Wednesdsay October 2 7 ,199V 1 H fc U A N V I L L t b f c A V U K HJ Y o u th N e t w a n ts to h e lp a t - r is k 1 2 - 2 0 - y e a r - o ld s made a decision," she said. And educating youth on suicide does not lead to an increase in suicide attempts, stressed Rogers. That made sense to Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale, who learned first hand the dangers of hiding mental distress in the dark. "I've never made it a secret that my mother was a manic depressed person," she said. "My mother had four gallblad der operations. She had it removed four times, which of course is physically impossible. They didn't want to tell us she was in a psychiatric hospital." Youth Net was formed in the Spring through a partnership between Halton youth, Halton Regional Health Department, YMCA of Oakville, Canadian Mental Health Association, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Halton District School Board, Regional Youth Committee, Halton Hills Youth Action Committee. A sh elp B y Ir e n e G e n tle SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER According to folklore, an Indian dream catcher is meant to trap negative dreams in its web until they can be dis pelled by the pure light of day. The same premise is behind Youth Net, the region's health and social ser vices committee heard recently. Youth Net is a new mental health pro motion program targeting youth aged 12-20. In it, youths troubled by low-self esteem or suicidal thoughts can be caught in the supportive web of Youth Net volunteers. And by expressing their concerns, they are more apt to be dispelled in the clear light of day, said Lisa Rogers, a teacher at Burlington Central High and a Youth Net leader. "We are spreading the message that is okay to talk to someone when you are feeling down," she said. "We can't help our kids if we don't know what is going on," Front-line discussion groups led by trained youth facilitators, usually aged 18-30, are part of the Youth Net pro gram. Identifying the early signs of mental illness or suicide and linking at risk youths with professional help is the aim of the project. The idea is that young people are more apt to open up to those close to their own age. But Youth Net facilitators never step over the line into a counseling role. Instead, the facilitators are backed up by a clinical support team comprised of mental health liaison nurses and nursing staff at the adolescent unit at Halton Healthcare Services Corporation (HHSC). Training for youth facilitators is sup- ported by Dr. Alan Brown, an Oakville psychiatrist and the director of the ado lescent mental health unit at HHSC. And a mental health professional will be on hand at any support group discus sions. But Youth Net facilitators, said Rogers, "are very, very well trained in risk assessment." And that is vital, since the suicide rate in adolescents has doubled in the last 20 years and tripled in the last 30 years, according to statistics compiled by Youth Net. And youth are the only age group in which suicide rates are actually on the rise. "I'm sure you are all too aware of the facts and figures on youth suicide," Rogers told committee. Even in its infancy, the program impressed the Halton District School Board enough to shell out $10,000 in funding. That will help pay for a post-suicide intervention workshop for the youth facilitators as well as additional discus sion groups in 2000. Those discussions could help save lives, said Rogers, since teens troubled by suicidal thoughts will often talk about it when given the right opportunity. "When young people were asked if they would disclose how they were feel ing, the numbers were really high," said Rogers. "Unfortunately, when a young person does disclose that they may be feeling suicidal, we need to take it seri ously." Reading the signs of an incipient sui cide can be tricky, she said, especially if the blues are what people are looking for. Not all suicidal teens suffer from depression. "We have seen in the research that young people may feel elated just before (a suicide attempt) because they had Hearing expected to last nine days (Continued from page 1) O N T A R IO 'S O N L Y F U L L L IN E \2nds & SELECT 1st SHELVES * \A ll sizes, oil finishes__________________ EA. Complete custom cut orders w ith hordwore >FF sta c k O U TLET! O ther interested parties should note that the OMB hearing, which is Depot taking place in the G lenorchy/D akota Rooms o f Regional headquarters, has lawyer set aside Mon. Nov. 1st to hear from the public from 7 to 9 p.m. The site is currently zoned M-6, says he'll prestige in d u strial/co m m ercial, which means that at least 60% of the call three site must be used for m anufacturing or storage - no retail. Home Depot witnesses wants this restrictio n lifted. The company also wants the standard set to defend backs reduced from 27 m eters in the front to 12 m eters, and from 7.5 its meters in the rear to five meters. In addition, the OP does not allow for position Home D epot's plan for garden centre use. W hile much o f M onday's opening session was devoted to the minutiae of docum enting exhibits and other housekeeping m atters, OM B chair IM P O R T E D BY C O N T A IN E R Penny W yger heard from the lawyers TH U R S . OCT. 2 8 th a t 6 : 0 0 p .m . representing each side. Randy Smith, P re vie w fro m 3 :3 0 p .m . the solicitor speaking on behalf of AT OTELLO'S BANQUET HALL, 2 2 7 3 ROYAL W INDSOR DR. the Town, said he will be calling four (Corner of Ford Dr., Oakville) witnesses, including a pair o f Town ATTENTION: Dealers, refinishers, bargain hunters, many items as planners, a planning consultant and found and unrestored. Selling unreserved and without buyer's pre Town E conom ic D evelopm ent mium. General M anager D avid Cash. PAYMENT: Cash or cheque with 2 forms of I.D. only Smith said the Tow n's case will Complete listing available by fax or phone focus on a few m ajor points. The first John Medley - Auctioneer (905) 878-2647 deals with the 100% retail character or Andrew Zegers (905) 685-4643 of the store which Sm ith m aintains is not perm itted under the OR C ontrary to H om e D epot, which considers G o m e a n d d c illi t o o u r G i p e r i e / i e e d G o /m /lfa n ts its plans a m inor change from this principle, is actually a "fund a m e n t a 1 ch an g e," . said Smith. In sim ple Sharon Anne Catl term s, Sm ith Just leavingfor Just returnedfrom Recent! rom Banfl/Jasper & Nassau Barbados Turks & Caicos continued, a use o f this nature nesses. The first, planner B rent C larkson, took the stand Tuesday to fram e Home D epot's case involving site plan issues. The next witnesses include two planners, one o f whom will address transportation issues. As o f press tim e, Clarkson had outlined how alm ost all floor space in Hom e D epot stores are open to the public and that stock is not w arehoused in the traditional sense. (An overhead racking system makes stock accessible.) C larkson - who said the restau rant com ponent o f Home Depot has been scrapped - explained that the store will em ploy between 200 and 250 people. Home ORGANIZATIONAL ID E A S ..: 0 c `3 09 9 IN THE CLOSET THE "ORIGINAL" WIRE SHELVING CLOSETiQRGANIZER Double your closet space! Sturdy construction Fast & easy assembly Easy to transport! Exadly as shown! 15 tits any closet to 9'! SALE P R IC E D FROM - ALL OPEN STOCK WIRE BASKET SYSTEMS IN THEH0ME0FFICE 4l"w x20"d White, oak or black DESK WITH DRAWER & SHELF IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM, KITCHEN, BASEMENT OR GARAGE MULTI-PURPOSE P IC K E R A U C T IO N F R E N C H A N T IQ U E S STORAGE CADDY STORAGE " TOWER I I - | Runners for smooth easy operation. -- 25 PAIR SHOE S r*-*? rpr ORGANIZER <2B 2> For more fcan just shoes. · Wine bottles · Stuffed animals · Towels* Toys · Etc Stackable 31 1 /2 h x 24" w x 12" d m lop not induded |2U N fT S UT.1 Basic Unrt £i=L=f-1 SHO W N UTILITY STORAGE MT-2 Add-On Shelf 25 1 /2 " 10 1 /2 " w x 7 7 /8 " d x 5 9 1 /2 " h ($ct/vii/icj J ( fo u /' H li/ite/' {fetaiucuj? 7 a/"»+/« f u r n itu r e 820-3241 l \ U I I d F ill I 1 1 I IM F S T U A C K V - I S H v J E L F & s h e lv in g 2111 d u n w in d r ., u n it 6 MISSISSAUGA uin IHniU O TULL LIISC D N T A R IfV * ; A UU I LC I . n ilT I F T I (C o rn e r o f D u n d a s D u n w in D r. a c r o s s f r o m U e B o e r s ) M O N .- W E D . 1 0 - 6 : T H U R S - F R I. 1 0 -8 : SAT. 1 0 - 5 & " d o e s n ' t belong" at this site. Sm ith then explained how M -6 rep resen ts the "highest order" o f indus trial land in the QEW area and that only about 40 acres remain unused. If Home Depot consum es the 10.7-acre property in question, around 25% o f that land will be gone creating, Sm ith warned, a possi ble "dom ino effect." At the very least, he added. Hom e D epot's plan w ould "ru in " these lands. Sm ith w ent on to explain that Hom e D epot's bid to decrease se t backs will create a negative visual impact by bring ing the store closer to the street and reduc ing landscaping. Smith also said the garden cen tre is essentially outdoor storage w hile parking provisions are inadequate. Ron W ebb, the solicitor rep resenting Home D epot who did not m ake an opening sta te m ent outlin in g his client's case, said he plans to call three w it- Teresa Is currently on a Mediterranean Cruise W Kim Ask her about her trip to Malta Just returnedfrom Italy/Sicily o r ld e o e 0 r a o e //e d d h e W \ / Professional Service t / Experience Knowledge Conger' s Trave/?\us /4 6 d td e d io t,v 0 lo a d < S a st, O a k v ille FREE! 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Call us today. 1 877 311 7747 O A K V ILLE · 1290 S P E E R S RD., U N IT 8 · (905) 827"1341 · (Between 3rd a 4th Line) OTHER LOCATIONS: RICHMOND HILL. ALLISTON. AURORA. MARKHAM. COLLINCWOOD. TORONTO 1 -8 0 0 -3 4 6 -9 5 0 1 *T a x e sex tra. C a llstoth eU .S .areju st 1 3 c am in u te, an y tim e, ex clu d in gA lask aan dH a w a ii. 800se rv ic ein b o u n dc a llsfro mtheU .S .are 1 2 .5 cam in u teex clu d in g A lask aan dH a w a ii. O n lyav ailab leinareasse rv ic e db yL o n d o nT e le c o mN etw o rk .C ertainrestrictio n sm aya p p ly ,c a ll fo rd e ta ils. E rinM ill*l-.rlw .y l