Oakville Beaver, 29 Oct 1999, p. 42

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, October 29, 1999 With roots going back to 1710, the commitment we have always shared at r P E N N Z O IL - Q U A K E R S TA TE CANADA COMPANY > Royal & SunAlliance su\s with us as we explore new horizons. We remain wholly committed to the customers who look to us for excellence in service, accountability and a strong sense of ethics. We still hold the same trust in our people, and support them in creating success. Join Royal & SunAlliance, and explore a new direction in one of the following roles: PRODUCT CO-ORDINATOR Join the team responsible for the m ost com plete car protection ever offered by a single company. Class "B" or "E" Welcome, Will Train OM PETATIVE W AGES WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH It's about staying on course while exploring new directions. We have positions available in our Toronto and Hamilton offices for individuals with 5+ years of claims experience. Candidates must have sound working knowledge of Auto BI/AB or Property/Casualty claims and be working towards an AIIC Excellent customer service and organizational skills will ensure your success. For the role of Team Leader, you must possess your AIIC and/or a university degree and be able to coach and inspire in a team environment. Our claim offices will be relocating to West Mississauga in April 2000. Please fax your resume by November 12lh, 1999, indicating position of interest, to: Human Resource Services, Royal & SunAlliance, 151 Yonge Street, P.0. Box 4073, Postal Station "A ", Toronto, ON M5W 2R9. Fax: (416) 943-4358. In this position you will: · Assist Brand Managers in all aspects of bringing new products to market and maxim izing sales of current products w hile working w ith both Canadian and U.S. brand teams and agencies. · Develop and update product literature, programs, etc. · M aintain and update plan-o-gram s. · Assist with preparation and presentation of line reviews. · Conduct market and consum er research. R e q u ir e m e n ts : We offer a generous TRANSPORTATION [SERVICING MILTON, OAKVILLE ""' AND SURROUNDING AREAS ATTRIDGE com pensationpackage Intermediate & Senior Claims Representatives including a salary and Leaders commensurate with experience, a flexible and comprehensive benefits program and the opportunity to work in an environment that both recognizes and rewards merit. ROYAL Uf N A L L IA N C E T j| sSu F o m v r d th in k in g sin ce 1 7 1 0 ' /w w .roya lsuna llla nce .ca CALL 1-888-749-1515 LET US STEER YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION FULL-TIME ASSEMBLERS NOW HIRING DAY & AFTERNOON SHIFTS Dav shift hours: M o n .- Thurs., 7am -4pm , Fri., 7am -12.50pm . 40 hrs/w k. Starling rate: $7.50. Afternoon shift hours: M on.-T hurs., 4:15pm -12am , Fri. 1p m -6pm . 36 hrs/w k. S tarting rate $8.55 (inclu des sh ift prem ium ) Ideally a U n iv e rs ity / C ollege graduation w ith 3 to 5 years experience, preferably in consum er packaged goods, com bined with excellent written and oral com m unication skills. Proficient in M icrosoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint is a must. Candidates must be self-directed demonstrating initiative and ownership. Fluency in French w ould be an asset. No phone calls please. We thank all applicants for th eir interest, however, only candidates selected for an interview w ill be contacted. If you believe you are the right person for th is challenge, please subm it your resume and salary expectations in confidence to: APPLICA TIONS A VAILABLE FOR PICK-UP A T ATC-FROST M agnetics Inc. 1130 Eighth Line, Oakville, ON L6H 2R4 Hum an Resources P en n zoil-Q u ak er State Canada C om pany 1101 Blair Rd., Burlington, Ontario, L7M 1T3 fax (905)-827-1827 P e n n z o i l- Q u a k e r S t a t e values diversity and encourages pro-active, Weekends & Holidays Off! Food service provider in Burlington, Oakville & Milton schools requires part-time A g ro w in g re tire m e n t h o m e o p e ra to r in O a k v ille se e ks a C 6 A s tu d e n t f o r th e p o s itio n o f innovative in d iv id u a ls who are passionate about th e ir co n trib u tio n and CAFETERIA HELP Uniform supplied. Competitive wage. Call (416) 255-6131, Ext. 491 JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT R e p o rtin g to th e V .P . F in a n ce , th is o p p o r tu n ity o tte rs a c o m p e titiv e s a la ry a n d b e n e fit p a cka g e , an e x c e lle n t w o r k in g e n v iro n m e n t, fle x h o u rs a n d o p p o r tu n ity f o r a d v a n c e m e n t. F a m ilia rity w ith A c c P a c , L o tu s / E xce l is re q u ire d . In te re s te d a p p lic a n t's s h o u ld f o r w a r d re s u m e s to : C.T.C. has moved to our new 30-Bay, State-of-the-Art facility on Guelph Line W e a re g ro w in g fa s t a n d to b e tte r serve our clientele are looking to hire c u s to m e r-fo c u s e d , d e ta il o rie n te d individuals to fill the following F U L L T IM E positions: x success. general help wanted a general help wanted 510 510 help wanted for an interview. WAL-MART OAKVILLE IS L O O K IN G FOR TH E FO LLOW ING .. Overnight Associates (must be flexible in availability) Chartwell Care Corporation 2829 Sherwood Heights Dr., Ste 101 Oakville, Ontario L6J 7R7 Fax: (905) 829-1665 Email: admin@chartwellcare.com 510 general help wanted 510 general help wanted SERVICE ADVISOR INSTALLER ~ Tires / Rapidlube CLASS "A" TECHNICIAN Day, evening & weekend shifts. W e offer: competitive wages, employee discounts and m e d ic a l/ d e n ta l benefits (a fte r probation period) for fulltime employees Apply with resume to Paul Couture, Service Manager, at Cashiers (must be available until 11:30pm evenings and available weekends) PHARMACY Assistant- P/ T-Experienced- required for evening shift on alternate weekends. Some occas sional weeknight shifts. About 8hrs/wk. Salary commensurate with experi ence. Please apply to: Shoppers Drug Mart, 520 Kerr St., Oakville. CLEANING PERSON P a rt-lim e (a p p ro x . 2 0 h rs /w e e k) Experienced, to w ork flexible hours incl. some w e e ke n d s /e v e n in g s at re s id e n tia l ap artm en t com plex in dow ntow n B u rling ton . Own trans portation required. Great w orking environment. H ig h sta n d a rd of c le a n in g expected. S alary based on exp. M ust be fluent in English. Sales Associates (must be available until 11:30pm Evenings & available Weekends) PLEASE PICK UP A PPLIC A TIO N AT THE COURTESY DESK SNOW PLOW OPERATORS Seniors w illin g to hire to r residential plow ing. Fax resume: (416) 364-6087 SUPERINTENDENT/ Caretaker for plaza/ 20-unit building at Upper Middle Rd & Brant Street, Burling ton. Cleaning rental and light maintenance duties. Call Hazel. 416-622-9819 or fax resume. 416-6229971_____________________ BUSY & Friendly little res taurant in Campbellville is looking for short-order Cook. Full or part-time, afternoon shifts 2pm-10pm. Good wages to right person. Call (905)854-0997 ask for Melinda or Brenda, or fax (905)854-3719 DRIVERS required imme diately. Qualifications: Valid drivers lie., clear driving record, reliable transporta-tion. Contact Yard Manager for application: Toronto Auto Auctions 8277 Lawson Rd., Milton. L 9 T-5 C 7 . 1-800667-4656.ext-361_________ DZ D RIVER S- immediate openings. Experience on vacuum units an asset but willing to train. Fax or drop off at Smits Tank Main tenance Inc. 2253 Royal Windsor Dr., Oakville, Fax: (905)-845-9609___________ IM M ED IA TE Opening for conscientious, customer oriented sales associate, Mon. to Fri. (no evgs). Ap prox. 30 hrs/week. For Appt. Please Call Fanhan Office Supplies & Copy Centre (905)842-3877 F U L L -T IM E floor helper and roll tender for Coldweb offset press (Entry level). Apply in person. 2-6pm, Mon-Fri, QE Web Printing, 1158 South Service Rd.W., Oakville or call 905-8272306____________________ LANDSCAPE Maintenance Company. Full-time year round positions available. Must be hardworking and reliable. Experience not required. Training provided. call 905-510-1127 B U R L IN G T O N & Deluxe Taxi are seeking casual and pemanent part-time drivers. Apply in person 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri at 1364 Plains Road East, Burlington (No phone calls please) S A LE S Person needed to sell Crystal Figurines in Burlington Mall, Oct. 31Dec. 31st, $8.50/per hour. Apply Oct. 31st from Noon3pm, Gala Glass Kiosk near Laura Secord. VIOLINISTS/ Accordianists. Summer employment year 2000. Strolling entertainment Cruise boat and half hour show daily, indoor theatre, free accommodation on site. Phone by November 6. Grand River Dinner Cruises, Caledonia, 905765-4218. I telemarketers BURLINGTON Call Centre requires appointment setters, 5 -10pm, Mon-Fri. Guaranteed $9./hr +bonus. All leads provided. Mrs. Walker. 333-1737 after 1pm. E V E R Y B O D Y IS R U N N I N G T O sp o rts e x p e rts & SNOW SHOVELLERS Required to w ork for seniors this w inter. If interested in either of these p o sitions contact John at Hatton H elping Hands, 844-0252 Canada's national sporting goods retailer. If you are an avid sports enthusiast, confident in your sales abilities, enjoy help in g custom ers and w ou ld like a ch alle nging o p p o rtu n ity. S ports Expeds has it and m uch more. The fo llo w in g po sitions are available: Canadian Tire 777 Guelph Line Burlington, On L7N 3H5 We wish to thank all applicants, but will reply only to those who are being considered. ZELLER S BURLING TO N MALL has 20 permanent P /T positions available for CertifiedSK\ TECHNICIAN Part-time CHRISTMAS HELP We offer · com petitive salaries, benefits and career developm ent potential. Please drop into the M apleview Shopping Centre and com plete an application. OVERNIGHT REPLENISHMENT Send resumes to: Paula Merrick, H R O M 777 G uelph Line Burlington, Ont. L7R 3N2 POTTERY SUPPLY HOUSE requires ·P/T Plant/ Office Cleaner 2 -3 hrs/day +Sat m orn. $ 8 ./h r to start ·Shipper/ Receiver P erm F /T . D river's Lie. & Towm otor exp an asset, incl: liftin g 501b bag, W age negotiable. 1120 Speers., Oakville S K I TE C H N IC IA N Required Im m ediately Full/P art-T im e W e are an equal opportunity employer ADULT carriers required to deliver the Burlington Post in Aldershot. Car may be required. Call Bob. 6320588, ext.255.____________ B A R B E R -n e e d e d full time. Weekly wage Plus commission. Call evenings 905-331-4609 CLEANERS required parttime for department store. Must be experienced. Call 821-7171 ext. 24_________ LABOURERS and Assem blers needed for manufacturing Co. in Milton. Starting wage $9. Fax: (905)878-3012___________ LABOURERS & assemblers needed for manufacturing company in Milton, starting wage $9. Fax (905)878-3012. C L O T H IN G S A LE S Ski & Snow Board Wear, Etc.. Full/P art-tim e hours include afternoon, evening and weekend hours APPLY IN PERSON w ith resume The Burlington Post Is N ow H irin g T U n kfa itcm A requires mature, self-m otivated, energetic WAREHOUSE PRODUCTION STAFF To handle and package flyers. ** Part-time hours Day and Afternoon Shifts H AIR STYLIS T -ambitiousto manage new shop in East Waterdown- Hwy 5/ Birke St. or possible part nership or rent to own or buy with a small down payment. call 905-629-2654 H A IR S T Y L IS T - Experi enced, working manager with clientele. Part owner ship position. Established upscale Downtown Oakville Spa. Send resume Box 6214, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers. Oakville. L6K-3S4 Corbett's Source for Sports 120 Speers Rd · Oakville ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER ·C o m p e titive salary ·b e n e fits Van Job Fair ·Job Fair Hiring 3 0 caring people to travel within local com m unities providing personal care & household m a n a g e m e n t to a variety of clients. 4 0 H o u rs · S h ifts · B e n e fits · T ra in in g & Safety Shoes & Some Lifting required Apply ask for John or Joan 23 16 Royal W indsor Dr. at Ford D r- O akville or call to r an interview 3 3 8-1 966 Stop in and see Nick or Krithia, Mon-Fri, 9-5pm D R IV ER W ill train. A pp ly to: 4057 Fairview Str, Burlington (East Entrance of Clegg Glass) Brant Children's Centre Tel: 6 3 4 - 5 5 1 8 Now Hiring Full & Part-tim e All Shifts APPLY IN PERSON WITH RESUME: TiurH ottoH A. requires- mature OAKVILLE HONDA C urrently has a position available in ou r service departm ent as a Small M ississauga Company requires detail-oriented person for SHIPPING/ RECEIVING basic machine assembly and various warehouse duties. Grade 12 and clean d riv in g record required. Please fax resum e to + b WED. NOV. 3 , 2:30pm ~ 5:30pm CANADIAN RED CROSS HOMEMAKERS SERVICE 6 7 6 A ppleby Line, Burlington (A ppleby & Fairview ) · (E .O .E .) T im H ottoH A . requires- PRODUCT Inspector- work ing with small parts, excellent eye sight and dexterity required. $10.00/hr, 40hrs/wk, days. Fax resume to 338-0488 or drop off at 1209 North Service Rd. E. Oakville. Call 844-8344_______ E L E C TR IC IA N S , Journey Person/Apprentice for full time industrial / commercial work. Fax (905)470-4133 or call (416)676-9593________ L O C A L Milton repair shop requires full-time licensed mechanic. No weekends. Call Lee 905-875-7737 I office-clerical BO O K K E E P E R - part-time required immediately. Must have experience using Simply Accounting, Word, and Excel. Send resume including wage rates and references to Sarvest Lim ited, 265 Donessle Drive, Oakville, L6J 3Y8 Attention: Sandra A ll S h i f t s · M usi be self m otivated *$50. signing bo nus, benefits avail Early morning DRIVER fo r M o n - F r i A p p ly : 2316 Royal W in dsor Dr. at Ford D r- Oakville or call 3 3 8-1 966 ' PHASE 2 Clothing (Downtown Oakville)- Is hir ing full and part time posi tions: Customer Service, Sales Associates, Cashiers. Candidates will be customer service driven, flexible and able to work in busy* environments. Fax resume to _(613)544-54^8 Kingston ' H A R V E Y 'S able A p p ly : 2316 Royal W indsor Dr. at Ford D r- Oakville o rp h or fax 338-1966 G E N E R A L Labourer for locksmith shop. DZ license an asset. Benefits/ uni forms. $14/hr Call (905)827-8401 or drop off resume at Active Lock and ife, 2380 Speers Rd., LOT PERSON M ust possess a clean d riv in g record. A pply in person, M -F w ith resume, to: W A N T E D T o deliver T h e Burlington Post ADULT CARRIERS C ir c u la t io n D e p t b 1011 Upper Middle Oakville Q U A L IT Y conscientious company seeks depend able person for assembly work with mechanical abili ty & experience with handtools. Reply by fax only: (905)875-4729 Mike Park, 191 Wyecroft Road, i Oakville 905-828-6345 between 10am to 3pm Monday-Friday i » r i * »* · (9 0 5 ) 6 3 2 -0 5 8 8

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