22 Oakville Beaver - READER'S SELECTION Sunday November 7,1999 TOPPICKS B e st A dult D a n c e In stru ctio n B est D a n c e F lo o r zTha/iA ijou Find out for yourself why Oakville loves Fred Astaire BED Call the dance professionals at Fred Astaire Dance Studios and you'll be dancing and hurling, too! Ballroom dancing is fun and great exercise. What are you waiting for? THANK YOU OAKVILLE FO R TH E NOMINATION Thank You Oakville! f o r n o m in a tin g u s a s y o u r c h o ic e in Best Fitness Club. THE MUSICAL INSTRUCTION IN ALL INSTRUMENTS for nominating us Readers Appreciation Special 5 hours of dance for $25* Striving to be 1 for the 6th year in a row | We carry a full line o f m usical instrum ents (Guitars, pianos, drums, brass &woodwind, amplifiers etc.) GYM NAUTILUS SPORTS/MEDICAL INC. Offer ends November 21/99 accessories, books and sheet music. 11 LAKESHORE RD. W . SBM BE DANCE STUDIO S* 225 Lakeshore Road East, 2nd Floor Downtown Oakville 1 block w est o f Trafalgar Rd. (Entrance from both Lakeshore Road and parking lot o f Church Street) The m anagem ent and s ta ff o f H i-Note w ould like to thank our custom ers & friends for their patronage and continued support. We look forward to serving you in the N ew Year and w ish everyone a safe and happy holiday season! 131 K err St., Oakville (Comer of Kerr & John S t) `S ten t E N E R G I Z E LOSE BODY FAT · INCREASE TONE 3 -4 5 MINUTE VISITS PER WEEK 99 NAUTILUS · FREE WEIGHTS · CARDIO EQUIP. & CLASSES SUPERVISION & SERVICE www.fredastaire.com 'N e w a d u lt s tu d e n ts o n ly 8 4 2 -3 7 9 7 Happy Holidays from your one stop shop m usic centre 845-3751 est.1982 8 4 4 -1 6 1 0 F IS C A L AG ENTS Since 1977 SAVI NGS & I NVESTMENT CENTRE C A L L T H E P R O F E S S IO N A L CarE GALL & ASSOCIATES OPTOMETRISTS Thank you Oakville for your votes as one of Oakville's Finest Drugstores We specialize in a full line of alternative medications & home health care products. Free prescription delivery. Seniors Discount. Mon. Fri. 9-7, Sat. 9-5 "Our goal is clear comfortable vision." Laser Vision Correction · Contact Lenses & Glasses Wheelchair Access* Evening & Saturday Appointments 247 North Service Rd. West New Patients Welcome Suite 203 at Dorval Drive Proud to be considered one of O akville s fin est investm ent firm s. To receive your book entided `T h e Ten Principals o f B eing Rich" call 8 4 4 -7 7 0 0 25 Lakeshore Road West http://www.fiscalagents.com Thank you for your support. 9 0 5-338-2020 Doctor Ronald Gall 'Tf>===7 fV \\Rexall Drugstore A T D O R V A L D R IV E . O lC X tlL L ))1291 291 Lakeshore Road, Road. Fast East Oakville 905-842-2770 LAKESHCPEFD WEST ` iH a n kT o u Oatqiitle a J w illG fo r nom inating us in th Best B ridal Store catego. Stimulates Natural Self-Healing Shiatsu is a natural and drugless hands-on therapy and is beneficial fo r people o f all ages and conditions. The aim o f Shiatsu is to relax the nervous system and improve one' s health by stimulating the body' s natural power or recuperation. It is specially effective in removing the fatigue anxiety caused by the daily stresses and tension o f life. Some pathological conditions that respond well to Shiatsu: Whiplash · Carpal Tunnel Syndrome · Frozen Shoulder · Back Pain · N eck & Shoulder Stiffness · M igraine & Headaches · Blood Circulation · Insom nia · Asthma · Fibromyalgia · Sciatica · Digestive Problems · P.M.S. & Menopause · Stress & Depression KTRODUCTORY TREATMENT Shiatsu fo r nominating us, it's Seen a pleasure serving you. from a d o f us at eajom d Im A a n m Bridals $2 9 9 - $7 0 0 Also 15% off all floor models Inquire aSout in-fiouse and off-premise catering services. Selected Ball Gowns & Party Dresses s99°° Nov. 7-20,1999 Oakville Designer Collection exclusively a t DOR-MEL Appointments A dvised ' 15 LIMITED TIME Call (905) 339-1261 www.carmenscatering.com Carmen's Catering located in the Holiday Inn-Oakville ··*» ·*f r» ** . * - · »-% lA Call F O R A N A P P O IN T M E N T THUMBS UP 4 SHIATSU 2464 Lakeshore Rd. W. (Bronte Village) D O R " M E L B r i S k l f t f t m i i l W c A r S a Iom (905) 465-0445 90 Reynolds St. L Tf 4 i 2 3 3 8 -3 2 2 0 £ . <* . * . ****** 4 * 1 A W L ' r ·. . 1 . . k A