Oakville Beaver, 22 Sep 2017, p. 7

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7 | Friday Septem ber 22, 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com Residents have the right to be heard continued from p.6 I have encountered people w h o think that Glen Abbey is ` j u st a golf cou rse'. Yes, it is a golf course, but n o t ju st any golf course. It is the unofficial h om e of the Canadian Open. It is the site where golf history has been made. It is a Canadian course that is know n around the world. Still, som e people rem ain unim pressed and say, `I don't follow golf so w hy should I care?' Those people care w hen they realize it is also approxim ately 2 2 9 acres of green space n ext to a flood plain. The devastation recently caused by H urri canes H arvey and Irm a is a rem inder of w hy w e need to preserve green space. W e learned that lesson right here in 1 9 5 4 w hen H urricane Hazel tore through southern Ontario. To this day m y parents' h om e, brand new in 1 9 5 4 , bears a scar from H urricane Ha zel in the form of a flood line along the cinder block basem ent walls. It is a rem inder that w a ter is a powerful and relentless force. There are guidelines in place to p rotect the Greater Golden H orseshoe from such natural disasters. W h y w ould w e w an t to p u t Oakville at risk by paving over such a large sw ath of green Lettertothe Editor Authentic Montessori at its Best - For Ages 18 mo.-12 yrs. >An empowering curriculum that engages children >Individual focus to define your child's learning >Community atmosphere that makes students feel included and valued »Creative expression allows your child to explore their own interests and talents ' OPEN HOUSE ' C C M A space n ext to a flood plain? The other m isconception I have heard w hen talking to people is the idea that a big corp ora tion will always win. In fact, m any people seem to believe they already have. W ith that m indset they think there is little they can do to affect the ou tcom e so w hy bother. Perhaps this is the result of good m arketing on the part of developers or the idea that m ight is right. I don't have the answer to that question, but I believe it has led to m any people throwing up their arm s and saying, `W h y bother trying to save the course because in the long ru n we w on 't w in .' Frankly, that ju st m akes m e sad. W e live in a wonderful cou ntry where w e have the right to express our opinion. L et us never forget it. As for G oogle' s jok e, "W h at is the difference between ignorance and apathy?" The answer w as, "I don't know and I don't care." W ell, thanks to the hard w ork of a group of dedicated and passionate volunteers the people of Oakville do k now and they do care. O n behalf of thousands of citizens, I re spectfully ask that Council continue to p rotect Glen Abbey Golf C ourse from development. ft Sat. Oct. 21st. 10:00 a.m .-1:00 p.m. F A IR V IE W G L E N MONTESSORI SCHOOL 9 0 5 .6 3 4 .0 7 8 1 · f a i r v i e w g l e n .c o m A.J. Parsons, Oakville O A K V I L L E 'S L O W E S T R A T E S ! H e a lt h © S e n s e M E D IC A L Travel C linic Vaccines, M edications, Pre & Post Travel Advice P rotect your fam ily w ith travel vaccines Y ellow Fever V a cc in atio n C e n tre d e sig n a te d by H ea lth C an ada H s c h o o l H T R A N S P O R T A T IO N 905. 338.0044 24 H O URS 7D AYSAW EEK Plus, va cc in es for typhoid, m alariw , tra v e lle r's d iarrh ea, polio, h e p a titis , te ta n u s , a ttitu d e s ic k n e s s a n d m ore PharmawSense H ealth ©Sense M E D I C A L 2983 Westoak Trails Blvd (South of Dundas St W, at Bronte Rd) 905-825-D O C S Visit Travel Health on our website for the latest Health Canada travel advisories. www.HealthSenseMedical.ca

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