Oakville Beaver, 21 Nov 1999, p. 29

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Sunday, November 21, 1999 Oakville Beaver Weekend 29 T he Oakville B eaver C lassified houses for sale BY Owner - 3 bedroom Bungalow, finished inlaw suite, near downtown and tra n sp ortatio n to GO. $196,900.00 (905)8446875. Open House Sunday November 21, 1 - 3 pm 287 Maurice Drive. Oakville PRIVATE. South East Bur lington. 4 Level backsplit on quiet court. Pie lot, 3 + 1 bedrooms , 2 bath. New Ikea kitchen with ceramics and Hardwood throughout. $197,000. Call (905)3333666____________________ OPEN House- Sunday, 24pm, 603 Locust St. Down town Core area, Landscapped. 4-bedroom , 2 bath, fro n t verandah, 1 block to schools. Reduced to $243,900. Private. (905)637-8363________________ OAKVILLE. New Freehold townhouse, 3-bdrms, large corner lot, on mature ravine. 2-1/2 baths, Jacuzzi, separate drivew ay. $217,000. (905)624-3953 houses for sale apartments & flats for rent BONUS! All classified ads appear @ WWW. The site your community clicks on! :RI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. /ION. - F X : 632-8165 h TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 O R 337-5610 FA ^ apartments & flats torrent Real Estate 100-165 Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 apartments & flats for rent ---------------- 1 To Burlington Towers If you are.... · Single... new to workforce! · Couple., tw o income... starting out! · Senior... needing to join a com munity! WHITE Oaks. Luxury 2bedroom + den. available Dec./Jan. Well- maintained complex, full rec. facilities including indoor pool, sun ken livingroom... some with fireplace! Call 815-1628 2-BEDROOM A p a rt ments $760. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 297 Queens Ave.. Oakville. Freshly painted 3-bedroom apartments. Available Dec./ Jan. Full rec. facilities. Call 842-8338 BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1&2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS From $620./mo. Includes utilities and 1 outside parking! EXECUTIVE furnished 1bedroom apartment: private entrance, gas fireplace, 6 appliances, completely selfcontained in 1-storey home. South Burlington. $1350/mo. inclusive. L. Da vies R.E., (905)333-4347 SPACIOUS 3 bedroom townhouse in Oakville/ Falgarwood area. 2 appliances & all u tilitie s included. Available December 15th. $1030/mo. Call Joe (905) 689-9922________________ O A K V ILLE - 3-Bedrooms available Dec. 1st through Jan. 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 $349./MO. Luxury Suite. Bathroom, laundry, kitchen fa c ilitie s , own entrance. N on-sm oker. Im m ediate. Utilities included. Burling ton. (905)681-7355. Leave message ______________ ROOM with private bath and rec-room, laundry and cooking facilities. Close to Sheridan C ollege and Oakville Place. No parking. 338-6922________________ ROOM in house- nonsm oker. On 6th Line across from Rec. Centre. $350./month. Christine, 905-338-5546____________ 1 furnished room- imme diate. Small $400/mo. cable/hydro included. Alex, cell: (905)515-3292_______ BURLINGTON, Francis Rd. Private m aster bedroom, well furnished, use of all facilities, free cable. $360/ mo. 632-4694____________ EXTRA large room for rent in Century home. Guelph Line /Lakeshore, all ameni ties included. Non-smoker, parking. Immediate. $499. 681-0464 after 7pm. ^ 12- condom inium s torrent FAN TASTIC - 35th A nni ve rsary Sale- 50% offStienway 'M ' Baby grand P iano Ebony, like new $14,500.; Cherry/ Mahoga ny D/R- Bedroom suites; 9/ 12pc Dinete sets, $2,800. 4 up. Bedroom suites 6pce, $1,750. +up. Appointment only. Terms: cash/ visa, in teract, Delivery available. 905-227-9458____________ FREE E s tim a te s - Love your sofa and chairs? Hat# your colours? Give Fields a call! Great Savings! Sofas from $598 ... Chairs from $198. Senior D iscounts. Fields Custom Upholstering, 632-9090, Daily 9-9 FRIDGE, 2-door; Stove, 3 0 '; Autom atic Washer, Dryer. Reasonable. Under warranty. Call (905)5491911____________________ FRIDGE 5 years old.excellent condition, $400. Stove, $80. Car seat. $25. Infant travel playpen, $60. Gate, $10. C rib m attress. $15. (905)849-0785___________ FRIDGE- full size, white, good condition, $250. 6318258, evenings.__________ FUR coat- Coyote- Full length. Size 12-14. $1,000. OBO. Call (905)547-8916________________ S K I'S d o w n h ill/ cro ss country, Aquariums, Dog/ Bird cages. Xmas mugs, garden pots, wine glasses.. R easonable prices. The Reuse C entre. 3335 N .S ervice, Burlington. Wed/Thurs/Fri-12-8pm; Sat9-5pm; Sun-1-4pm. LADIES casual clothing size 7-8, great condition, all seasons. $ 10 -20 /per-item. Bauer Inline skates, boys size-5/ladies-7, $40. Back pack 'O utbound' suitable fo r long journeys. $65. Sony-C am corder, $450. Ladies Peugot (21-speed M.Bike) $200.631-7574 MAYTAG Washer 4 dryer, excellent condition. $425. 632-1295 ask for Chris. MINK C oat- black, fu ll length, hardly worn, fit IQ14. $1600, originally $5000. 639-9787________________ MOVING Sale: Custom drapes. $1000. Maple bed 4 m irror, $1000. Custom carpet runner. $80. Plus other items. 333-6359 MOVING, 2 9 ' Sharp TV, new, $600.; Sleep Factory futon, blue, $200.; Westinghouse 10,000 BTU air con d itio n e r, $200.; new Queensize headboard, mattress/ boxspring, $200.; ^ kitchen set; livingroom set. 632-1074________________ MOVING: Kenmore fridge, 1 year old. excellent condition. Pet carrier 4 pet litter box with lid. 631-6550 PIANO- 1937 Stanley upright. Needs work. $200. 631-9298________________ PIANO- apartm ent size. Maiison-Riche (Cecilian), A -* 1 condition w/bench. $1200. 639-7065, leave message. POOL table- solid wood, Olhouzen, 4x8 plus acces sories 2yrs. new, $2,500.. Complete almond kitchen, including 4 appliances. $1,250. 639-6772________^ REFRIGERATOR, 2-door; stove. 30'. White. Working great! $400/pr.; refrigerator 4 stove, gold, $250/pr; Guaranteed or repaired free. (519)647-9964 RETAIL store fixtures for sale.... glass shelving, fur niture. etc. Please call (905)845-6160___________ SOFA- 3 seater, antique rose 4 arm chair, $250., new ly reupholstered. Washer 4 dryer, stackable, apartment size. $200. obo. 631-8668________________ WASHER 4 Dryer- Beamark, heavy duty, cream. $350. Dryer. Inglish Citation . white. $100. 257-7168 (905) 690-1896 GROUND floor, 2-bedroom bungalow, garage. A/C, laundry. $960/m o.+ half utilitie s. West Oakville. Available Dec. 1st. 639-6055 1 bedroom apartment- Mar ine Dr. Furnished & equipt. A/C, $1300/mo, utilities in cluded. Garage. Long/short term. Immediate. Manuela Coelho, Sales Rep., Prudential TownCentre Realty (905)338-6550 1-BEDROOM, Lakeshore & Devon. Neat. $575/mo. Dec. 1st. Separate entrance. Suit single or student. First & last. references. (905)842-1048___________ 1+ bedroom- new kitchen, parking, share laundry, on bus route, walk to lake. (Bronte). $750/mo inclusive first & last, December 1st or 15th. Suite single person, non-smoker. 825-0111 BURUNGTON / LakeshoreAmazing lakefront view1large bedroom apartment, available Dec. 1st, $880 ex ercise room, heat & hydro included. (416)802-9770 or (905)637-9149.___________ BURUNGTON Lakeshore century duplex- 2 bedroom, fridge, stove, laundry, cen tral air, parking, hydro. $1,050/mo. 523-1621 BURLINGTON. Bright, large basement apartment. Suit quiet, non-smoking fe male. C/A, garage. No pets. $600/mo. (905)331-5758 BURLINGTON Downtown W ellington Place. 478 Pearl Street. Newly deco rated 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartm ents with scenic views. 632-1643 All The Advantages of Condo Living YOU DESERVE A 1-BEDROOM APT at BURLINGTON TOWERS Ask about our "Added Value" feature ...a `FREE' Microwave or VCR ·som e restrictions apply ---:--------------------- 9 BARKLEY Towers, Burling ton. 2 & 3 -bedroom, starting $720 Available immediately. Hydro, heat, fridge, stove. Parking available. No pets. 6 32 0961, M-F, 9-5 & 6-9, Sat. 9-5._____________________ 3-Bdrm 2-Level BDRM + DEN & BDRM SUITES Townhomes 2418 Glenmod School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Available Immediately C all 6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 EXECUTIVE Condo townhouse, North O akville, 2300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 21/2 baths, fam ilyroom , 5 appliances, fireplace, air, garage. Jan. $1650/mo. Trafalgar P roperty Man agement, Warren Hill, 3381130____________________ EXECUTIVE townhom eGlen Abbey. 3 bedroom. Short/long Term. Available December 1st. $1575./mo + utilities. (905)-827-6762 AT Georgian Court Estates, 611 Surrey Lane, 243 bed room, Park like setting. Near shopping, schools, GO, Hwy, Pool, Tennis, U tilitie s included. 905632-8547 Magnificent Indoor Pool & Fitness Centre · Utilities & Parking Included · Fantastic Location! With solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Conveniently located in the Mapleview area! «416-390-6279® Y T Y Y Y EARN $1,000 - $2,000. Now for your Residence! Triple 'A ' corporate clients waiting to move in! All your bills paid for 1-12 months! Don't leave your home unsecured! 681-RENT (7368) HARBOURVIEW: Fabulous 1500 sq.ft, suite overlook ing lake! 6 appliances, 2 parking, 2 ensuites, beauti fully finished. $1850/incl. Immediate. Linda Davies R.E., (905)333-4347 1- 2 bedroom $775 + utili ties, 1- 1 bedroom, $650 + utilities, 1- 1 bedroom, $550 + utilities. Joe A. Boersema, Sales Rep., Re/max Garden City, (905)333-3500 f l u i houses for rent O A K V ILLE bungalow close to downtown, 3 bed rooms, 4 appliances, fin ished basement, 2 bath rooms, garage. A/C. No pets. $1,150/mo. Available Dec. 1 (905)847-1246 or (905)847-3708.___________ QUIET street, walking dis tance to schools, 4 bed rooms, 2 baths, sun room, garage. Well maintained. $1395./mo. Available anytime. 825-9654.___________ OAKVILLE, 4-bedroom, 5 appliances, fully finished basement. Mowat/ River Oaks. $1,55Q/mo. plus utilities. Dec. 1st 844-3105 O AKVILLE- Glen Abbey. Luxury executive home, 2storey, 3-bedroom, finished basement w/bedroom, recroom 4 kitchenette. 7 ap pliances, spacious ravine lot. $2500/month. Jan. 1/ 2000. (905)501-1675 HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Sales Rep. (905)639-5258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor BUNGALOW- 2 bedroom, garage. 5 appliances, fenced yard, Lakeshore, walk downtown Burlington, $1.295/mo, Dec. 1st., 3335506 ext. 50. Active Man agement_________________ BURLINGTON, 4-bedroom 2-storey, garage, bam on 2 acres. $1500/mo.+ utilities. Matt Bikich, Homelife State, (905)319-3237___________ 4 bedroom - 2.5 baths, open concept, conveinetly located North Burlington. $1,500. available Dec. 15. 637-3071________________ EXECUTIVE 4 bedroom home, 3 bath, brand new, Burlington, Available. D ec.1/99, $2,250/month, Neil 416-725-3098, neil@pegsoft.com TO VIEW CALL (905) 639-8583 BURLINGTON TOWERS A P A R T M E N T S 2 & 3 Bedrooms Also Available ELEGANT, Georgian style loft townhouse condo. 1 bedroom. Hardwood floors. Gas F/P. C/A, many u p grades. Finished base ment. 1.5 bathroom s, Downtown Burlington- near GO, lake, shopping, restau rants. $146,900. 905-6340523 336-0016 or 336-0015: Tyandaga Terrace, Burling ton. Freshly decorated 142 bedrooms, November. Lowrise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios.___________________ OLD Oakville in beautifully maintained, quiet building downtown, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 2bedroom , $1080/m o.; 1bed-room: $925/mo. Please leave message (905)8458254.____________________ FREE. Apartment Locator. Save time and money. One Stop Apartment Shop. All areas and p ric e s..... (905)331-5700___________ BURUNGTON- 2-bedroom apartments. Well- located, quiet building. Near down town, buses, highway, lake. Call (905)333-0869. B U R LIN G TO N . P ark-like setting. Prestigious area near Tyandaga Golf Course. Must be seen to be appreciated: 1-bedrooms available Dec. 1st. Heat/ hydro/ appliances included. (905)335-3001 CENTRAL Burlington. Now a vailable. Fresh paint, hardwood, near GO, park, schools. Free parking, big, 2-bedroom apartm ents. 2043 Prospect St. No dogs. $725. S enior's discount. 637-3988.________________ ON-THE-LAKE- Bronte 1 bedroom plus large loft, $1,350. all inclusive. Sin gle professional. (905) 8272266 evenings. BROCK Lakeshore 3 bed room. 1.5 baths, garage, air, 5 appliances, avail Dec 1st $1250. 905 803-9267 OAKVILLE 2 bedroom tri plex apartment near down town Bronte. Freshly ren ovated. non-smoker only. Heat, water included, $850./m onth + hydro. (905)616-0029.___________ DOWNTOWN Oakville. 1 bedroom $975./inclusive and spacious 2 bedroom, triplex, wood deck for BBQ. $1250 plus hydro. Call (905)844-8581 9arm5pm. GHENT Ave. Spacious, clean 2-bedroom, fridge, stove, parking. Newly reno vated. Central, quiet. J a n .1st.. $740/mo. Jeff days 905-333-3720. OGEORGIAN Apartments. Dec ./Jan./Feb. 1,243 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro includ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F; 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm R E F U R B I S H E D Apartm ents. Downtown Burlington. Elizabeth Manor, 477 Elizabeth Street. .1,243 Bedroom A partm ents with spectacular view. 6 3 4 9374____________________ O A K V ILLE Lakeshore/ Kerr Bright, spacious 2bedroom, (above stores), 4 appliances. parking. Dec. 1st. $995/mo+ hydro. (905)842-3196 I 9 S H H U S H O R T -T E R M R E N T A L S QEW /FO RD- 3 bedroom house, 3 baths, fireplace, parking, all inclusive, im m ediate. $425./m onthly 829-1439________________ BURLINGTON- S.E New home. Share all facilities, parking. Clean working per son p referred. $475/m o 639-7327________________ O A K V ILLE -H opedale Mall house. Female want ed, kids okay. Some re sponsibilities, fair rent. Har vey (416)574-5439 (905)469-1096. m shared accommodation BURLINGTON We will bridge the accommodation gap between your present address and your future address! WE specialize in C ondo minium Sales. Linda Da vies Real Estate Ltd., Real tor, 333-4347. 827-7728 INEXPENSIVE warehouse space for lease. 18,000 sq.ft, or less, also 2,100. Truck level access. O ak ville. Joe Luyk, (905)8457597 ^ industrial /commercial space 1&2 Bedroom Superior Quality Furnished & 1 Bedroom Unfurnished Suites Available ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $852+ Ontario Street (at Maple) OAKVILLE Downtown. Re ta il/ o ffic e / com m ercial units. 1100 sq.ft. & 1200 sq.ft. (905)845-6160, (416)746-9494 (9 0 5 ) 639-8583 Mon.-Fri. 9am-7pm: Sat. 10am-5pm Sun. 11am-5pm http://www.rent.net/direct/burlingtontowers 795 Dynes Road Tel: 6 3 9-174 8 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt EAST BURLINGTON- 2 bedroom condo townhouse. Rec-room. $949/ mo., cable included. Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor. 905-632-5690.____________ 3 bedroom condim inium townhomes close to QEW, schools and shopping. $1,450 to $1,600. + utilities. Available Dec. 1st. For ap pointment call Terry 905616-1937________________ 3-BEDROOM spacious, clean tow nhouse. Lakeshore/ Francis Rd. Easy hwy. access. Jan. 1st. $900./mo. 639-0354, after 5pm_____________________ BURLINGTON -3 bedroom. 1yr lease, $775./m onth. First/ last. Stove, fridge in cluded. Partial laundry. Im m ediatley. 902-8358182____________________ FLO R ID A 2-bedroom house for rent. Available December-April, located in W icki W acchi. $700/m o. (U.S) +utili-ties. 829-5160. S H O R T -T E R M R E N T A L S $$ Government Funds $$. Grants and loans informa tion to sta rt and expand your business or farm. 1800-505-8866____________ AROMATHERAPY market is exploding! Therapeutic grade organic, essential oils. Free audio. 1-888870-9910 24 hrs.__________ INVESTORS wanted to get a new product line ready for a Junior Capital Pool. For more inform a tio n call (905)842-1792 TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW Bachelors Irnm $659.* 1-BdrPilfQrr) $769, * Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 ` (2% disc, included) LOWER level of house near Guelph Line/ Upper Middle separate w alk-out en trance, 2 bedroom s, no smoking/ pets. $700/mo. utilities included. Immediate 639-3435 Tony___________ 1-BEDROOM, Dec/Jan., $755/mo.+ $3Q/car. Sunken livingroom, eat-in kitchens. Quick QEW access, Guelph Line near New St., Bur lington. 637-9725 f r J rentals 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) FAN TASTIC - 35th A n n i versary S ale- 50% o ffGrandfather Clock- 3 pee eastlake Victorian settee, Vernon Martin Commode, china cabs, odd chairs, as sorted desks, odd tables, Royal Doultons. Appoint ment only. Terms: cash/ visa, intera ct. D elivery available. 905-227-9458 BEDS, New. Double set $220; Queen set $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. 681-9496._______ SIT On It- Don't Sit In It! R eplacem ent foam for cushions. Residential/ com mercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9, 7 days/ week! 632-9090 Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lofts · Studios · 1 &2 Bedroom Suites > All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths > Indoor pool & saunas ( "* * · Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. > Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. accesS B U R L IN G T O N SQUARE (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm Inq uire a b o u t o u r B R A N D N E W , DELUXE Northshore Towers 1&2 Bedroom Apt. Avail. Dec./JanVFeb. $750/mo. to $850/mo. Utilities incl · No Pets Quiet Building CARDEN APARTMENTS Includes 9'6` ceilings, Jacuzzi, double vanity sinks + more! Available December 15th. DOWNTOWN Burlington. 2bedroom s. $985/m o.+ A va ila b le J a n .1st. C all Forbes (416)420-3952 or (905)842-9275___________ LAKESHORE. Burlington2-bedroom available Jan./ Feb. Call 681-7126 Profes sionally managed by L.T. Greenwin Property Man agement DOWNTOWN Oakville, 2bedrooms, 5 appliances, fireplace, C/A. Dec./Jan. $1,350/mo. inclusive. Call Forbes. (416)420-3952; (905)842-9275____________ LAKESH O R E/ Maple. 1bedroom available Jan. 1st. Beautiful lakefront view, in door pool, heat/ hydro in cluded. Bus stops at door. Close to Mapleview Mall. JBMH. Great highway ac cess. (905)632-5258 OAKVILLE- Upper Middle/ Trafalgar. Bright, clean 2 bedroom basement apart ment $800/m o. Call (416)782-0780.___________ Diane, 9am-7pm A pts & Townhomes Near W aterfront! 681-1307 · Burl. DOWNTOWN, Burlington, 2-bedroom , Dec. 1st/ Jan. 1st.; 1-bedroom, Imme diate. W ell m aintained, quiet b uilding. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake. 637-0321_________________ BASEMENT apartment par tially furnished, 1-bedroom. Utilities, cable, parking in cluded. $625/mo. First/ last. References. 639-1729 HEART of Bronte, 50 East Street... Steps from the lake and harbour. 1-bedroom, Immediate/ Dec. 1st. Clean, quiet building. (905)8250816 O A K V IL LE - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated Suites. 1&2 Bedrooms from $775. Call Linda 844-5474 O A K V IL LE . 199 Queen Mary D rive ..... near all am enities. 3-bedroom s. Utilities included. $1150/ mo+ parking. Immediate/ Dec/Jan. (905)844-9006 DOWNTOWN O akville. N ice, clean b uilding: 1bedroom, $800/mo.+ hydro. Available Dec. 1st/ Jan. 1st; 2-bedroom, $900/mo.+ hy dro, J a n .1st. (905)8498453 Large suites, freshly painted & carpeted with new windows and baths. No pets. 480 Maple Ave. Burlington (905) 639-5079 FURNISHED Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm Corporate. Executive Homes. Condos. 1-2 baths, 6 appliances, Central Air, Jacuzzi, recreation centre, pool, security, TV, VCR, stereo, from $1295-2995/ month. 681-RENT (7368). FREE E stim a te s... Got w obbly chairs., weak springs... tired looking wood finish e s? We do it all! Custom wood refinishing/ fu rn itu re repairs. Fields BURLINGTON: Jan. 1st. : Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 632-9090__________ 2bedroom from $892.85/ mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances. C ARPETS, H undreds of 1.5 baths, near schools, Colours/ styles. Including shopping. Park-like setting; 'Stainmaster*. Will do L/R3bedrooms, $989.75/mo. D/R for $319. includes un 333-1190.________________ derpad/ installation. 905510-0589________________ BURLINGTON- Luxury 3 4 4 bedroom townhouses + CARPET - I have several family room 4 3 appliances, 1,000 yds. of new Stain1300 4 1600 Sq.Ft. + master 4 100% nylon car basement, fenced in back pet. W ill do livingroom 4 yard $1100 4 $1200 + utili hall for $349. Includes car ties, parking $40. (905)639pet. pad 4 installation (30 0950____________________ yards). Steve, 639-2902 TRAFALGAR/ McCraneyGreat Location! 3-bedrooms, 5 appliances, ga rage, $1400/mo. Available Jan. 1st. John, (905)4580409, leave message SOUTH Burlington, near Roseland. Convenient lo cation! 3-bedrooms, 3 ap pliances, C/A, underground parking, pool. $1200/mo. Dec. 1st. Call Mon-Fri., 9-5; Linda Davies R.E., (905)333-4347 C HRISTM AS S A LE Save$$$. Antiques, solid Cherry/Mahogany 8-10pce D/R's... Professionally Re finished $ 2,4 50 .+up.; 1930's M ahogany china cabinet. (905)-465-1493 DININGROOM suite - solid teak. 4 chairs (rust color cloth seats), table w/2 leafs. 2-pce buffet. Contempo rary styling. Needs refin ishing. Asking $250. obo. Call 632-0068. TTTTT O A K V ILLE Townhouse New, 3 Bedrooms, 21/2 Bathrooms, 4 Appliances. Close to amenities. Im mediate Occupancy. 8279584

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