Sunday, November 7, 1999 Oakville Beaver - READER'S SELECTION 27 THANK YOU OAKVILLE FOR NOMINATING THE HALTON VACUUM DEPOT AS ONE OF THE BEST VACUUM SHOPS IN THE HALTON REGION. YOUR GOOD TASTE FOR QUALITY PRODUCTS AND OUTSTANDING SERVICE IS OUR REWARD! D o n ' t Luci A Vacuum * 7 J ® A Penny! P lu g In A B e a m ! SPECIAL OFFER.MILLENNIUM EDITION! Includes Millenium Edition Central Vacuum System, heavy duty 3 stage 5.7 motor, Butler Electric Powerhead, 30' reinforced hose with 2-way switch, (turns powerhead "on" or "off) with Lite Touch handle, plus deluxe attachment set. BUTLER PACKAGE for nominating us 4 years in a row for best paint/decorating store! BBHIgrj eofioo SPECIAL EDITION RUGMASTER PACKAGE In te lliW a tch c o m p u rterize d m o to r w a rra n ty m o n ito rin g s yste m Includes Millenium Edition Central Vacuum System, heavy duty 3 stage 5.7 motor, Rugmaster Special Edition Electric Powerhead with cord management, 30' reinforced total control hose with LiteTouchTM handle and deluxe attachment set. Scratch 6 Save 10-50% on f t FULLER and Paints *3.79 Litre only, deeper colours extra O ffer expires November 17/99 flBRlEfr 6 month No Interest/No Payment O.A.C. See store for details The Factory may have moved but the Beam Store is still here to serve you 699( VOTED #1 OAKVILLE PAINT STORE P a in te r's P la c e 2 Locations to serve you! Maple Grove Village, Oakville, 8 4 9 - 0 8 8 6 Store Hours: Mon -Wed. 8-6, Thurs. 8-7, Fri. 8 9, Sat. 9 6 Halton Vacuum Depot 2379 Trafalgar Road 257-6145 § C e n t r a l C l e a n in g 5 6 3 6 Glen Erin D rive , F both S T O R E S ^ Open Sunday J 12-4 J (Longo's Plaza), 8 5 8 -1 7 0 8 BEAM At: The Loblaws Plaza next to Pizza Hut M o n . - T h u r s . 9 :3 0 -6 :0 0 F r i. 9 : 3 0 - 8 : 0 0 S a t . 9 :3 0 -4 :0 0 S u n . 1 2 -4 :0 0 New BlizzakTM WS50 WinterBiter now with UNI-P technology Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8-9, Sat. 9 6 Blizzak tires - now even better! New Winter Dueler for Blizzak tires 4x4`s, fo r y o u r tru c k ! light trucks & SUVs |c ^ |_ N ow g e t Multi-cell compound absorbs water on ice to give exceptional traction. Uni-direcbonal tread enhances wet and snow grip. UNI-T technology improves performance in all conditions. Limited Road Hazard Protection.' · Multi-cell compound provides enhanced absorption of water for better traction on ice. Tread designed to retain softness and grip at low temperatures. Thanks Oakville for nominating us four years in a row for BEST Beer & Wine making facility! UNI-T' technology improves performance in all conditions. ________ Lim ited Road Hazard Protection: ZlllOOESTUtlE SIZE P175/70R13 P195/60R14 P205/65R15 P215/65R16 PRICE 89.95 122.95 135.95 145.95 SIZE P235/70R15 P225/70R16 P245/70R16 s Trademark of Bridgestone Corporation 'Trademark of Brid PRICE 149.95 169.95 181.95 BniDCESTone wtfh comparable Bridgestone tire * prorated cost Some re Front Disc Oil, Lube and RearDium Brake Service Filter Change Brake Service Replace front disc pads, inspect rotors, calipers and hydraulic system. Resurface rotors as required and road test vehicle. Includes metallic disc pads. $ 8 9 fe s tC a rs Drain oil and change filter. Lubricate chassis as required. Refill oil to manufacturers specification. Inspect suspen sion, steering and exhaust sys tems. Verify all fluid levels and top up as required. Replace rear brake shoes, inspect drums, hardware, cables and hydraulic system. Resurface drums as required and road test vehicle. Our Thanks to You... r i I I $ 280 Speers Rd., Oakville B e tw e e n K e rr S t & D o rv a l [:,-- ®79P?,. i Any Batch of BEER/WINE ojb p re p a re d by yo u on s it e ! MOORE'S TIRE CENTRE A T tk lo Most s Cars S O /B 5 10 OFF HOURS I tfaet O a & v it ie fa n t£ e '7lo*Ki*uztc<y*t ^ a l i d until N o v e m b e r 30/99. Not valid with a ny other offer. * excluding full g r a i n j ptr o _i % Q.E.W. Hours: M on.-Fri. 8-6, S a t 8-4 Accredited Test & Repair Facility J tr SPEERS RD. 5C lEfn intern 3!keu> $tou£e 481 North Service Rd. (justwestof Dorval) Call for an appointment MON-FRI 12-8 SATURDAY 9-5 SUNDAY 11-3 North Service Rd. I EIN STEIN 481 O h n x LE I 825-BEER (2337) Q.E.W. iii- y