TH E O A K V IL LE BEAVER Friday, October 29, 1999 I W here? C e n tra l B a p t is t C h u rc h Auction benefits Amnesty International In this article, I will be discussing our recent cam paign work, as well on Nov. 13th. Your local Amnesty International (AI) group met on Sept. 7th, after a break for the summer. A warm greeting was shared between our regular volunteers plus some new m embers. W hen? 1 3 th 3S ° Ur uPcom'ng A uct' on ancl Sale J & im ~ r A 8 D ELICIOUSSTICKS OF CRAZY.BREAD 2 4 SLICE DEEP DISH! 24 SLICES OF DEEP DISH PEPPERONI PIZZA CAESAR W I N G S ^ W M ji ..................... 99 P IU S TAX PLU S fA X ADDITIONAL TOPPINGS *2°.° EACH F n T n T m m m m m F lu * T a x P e p p e ro n i & C h e e c e w ic m P e r P iz z a M IN IM U M P U R I m m m n n i i i B iia iio B J C I n r l S I U l i l T * r ir A U n i i r r u i n i n i · y o u b e d l A S C O F At P I Z Z A S i f o n i o r o u r B u t i t r r p it t a w ig h t * , n A N A tir A B t o r N H i u r c o o t ) ? « > v i f t t r o m u o u a n d e o e iiN » i i n d i u n i t c a iu r i 2441 Lakeshore Rd. W. in Bronte Village Mall 827-7778 511 Maple Grove Rd. in Maple Grove Village WE ACCEPT: VISA E R IC A N EXPRESS 842-1114 A b rie f overview of AMNESTY the w orkings o f AI was INTERNATIONAL com pleted and the group got down to busi ness. O ur goal is to start each m eeting by w riting letters on b ehalf o f a priso n er o f co n science plus review inform ation on the case that has been assigned to our group. Presently, we are w ork ing on a case to get India to follow up on the m urder o f Jalil A ndrabi, a law yer and hum an rights defender. He was arrested by m em bers o f a param ilitary force on M arch 9th, 1996. He was found in the river oh M arch 27th, 1996 -- he had been dead for about a w eek from a gun shot wound to the head. To date, no arrests have been m ade, although there is evidence that the perpetrator o f the crim e is known to the govern ment. We also have plans to w ork on a new case w hich involves a group o f parents o f "disappeared" children in India. We hope to be able to give the parents som e moral support plus try to draw m edia attention to their plight. O ur fun d raisin g ev en t for the year is an auction and sale. A uction goods and services are donated by local m erchants. The v ariety o f item s is am azing and m akes it easy to find that special som ething for C hristm as gift-giving. As w ell as the auction, we usually have new cloth ing that has been donated from a local store, as well as `seconds' from Arrow shirts. O ccasionally, we also have `seconds' from Levi jeans. We also have m any used articles that have been donated by friends of Amnesty. The auction and sale will take place at Central B aptist C hurch on Sat. Nov. 13th, from 9 a.m. till noon. C offee and cookies will be provided for your enjoym ent. A m nesty International (A I) is a w orldw ide voluntary, activist m ove ment that works im partially to pre vent violations by governm ents and opposition groups o f people's fun dam ental civil and political rights. Recent events in the world have m ade it ab u n d an tly cle a r how im portant A m nesty International is to the citizens o f countries in tur moil. The O akville group m eets on the first Tuesday o f every m onth at 7:30 p.m. at C entral Baptist Church, 340 R ebecca Street, O akville. New m em bers are w elcom e to com e to our m eetings. T h is c o lu m n w ill a p p e a r on a s e m i re g u la r b a s is . F o r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n , p h o n e R ita a t 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -8 8 2 4 . DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE AT PARTICIPATING LITTLE CAESARS LOCATIONS ONLY. OUT DRIVERS CARRY LESS THAN $20. DELIVERY AREAS UMITED. MINIMUM $9 ORDER. DELIVERY CHARGE APPUES. ©1999 LITTLE CAESARS ENTERPRISES INC.