15 | Friday O ctober 1 3, 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com Health & . ^Wellness | Advertorial Isn't It About Time For A Hearing Test??? Come And Visit An Independent, Caring Family Hearing Aid Clinic A ll S e r v ic e s , S a l e s , H e a r in g T e sts, P ro g ra m m in g , R e p a ir s , B a tte r ie s , H o m e V isits J e n n ife r N olan W endy C asw ell Breast reconstruction event Bra Day is a Canadian Cancer Society initiative that promotes education, awareness and access for women considering post-mastectomy breast recon struction. The free event takes place on Wednesday, Oct. 25 between 6 and 8 p.m. at Joseph Brant Hospital. At the event, women will hear from Dr. Douglas Grace, a leading local plastic surgeon who will present the options available to women considering post-mas tectomy reconstructive surgery and answer ques tions about the procedure. Women will also hear patient stories and connect with others who have been through breast cancer and opted for reconstructive surgery. A highlight of the annual event is always the Show & Share Lounge, where volunteers show attendees the real-life results of their breast reconstruction. While reconstructive surgery might not be the best option for every woman, every woman deserves to have access to accurate, unbiased information so that she can make an informed decision. This event helps women develop realistic expectations of what reconstruction can achieve. To register for the Joseph Brant Hospital Bra Day event, being held in the Busby Learning Centre on the main level of the new South Tower, visit bra-day.com. Latest in technology, models and styles, blue tooth and accessories. Price ranges from $ 5 0 0 00 to elite levels. ° v r e r 3 5 y e a r* °fknow led ge and^ n Z . LAKESHORE HEARING BHANDARI Family Dentistry Dr. Bhandari is an advocate of oral health with 3 1years of experience. He and his team pride themselves for their professional and comprehensive approach to dentistry. D r. Bhandari has proudly worked with a number of celebrities throughout his career, helping them maintain their red carpet worthy smiles! iw , P PARAMEDICAL SERVICES Established Since 1979 BRING IN YOUR FAMILY FOR A CHECK-UP AT OUR NEW MODERN CLINIC Customer care is our core concern. Whether you're looking for general maintenance, regular check-up treatments or cosmetic dentistry, we can help. Give Dr. Bhandari a call to book your appointment or consultation. 113 JONES STREET, OAKVILLE, ON · 9 0 5 - 8 2 7 - 2 9 0 2 a c t u a l p a t ie n t t r e a t m e n t s by d r . b h a n d a r i · Patient Counselling · Complete Diabetic Care · Home Visits Voted Oakville's Before and After, In- Office W hitening followed by 4 Veneers Before Crowns After Crowns Fabio De Rango Pharmacist/Owner Favourite Pharmacist & Pharmacy · Consultations · Free RX Delivery · Free Nutrition Counselling DE RANGO PHARMACY INC 4 7 8 D undas S treet W est 19 0 5 - 2 5 7 - 9 7 3 7 Porcelain Veneers Crowns and Bridges Teeth Whitening Restorations Composite Resin Dental Implants Laser Dentistry New Patients & Dental Emergencies Welcome DE RANGO PHARMACY INC 2501 Third Line 19 0 5 -4 6 5 - 3 0 0 0 Open 2 4 hrs · 7 D ays a W eek Periodontist on site DR. VIN EET B H A N D A R I B S cD IH DDS w w w .s h o p p e rs d ru g m a rt.c a 905.825.5110 M o n d a y to Friday 7:30 - 5:00. Evening and Saturday appointments available. Dr. Marisa D'Angelo Dr. Shivani Saggar We offer full Family Dental Services in our new modern office in a calm and relaxing environment.We are a paperless office and use digital x-rays. We welcom e kids, teens, adults and seniors. NEW PATIENTS are w elcom e and we will accom m odate your dental emergencies.We will directly bill your insurance com pany and offer convenient evening and weekend appointments. 2525 Old Bronte Road, Suite #130 Palermo Professional Centre (ground floor) P alerm o P rofessional C e n tre 2 5 2 5 Old Bronte Rd., Suite 4 7 0 Oakville (at Dundas Street) · w w w .bhandaridental.com Old Bronte Rd. Bronte Rd. Dundas SL W . Pine Glen Rd. * N 905-827-8700 w w w .re fle c tio n s -d e n ta l.c a 3" Lkis