'S UNITED 454 Rebecca S L 845-3427 We p ro vid e su p po rt A c a rin g in tim es o f need th ro ug h Stephen M in is trie s . W eekly S m a ll G roups fo r Youths A A du lts. Sunday Services - l(h30 aan. & 6:00 pan. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:30 p-m. Friday Intercessory Prayer - 7JO pan. Go & Tell The Word Ministries - FCA Welcomes You 1415 T r a f a lg a r 9:45 a.m. Family Bible Hour 1 1 :0 0 a m . " H o w D id I Get Here A nyw ay?" - A c t s 8: 26-30 » INVITES YOU TO ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:15 a m Church School Nursery Sandwich luncheon after worship Minister: Rev. Paul Crittenden C.D. Associate: Allison Playfair Dir. M usic -M ichal Rozycki Everyone Welcome K NO X PR E SB Y T E R IA N SIX T E E N 1150 Dundas S L , W . (Dundas & Lions Valley Park Rd.) R ev. G . W a lte r R e a d I) Mill I* 6:30 p.m. " H ow God Formed the World" J m L ) 1331 M U N N 'S U N IT E D C H U R C H Minister: Rev. Meg Grieve Director of Music: Rita Lamptugh Dundas Hwy. & 6th Line 257-8434 10:00 a m . W orsh ip 2 n d S u n d a y o f E a ste r Serm on: " W h a t / L e a r n e d th is E a s t e r ' Sacrament o f Baptism S unday School & N ursery Provided ST.JOHN'S UNITED CHURCH Dunn SL & Church SL 905-845-0551 T h eL ittleC h u rc hW ithT h eB igW e lc o m e 10:30 ajn. Sunday Worship BRETHREN L NCHRIST S O M E T H IN G N E W U N D E R T H E SU N !... l(h30ajn. T R A FA LG A R P R E SB Y T E R IA N 354 Upper Middle Rd. at Trafalgar (Enter from Trafalgar to White Oaks Blvd. E. N. on Litchfield) Rev. Feme Reeve P astor B r a x y C avey invites you to come join us at "a church f o r p e o p le w ho aren't into church! " INDEPENDENT BAPTIST P la c m fc rW n r M eeting: Morning Worship, Junior Church (N urs MILLENNIUM SERVICE Hymn Sing Journey of Faith - 2000 years Planned by the Worship Conwnittee 842-2800 9 :00 & 11:00 a.m . S u n d ay S ervices Sunday School - Nursery - Creche Rev. Jim McKnight - Minister Elaine Morris - Minister Brian L. Turnbull - Dir. o f Music Sunday Service 10:00 a.m . Church School Nursery provided So Close...and y e t so fa r? Th e teachings o f Jesus in dialogue w ith other beliefs. "Don' t all Religions Lead To God? " _ Universalism ; Anti-InteUectualism, Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. \0VDF.\0'ILYVn(l\AL SALVATION ARMY G REATER G RAC E M INISTRY Sunday Worship, Junior Church " A C h u rc h in Y o u r C o m m u n ity - & The New Intolerance Iroquois Ridge High School 1123 Glenashton Dr. at Eighth Line, O akville W eekly sm all groups for Youth and Adults F o r m ore inform ation call UO C C's Church O ffice 827-3266 o r visit us at w w w.upperoaks.org Nursery Facilities ___ Children & Youth Program s e rya lw a ysp ro vid e d ) Meeting At: Heritage Glen Public School 1641 Heritage Way Relevant, Helpful, Bible Messages Refreshing Music Family, Friends and Fun Loving Child Care and Classes T H E S A L V A T IO N A R M Y - tu r n in g th e o lo g y in to b io g ra p h y " 1 2 2 5 R e b e c c a S L (between 3rd & 4th Lines) 8 2 7 -5 3 2 4 el b o w s 5 9 @ y a h o o .c o m V is it u s a t : In to w n g u id e .co m / S a lv a tio n A rm y L O R D 'S D A Y C E L E B R A T I O N S 10:15 a.m. Meeting at: River Oaks Recreation Centre, 2400 6th Line, Oakville ·Letting the truth setyo u free ·Teaching G o d ' s covenant c f lave e n d grace M idw ee k service every W hchesday& OOpjn. Mid-week Bible Studies TH E n 5 D R IV E -IN TWIN THEATRES O n N in th L in e - N o rth o f Q.E.W. & S o u th o f H ig h w a y 5. P h o n e 2 5 7 -8 2 7 2 Every Wednesday evening! For more inform ation call: R ick Rust, 847-3530 S u n d a y S chool F o r A ll A ges UNITED W A L T O N U N IT E D 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. 827-1643 C o rn er of B ronte & Lakeshore Rds. www. waltonmemoriaLcom 1 Pastor Mario Charpentier 842-8705 9 : 3 0 a .m . W o r s h ip S e r v ic e 1 1 :0 0 a .m . (N m e ry A. C h ild re n s P rogram D u rin g M e eting ) PENTECOSTAL PG U -5 7 1 AA PIES SKULLS BONUS (Sat only) PITCH BLACK AA ' 1 Walton Welcomes You SUNDAY, APRIL 30 9 JO aan. Larger Family Service Sunday S chool & N ursery C are CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST, OAKVILLE 2522 Rebecca Street 465-0475 Evening Fellowship pentecostal church b 1 4 50 Rebecca Street. Oakville. 1 9051827-0251 Pastor D e a n S kinner n _ f r e q u e n c y _" PLUS F IN A L D E S T IN A T IO N " aa AA BONUS (Sat only) SCREAM 3 G ates Open &30 PM M OVIE STA R TS AT DUSK TH E 5 DRIVE-IN - your best in entertainment 2 first-run features! FM stereo sound! Children Under 13 admitted FREE! No babysitting costs, 11:00 a m . Traditional Service Lemerand Loewe Musical Concert Sat & Sure, AprS 29,30 7JO pjn. T i c k e t s a t th e d o o r o r o f f ic e . 8 2 7 - 1 6 4 3 C om e W orship W ith Us U.C.W. Nearly New Rum m age Sale Friday, April 28 7:00-9:00 pjn. Saturday, April 29 8J0-11D0 a m Parenting Seminar LOWEST PRICE IN THE AREA! T U E S ., $ 4 .2 5 ; F R I., SA T., S U N ., S 8 .5 0 Monday, May17JO pjn. Pre Schoolers TUesday, May 2 7JO pm SchoolAge Chidren AO Welcome Check out o u r website: www. waltonmemoriaLcom 10:30 a.m . S u n d a y S erv ice & Sunday School Wednesday Testimony Service 7:30 p.m. Nursery Provided 9:00 a m . Traditional 11:00 a m . Contemporary N u rs e ry <S C h ild re n s C h u rch to G r. 6 6:00 p.m . Praise & Inspiration The PentecostalAssembliesofCanada Affiliated with OPEN 4 DAYS A WEEK! |

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