www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, October 20, 2017 |2 8 Overcome TM CLASS SIZES o f three to twelve students FACILITIES are modern and well-equipped with a new 3 0 ,0 0 0 sq .ft. building INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL PLANS are completedfor each student AFTER SCHOOL SUPPORTf o r elementary and secondary students ASSESSMENT AND COUNSELLING SATURDAY OCTOBER 21 10AM-2PM OPEN HOUSE academic difficulties C hisholm A ca d e m y offers a structured an d n u rtu rin g en viron m en t for students w ith learn in g difficulties o r w ho req u ire extra su pp ort to be successful. B o th a ca d e m ic an d applied cou rses are offered an d every student has an Individual E d u ca tio n P lan. NOW OFFERING GRADES 7 & 8 (in addition to Grades 9-12) 1484 Cornwall Road | Oakville, ON | 905.844.3240 | www.chisholmacademy.com (B u ssin g av ailab le from B u rlin g to n , th ro u g h to T o ro n to )