2017 g e t u p to m o d e l s + financing fo r 8 4 m o n th s * in p ric e a d ju s tm e n ts 1 o n s e le c te d m o d e ls 2017 E la n tra U lt im a t e · S t o c k # N 1 7 6 9 6 · G r e y F in a n c e fo r o n ly Ultimate model shown Vehicle may not be exactly as shown *155 .9 7 $ 0 B i-W e e k ly + HST For M o n th s w ith d o w Q% 84 n AVAILABLE ONLY A T HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE! For Every In S to c k 2017 V e h ic le R e c e iv e th e *Free Oil C h a n g e s fo r th e N ext Five Years! See d e a le r fo r details. Active and veteran Military personnel receive up to $1,500 in price adjustments.1 MILITARY.HYUNDAICANADA.COM 5 -Y E A R /1 0 0 ,0 0 0 KM Comprehensive Limited W arranty ln c lu d e s $2 ,9 5 0 in p ric e a d ju s tm e n ts 0 Selling price: $28,278. Delivery, D estination & Fees Included. Plus HST: GST/PST. F IV E S T A R P R O G R A M ' H Y u rm m 5 -Y E A R /1 0 0 ,0 0 0 KM Powertrain W arranty 5 -Y E A R /1 0 0 ,0 0 0 KM Emission W arranty 5-YEA R /U N LIM ITED KM 24h Roadside Assistance <K>HYUnDFII OF PROUDLYSERVING H K V IL L E OAKVILLE FOR OVER YEARS! 00 3 C D z jc o O rr\ Q ) JST . CL 5 2 S o ^ > CD HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE 2 5 0 0 South Service Road W. · 9 0 5 .8 4 5 .7 7 9 1 · www.hyundaiofoakville.ca TM/®The Hyundai name, logos, product names,feature names, images andslogansaretrademarksowned or licensed by HyundaiAuto Canada Corp.All othertrademarks arethe property oftheir respective owners. tFinance offers available O.A.C.from Hyundai Financial Services based on a new2017 Elantra LEAuto/ 2017 Tucson 2.0L FWD / 2017 Santa Fe Sport 2.4L FWD models with an annualfinance rate of 0%/0%/0%. Weekly payments are $56/$69/$79 for84/84/84 months. $0/$1,745/$1,345 down payment required. Trade-in value may be applied to down payment amount. Selling price is $20,337/$26,937/$30,137. Cost of borrowing is $0/$0/$0. Finance offers include Delivery and Destination charge of $1,705/$1,805/$1,905, levies and all applicable charges(excluding HST). Finance offers exclude registration, insurance, PPSA, licensefees, and dealeradmin.feesof upto$499. Fees mayvary by dealer. Price adjustmentsare calculated againstthe vehicle'sstarting price. Price adjustments of$500/$1,000/$1,000/$1,000 available on finance and cash purchase onlyof new in stock2017 Santa Fe Sport 2.4L Fw D/2017 Elantra Ultimate/2017 Tucson 1.6T Ultimate/2017 Santa Fe Sport 2.0T Ultimate models. Price adjustments applied before taxes. Offercannot be combined or used in conjunction with any other available offers. Offer is non-transferable and cannot be assigned. No vehicle trade-in required. Price of modelsshown: 2017 Elantra Ultimate/2017 Santa Fe Sport 2.0T Ultimate/2017 Tucson 1.6T Ultimate are $29,637/$45,637/$39,637. Prices include Delivery and Destination charges of $1,705/$1,905/$1,805, levies and all applicable charges (excluding HST). Prices exclude registration, insurance, PPSA, license fees and dealer admin.fees of upto $499. Fees may vary by dealer. HOffers available for a limited time andsubject to change or cancellation without notice. Deliveryand Destination charge includesfreight, P.D.I. andafulltankofgas. Dealer maysellfor less. Inventory is limited, dealerorder may be required.Visit www.hyundaicanada.comorseedealerforcompletedetails. ttHyundai'sComprehensive LimitedWarrantycoverage covers most vehiclecomponents againstdefects in workmanship under normaluse and maintenance conditions. ±Certain restrictionsapply. Customers must presenttheir proof of Military relationship and I.D. attime of purchaseto receivespecial price discount offtheir purchase. Programsubjectto change orcancellation without notice.Visit military.hyundaicanada.comorseedealerforcomplete details. See dealerforStockN17696 pricing.