17 | Friday O ctober 1 3, 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com Marta Marychuk Reporter m ma rych uk@oa kvi Ilebeaver.com A ilscene "Connected to your Community" A Canadian Music Theatre Project (CMTP) workshop is in progress with Sheridan Bachelor of Music Theatre - Performance students, | submitted photo S h e rid a n 's C M TP p resen ts fe s tiv a l o f m u sicals Sheridan's Canadian M usic Theatre Project (C M TP), where the hit Broadway m usi cal Come From Away w as hrst developed, will provide audiences with a chance to be am ong the first to see four new projects in development at the upcom ing Festival of New M usicals Oct. 13-15. The new m usicals will be staged at the Oakville cam pus of Sheridan College, Mac donald Heaslip Hall, 1430 Trafalgar Rd. Performances will be held Friday, Oct. 13, at 7 p.m .; Saturday, Oct. 14, at 4 p.m. (with a one-hour break for dinner at 6 p.m .); and, Sunday, Oct. 15 at 1 p.m. Students from Sheridan's Bachelor of M u sic Theatre Performance Class of 2018 will perform the 45-m inute, staged readings of the following four m usicals, with each cre ative team introducing their projects: new m usical looks at an extraordinary life from two wildly opposing points of view. Music and English Lyrics: Neil Eartram English Eook and Director: Brian Hill Man darin Eook and Lyrics: Nick Rongjun Yu Music Director: Lily Ling Co-developed by the CMTP in partnership with the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre. Set in postwar Lanarkshire, Scotland and based on a true story, My Eonnie Lass! chronicles the life of Maggie, a w orking class mother of three. W hen tragedy strikes and M aggie's world is turned upside down, she m ust rely on her strength, her sense of humour, and above all, her loyal group of friends to pull her through. With m usic by acclaimed recording artist Johnny Reid, this is a love letter to his grand mother and all the wom en of her genera tion. It is a celebration of the hum an spirit, the power of a m other's love, and the way these w om en always m ade the m ost out of life even when they seem ed to have nothing. Co-Creator (Eook, Music and Lyrics): Matt Murray Co-Creator (Eook, Music and Lyrics): John ny Reid Director: Mary Francis Moore Music Director: Eob Foster that trace back as far as the 1970s. A series of inquiries and m edia investigations would reveal a practise by Saskatoon police of pick ing up First Nations people, driving them outside the city limits, and abandoning them in the dead of winter at the side of the road. After three Indigenous m en are found frozen on the prairie, the question would arise as to whether or not their deaths were a result of this practise, which has become known as "starlight tours." This m usical mystery explores a clash of cultures while celebrating the strength and resilience of two young wom en, one Cree, one white, who are able to find hope and a way forward. Eook: Cathy Elliott Music and Lyrics: Leslie Arden Director: Dennis Garnhum Music Director: Jason Jestadt Presented in partnership with the Grand Theatre, London, Ont. To purchase tickets visit https://tickets. sheridancollege.ca. Cocksure Lads Dusty is a Toronto kid who loves the m u sic of the 1960s British Invasion -- so m uch so that he m odels him self and his band, The Cocksure Lads, after it. But this passion puts him on a collision course with the m odern world, and tests his ideas of love, loyalty and authenticity. Eook, Music and Lyrics: Murray Foster Music and Lyrics: Mike Ford Director: Steven Gallagher Music Director: Mark Camilleri Creative Consultant and Co-Producer: Eob Hallett Bethune Little known in his native Canada, Nor m an Bethune becam e an icon in M aoist Chi na. This is ju st one of the m any dichotomies that m ade up this com plicated man. This Starlight Tours Starlight Tours is based on factual events reported in Saskatchewan in the early 2000s My Bonnie Lass!