www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, October 5, 2017 |4 =TQ V e.CQ · · FLYERS · C O U P O N S · D EA LS · C A S H BACK inside today's B eaver www.insideHALTON.com 6 34 35 Arts S ports Classified 36 38 42 For home delivery & customer service S potlight Health B eaver Trails Food Basics, Fortinos, FreshCo, Home Hardware, Kohl & Frisch, Longo's, Metro, Monastery Bakery & Deli, Nature's Emporium, No Frills, Palma Pasta, Promobiz Solutions, Real Canadian Superstore, Rona, Sobeys, The Toronto Star, Walmart call 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -6 0 9 5 , 5 3 0 0 Harvester Rd., Burlington S A V E v: $3.00 O N P A R T i C i P A T i N G NEw su B scR ip T iO N s call 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -6 0 9 5 or subscribe online at www.oakvillebeaver.com * A ll flyers not necessarily delivered to all homes R Q YA LE- PRO D U CTS* For more news, visit oakvillebeaver.com Halton District School Board ChildrensMiracleNetwork.ca AND H ELP R A ISE $200,000* FOR CHILDREN'S MIRACLE NETW ORK & LOCAL CHILDREN's Ho s p ITAL s Public invited to Community Planning & Partnerships Meeting PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE THE MIRACLES ARE. G e t t h is c o u p o n a n d m o r e a t w w w .w a lm a r t .c a / e n / c o u p o n s ` Coupons subjectto availability. T rick or Treat? W e ChooseTeat! Save an EXTRA $5 Site-Wide with WAGJAGSTREAT Community organizations and members of the public are invited to the Community Planning and Partnerships meeting to discuss potential planning and partnership opportunities in Halton District School Board facilities. Partnership opportunities in open and operating schools, and co-build opportunities for proposed new schools as well as a new Board Administrative Centre will be discussed at the meeting on: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 7:00 pm J.W. Singleton Education Centre (Boardroom) 2050 Guelph Line, Burlington, ON L7P 5A8 For more information about available space in existing schools and co-build opportunities, please visit: https://www.hdsb.ca/ourboard/Pages/Departments/Planning/ Community-Planning-and-Partnerships.aspx Dr. Marisa D'Angelo Dr. Shivani Saggar We offer full Family Dental Services in our new modern office in a calm and relaxing environment.We are a paperless office and use digital x-rays. We welcom e kids, teens, adults and seniors. NEW PATIENTS are w elcom e and we will accom m odate your dental emergencies.We will directly bill your insurance com pany and offer convenient evening and weekend appointments. Wag Jag Pick Your Treat Here: WagJag.com/SURPRISE O ld Bronte Rd. Offer is valid from O ctober 0 1 ,2 0 1 7 12:01 AM E S T to October 28, 2017 1 1:59 PM EST. Valid on a ll offers that transact o nw agjag.com excluding Grocery and Travel offers. Minimum spend is $40.00. Som e exclusions m ay apply. Se e W agJag.co m /G ro u p B u yTe rm s for more inform ation. Lim it one H I per person. 2525 Old Bronte Road, Suite #130 Palermo Professional Centre (g ro u n d floor) N . DundasStW. t | s S'1Line 905-827-8700 www.reflections-dental.ca Phis Glen Rd. i