Sunday, November 7, 1999 O akville Beaver - READER'S SELECTION 15 2 0 Page Pull-out fe a tu re ! O a k v ille 's fa v o u rite s , a s s e le c te d b y Y ou, o u r re a d e rs! X CWfcicf/i S OfM/ieC'S' This year's Reader's Selection Awards are for top honours, so readers have the opportunity to choose from the top three picks in each category. The three nominees have been tabulated from 2206 ballots received. Take a look inside to preview the top nominees in each of the 138 categories. Choose your favourites and send in or drop off the ballot to The Oakville Beaver. Winners will appear Sunday, November 28, 1999 / % - Send in or drop off ballot on page 16 to: T h e Oakville B eaver Reader's Selection Awards 467 Speers Road Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 Fax: Reader's Selection 337-5568 or E-mail: