1 3 | Thursday November 9, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com Halton police mark Crime Prevention Week with release of five videos by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff Halton police are marking Ontario's Annual Crime Prevention Week (Nov. 5-11) by showcasing five short videos focusing on their top priorities and how they affect community safety. In a press release issued Monday (Nov. 6) police noted they would release one video each day this week with topics ranging from priority populations, traffic safety and crime to mental health and addictions. The videos will be available at www. haltonpolice.ca/community/cpw/index.php. "The Halton Regional Police Service is happy to partner with the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police in promoting Crime Prevention Week," said Halton Police Chief Stephen Tanner. "Here in Halton we are really excited about taking crime prevention to a whole new level, integrating it into our Community Safety and Well-Being Plan and working together in partnership with our citizens and our many stakeholders to truly become one team." Tanner noted the Halton model to community safety and well-being planning is designed to address community challenges through collaboration, prevention, and proactive partnerships with community members from health, social services, housing, diversity and faith-based sectors. Residents can connect with Halton police, tell their stories or ask crime prevention and community safety questions through police Twitter accounts (@HaltonPolice) with the hashtag #CPWeek2017. Anyone who may have witnessed or has information about a crime in Halton Region is encouraged to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), through the web at www.haltoncrimestoppers.com or by texting "Tip201" with the message to 274637 (crime). Confident L and worry-free. Your Choices. Free Delivery.* No Obligation. Made for LsSeniors J A You can order over 200 delicious frozen meals, soups, and desserts delivered directly to your home. Request your FREE Menu 1 -8 4 4 -4 0 9 -0 0 5 0 HeartToHomeMeals.ca * s o m e c o n d itio n s m a y a p p ly . HEART TO HOME MEALS DELICIOUS MEALS M A D E FOR SENIORSTM A Child's Holiday W ish List \ Stop Daddy from ' uetttng and bitting TM * tAommy all the time. i T h is com ing holiday season, not every child w ill w ish for the same things. N o v e m b e r is W o m a n A b u s e P re v e n tio n M o n th . O n e o u t o f e v e ry fo u r w o m e n w ill b e a b u s e d a t s o m e p o in t in h e r life . H a lto n W o m e n 's P la c e n e e d s y o u r h e lp t o c lo s e t h e d o o r on a b u s e . No more braises tears. 3. Help my > H a lto n W o m e n 's Place family again. In N o v e m b e r , w e a r y o u r p u r p l e s c a r f a n d tie . P u r c h a s e y o u r s a t H a lto n W o m e n 's P la c e . _ feel safe & F o r m ore in fo rm atio n , p le a se call 9 0 5 -3 3 2 -1 2 0 0 ext.221 or visit w w w .h alto n w o m e n sp lace .co m Crisis Line: 905-878-8970 or 905-332-7892