Sunday, November 7, 1999 Oakville Beaver - READER'S SELECTION 29 L I G H T U P Y O U R LIFE ^ (tO ttk T h an k You ioP m tT N om in ation o f BEST LIGHTING STORE * J k * ft (h M k For nominating us. vO A K V IL L RS R U N N I And for those of you who haven't visited us yet - come & see what you are missing! O ur ty lC fH u / l/ f/ e {((j/ t f l/ K j A LE 1 9 5 7 - 1997 Located at the intersection of Winston Churchill & the Q.E.W. You'll appreciate the extras ... 71 rooms 3 whirlpool suites Free continental "plus" breakfast, weekday newspaper, in-room coffee, local telephone calls & free parking A warm Country welcome awaits you. Q.E.W. & Winston Churchill Blvd. 2930 South Sheridan Way Oakville, Ontario L6J 7J8 40 a u ssin a is L IG H T IN G S H O W R O O M S I V Bilans T W O G R E A T L O C A T IO N S T O S E R V E Y O U ! 4104 SOUTH SERVICE RO BURLINGTON ONTARIO 6 8 1 -3 6 5 4 M i INGl Ema RT STREET OAKVILLE OWTARO 8 4 5 2461 E L E C T R IC SHOWROOM POLICY A cozy stay at a comfortable price* Oakville, Ontario CO UNTRY BY CARLSON (905) 829-8020 INN Reservations: 800-456-4000 /T ,, -- (n A KOHLER OWNED COMPANY What Canac Customers are saying. " ** -- :s = "r" - 5 S I 5 - .- I ^ 5 3 " .. ......... i .^ M p le o s l 't i f M K I T C H E N ! ' ^ n `o u £ X ^ ,` m f0,,m ] Accredited Member f ig g l American Academy of C osmetic D entistry* Setting the Standard Thank you O a kville , for nom inating C anac. W ith over 2 5 years experience, w e have served thousands o f satisfied customers. Dr. Stephen Phelan I w o u ld like to th a n k all m y p a tie n ts w h o h a v e n o m in a te d m e in th e "Best D e n tis t" c a te g o ry Creating sensational smiles through comprehensive esthetic, restorative and implant dentistry 490 Speers Rd. (1/4 mile west of Dorval Rd.) Oakville · 842-5222 1500 Heritage way, Oakville 827-1619