1 9 | T h u rs d a y O c to b e r 2 6 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m Police challenge teens to take the text pledge by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE N EW SPAPERRETRACTIO NFO R TH E BESTBUYO C TO BER20 CO R P O R A TEFLYER HP All-In-One Wireless Monochrome Laser Printer - Fax In the October 20th flyer, page 6, the HP All-In-One Wireless Monochrome Laser Printer - Fax (Web Code: 10405028) was incorrectly advertised with a free $20 gift card included. Please be aware that this promotion does not include a $ 20 gift card. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. FROM SAVOURY & SWEET DISHES THAT IN VIGO RATE THE PALATE,TO A W A R M A N D IN V IT IN G ATMOSPHERE, A U G U ST 8 IS A C U L IN A R Y EN< THAT IS TRULY U N IQ UNTER The Halton Regional Police Service reminded people of the dangers of distracted driving to mark the fifth an nual National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW). The safety initiative ran Oct. 15 to Oct. 21 and saw police attempting to raise awareness of distracted driv ing through social media platforms. They also supported the work of Parachute Canada, a national, charitable organi zation dedicated to prevent ing injuries and saving lives. Officers note it only takes a second with your eyes off the road to change your life forever. Halton police in partner ship with the City of Burl ington, Halton District and Halton Catholic District school boards, the Ministry of Transportation and the Thinking of selling? Canadian Wireless Tele communications Associa tion (CWTA), launched the #TextULater Pledge pilot campaign in June 2017. That initiative challenges high school students and youth groups to pledge to be safer, focused drivers by not using their cell phones while behind the wheel and encouraging others to do the same. Those interested in tak ing the #TextULater pledge today can do so at wwwhaltonpolice.ca/TextULater. 2017 D i a m o n d A w a r d W ir m e r fo r ALLYOU CAN EAT B e s t S ush i! www.sucasahomestaging.com 0JMMX1©E BOKKEB ULTIMATE D IN IN G EXPER IEN C E LIKE N O OTHER. O U R M O D E R N FUSIO N C U IS IN E Enjoy the many appetizing dishes from the teppanyaki grill and Dim sum menu, or relish in the fresh sushi & sashimi. Each dish provides deep and rich flavours while providing an allure for more.The fusion of flavours from 2 very distinctive cuisines will surely provide diners with an exquisite meal. 905- 599-8348 Voted BEST HOME STAGER in Oakville! O r d e r in s t y le w it h o u r I p a d O r d e r in g s y s t e m 280 North Service Road W . @ Dorval Oakville 905-338-6228 w w w .a u g u s t 8 .c a Call us for reservations 10% OFF Dinner only. C as h only & w ith this a d . $ 2 ,0 0 0 WEIGHT LOSS GRANT D o Y o u H a v e M o re th a n 20 l b s Valid For Most Weight Loss Programs to L o s e ? - A p p ly N o w ! · No Cost or Fee to Apply · Approval within 48 Hours · Thousands Paid Monthly! · See Website for Application Deadline. w w w .w e ig h tlo s s g r a n ts .o r g Please visit www.weightlossgrants.org for full Guidelines, Terms & Conditions.