7 |Friday November 3, Letters to the Editor Road repairs are desperately needed some places, others are not Re: Local roads need to be improve for livability, Oakville Beaver, Friday, Oct. 2 7 ,2 0 1 7 in last week's Oakville Beaver reader Ross Indovina was asking where the gas tax is going and why some roads are not be'n§ rePa ired, I think I have the answer. Thanks for including Nease's work in the B e a ve r I just wanted to let you know how much I love the editorial cartoons by Steve Nease. They are always "spot on" and express what so many people are feeling. (Recently) I was impressed and moved by his Gord Downie tribute (Friday, Oct. 20,2017, Oakville Beaver). I have also been a fan of Pud for years... again relating to it because my two children grew up at the same time. Thank you for including him each week. His cartoons are the best part of the Beaver. Just this past summer, in my area alone, Mulberry Drive was repaved.... it did not need it. Kingsford Drive, from Ford Drive to Winterbourne was repaved.... it did not need it. Ford Drive is currently being repaved from Kingsford to Sheridan Gardens Drive... it did not need it. It makes me wonder just who is respon sible for authorizing repaving on streets that do not require it when many streets in Oakville are in pathetic condition, and have been for years, and why our tax dol lars are being wasted on unwarranted pav ing projects. Maybe somebody should actually go out and drive the streets in Oakville to get a proper perspective where repairs are re quired. 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Larry Snow, Oakville Pat Ramsden, Oakville November is Diabetes Awareness Month K n o w y o u r risk level and ta k e a ctio n ! Exceptional footcarefor all ages. J .R i c h a r d W e r k m a n CHIROPODIST We continue to honour their sacrifices continued from p.6 Our high quality of life was secured by vet erans and current members of the Canadian Armed Forces who have joined our allies around the world in maintaining peace. We owe them more than a promise of remem brance -- we owe them the bright future they fought for, defined by the Canadian values that inspired their courage. W hen we wear poppies and take two minutes of silence on Nov 11, we join Canadians across the country to demonstrate that we built the strong, inclusive, peaceful society our veterans believed in, and we will never forget the price they paid for it. In this way, our community honours their sacrifice throughout the year -- by living the values they fought to protect, we help make Halton a great place to live, work, raise a family and retire. D.Ch., B.Sc., Podiatric Medicine Registered C hiropodist Learn daily foot care and vital warning signs for high risk foot complications Comprehensive treatment o f diabetic ulcers and wounds Regular foot health check-ups, foot care and orthotics Treatment o f plantar warts, corns, calluses, fungal nail Book your Diabetic Footcare appointm ent today! 1495 C ornw all Road, Suite 33, O akville located on the north/west corner of Maple Grove Dr. and Cornwall Road T: 905-845-4817 www.werkman.ca We can help you with your home Healthcare needs and we'll do it with a smile Let Your Natural Beauty Shine Through At Any A ge NON-SURGICAL OFFERS Laser Skin Rejuvenation * * * * Acne Treatment Laser Hair Removal Photofacial Skin Resurfacing I V-»I | V8/ access abilities Your ab ility store.O ur passion. f if * m \ * * ^ style &incomfort a Lift & Recline Chair · Go from reclining to standing at the push of a button · Many colours, sizes and styles · Available with heat and massage E N JO Y Injectables: * Botox * Fillers/Juvederm Skin Health Management: * * * * * Facial Peels * Latisse Comprehensive Skin Care Analysis Sclerotheropy ZO Skin Health Medical Grade Facials Non-Surgical Body Contouring * Vanquish * Exflis SC he. We can deliver and set up for you Dr Douglas Grace B.SC. M.D. F.R.C.S.C Plastic, Reconstructive, & Laser Surgeon GRACE C L I N I C PLASTIC, R EC O N STR U C TIVE &. LASER SURGERY Visit our well stocked retail outlets for a free demo & meet our friendly staff! 549 Bronte Rd, Oakville 905-825-5335 154 Norseman St, Etobicoke 416-237-9654 info@accessabilities.ca www.accessabilities.ca 9 0 5 3 3 6 - 9 6 3 6 | 2 0 0 - 4 8 1 JO H N ST., B U R L IN G T O N | W W W .G R A C E C L IN IC .C A