47 | T h u rsd a y O c to b e r 5 , 2 0 1 7 | "Connected to your Community" Please send your animal photo, with a brief photo caption explaining the photo, along with who should get the photo credit, and the B ea ver will do its best to publish the submissions in our new Animal Tales feature. Please forward submissions to ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com. Dragonflies at the pond Dozens of different species of beauti fully coloured drag onflies can be found throughout Oakville during the sum mer. This photo was submitted by Randy Droniuk who said it's a `mating wheel' of Halloween pennants, one of the prettiest dragonflies. The red is the male, the yel low, the female. Desperate times... When you're hungry, you're hungry. Oakville's Barbara McMath saw this raccoon in the early morning hours looking for goldfish in her pond. The raccoon ate a dozen. OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m | Randy Droniuk photo | Barbara McMath photo Preparing for Thanksgiving Awaiting the harvest t ^ . |X m\ ^ I , lj k lfl' r ' / ^ * « H p fg l | Smith Family photo Oakville residents Wendy and James Smith shared a photo of their tabby cat, Oz, who was `helping' them decorate their house for Thanksgiving. "Happy Thanksgiving," said the Smiths. |Jerry Reid photo Jerry Reid of Oakville caught this cute bunny `hiding' under a bush. It was OK in the spring, but not so funny when the carrots were growing in the garden.