Friday, October 29, 1999 TH E O A K V IL LE BEAVER Have your say at Home Depot OM B hearing Monday The O ntario M unicipal Board (OMB) hearing to settle Home Depot's bid to build on the North Service Road continues M onday with a special evening session to solicit public input. This takes place in the Glenorchy/Dakota Rooms of Regional headquarters, 1151 Bronte Rd., from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. (If numbers warrant it, a larger room may be necessary.) The hearing, which got underway Oct. 25th, has been scheduled for nine days in total. Home Depot's plan has been reject ed by the Town o f O akville at Committee o f Adjustment and again on May 10, when Council voted against Home D epot's bid to amend the Official Plan (OP) and change zon ing. Members of STOP (Support The Official Plan) and the Glen Abbey Residents Association (GARA) are worried about the proximity of area schools and. the impact Home Depot may have on them, from safety concerns over traffic to light, noise and lack of privacy. OMB chair Penny Wyger will hear from four witness es called by the Town, including a pair of Town planners, a planning consul tant and Town Economic Development General Manager David Cash. Home Depot's solicitor plans to call three witnesses. ELC O M E A G O N ltd. m S in c e 1930 B u s in e s s / P K O IE S S IO i NLYI. W elcom e W elcom ing new business, professionals and executives to the O akville business com m unity. O ur com plim entary presentation includes gifts, m aps, a business directory, and other helpful inform ation. W e also offer an exciting business sponsorship program , including current prom inent businesses: A decco A n E nglish G arden F low er Shoppe B D O D unw oody L L P B renda D unsdon, M ary Kay C osm etics C ham ber C onsulting G roup (E m ployee Benefits) C ountry Inn Financial C oncept G roup Future Shop H ughes and A ssociates Insurance B rokers K w ik K opy L anair Int'l Travel M ye Japanese R estaurant N ebs B usiness F orm s Royal Lepage T he B usiness E xecutive T he G ym N autilus S ports/M edical Inc. T he O akville B eaver ...and special thanks to the Town o f Oakville, The Oakville Cham ber of Commerce, and other leading civic community services ^ ad in *0 At tfo o d u iU ! If you have a news tip or story idea, call the Oakville Beaver at 845-3824. Check out our lowest everyday prices with fresh stock arriving daily! oodwill amitY m a n y s industries To receive a c o m p lim en tary presentation, o r fo r m ore in fo rm atio n about sponsorship, please call 407A Speers Rd., Oakville Wendy Budisavljevic (905) 849-6061 a v i n g s * i r r -T C -w Finished in bright platinum. Only 12,000kms. Balance of factory warranty. Loaded with every available factory option. stk.#ZM03-l TC TW r. 1 9 9 9 TOWN & COUNTRY Finished in taupe frost. This van is a Lim ited m odel w ith every factory option like leather heated seats & rear heat & a /c . Only 24,000km s. Balance o f factory w arranty. stk.#P3297 1 9 9 9 BREEZE r _ m .......... _ d Finished in brig ht w hite. O nly 20 ,0 00km s. Balance of factory w arranty. Features include power windows, power locks, a /c , cruise, tilt, autom atic & m ore. stk.#9H 146-1 CHRYSLER 300IIII * 1 9 , 4 9 9 Plus taxes 1 9 9 7 CIRRUS LXi W Finished In lig h t silverfren. Features include leather, a lloy wheels, power windows, power locks, a /c , jilt , cruise & m ore. Only 50,000km s. Balance o f factory w arranty. stk.#P3312 . _ _ O _ U I 4 O Finished in bright platinum. Features include V-8, power windows, power locks, a/c, cruise, tilt, stereo, remote mirrors & more. Only 24,000kms. Balance of factory warranty. stk.#P3276 " 1 9 9 7 CHRYSLER INTREPID Finished in brig ht platinum . Features include 6 cyl., power * _ 5 g _ O G _ windows, power locks, a /c , cruise, tilt & m ore. O nly 36,000km s. Balance o f factory w arranty. stk.#P 3309 " t * " 1999 DODGE DURANGO 4X4 * 1 5 , 4 9 9 Plus taxes 1 9 9 7 PLYMOUTH NEON 2DR COUPE Finished in black clear coat. Only 55,000km s. Balance o f factory w arranty. Features like autom atic & a /c . stk.#P3315 . 5 J O Q ,, " I " " " ` All poymenls are based on a 24 month Single Payment lease. Customer allowed 20,000kms pet yeor. Refundable security deposit required. GE Capital lease. Offer good until October 3 0 ,1 9 9 9 . 1 7 5 W y e c r o f t O a k v i ll e R o a d , O CKW OOD > j c i! r: y s i, n r; NO CREDIT? CALL PAT AT w w w .lo c k w o o d c h r y s le r .c o m (BETWEEN KERR & DORVAL) 8 4 5 -6 6 5 3 W > 6 6 !/