Oakville Beaver, 20 Oct 1999, A3

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weanesasay October At, iv w THfc OAKVILLE BfcAVEK A3 Crime Stoppers informants not in it for the money Officials say most tipsters community-minded "More often than not, people don't call back for the money," said Sunter. "People are just com OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF munity-minded." From Crime Stoppers Halton's inception in When the head of Crime Stoppers of Halton December 1989 to September of this year, this says she promises the anonymity of all infor mants, the survival of the entire program depends kind of grassroots participation has racked up an impressive list of statistics: $1,659,585 worth of on her word. drugs seized, $932,774 worth of "We guarantee that in Canada property recovered, 1,003 police and w e've gone as far as the cases closed and 417 arrests. Supreme Court to maintain confi The value of illegal drugs seized in dentiality," says Board of Directors Halton as a result of anonymous chair Karen Sunter. `T h a t's our tips tripled in 1998 thanks to infor whole program, to protect the tip mation forwarded to Crime ster." Stoppers. The value went up from No information is ever released $155,800 in 1997 to $472,380. that might narrow down the identi Anonymous tips led to the arrest of ty o f inform ants and Crime 28 people in 1998 and resulted in Stoppers does not subscribe to call 58 charges. Even the value of stolen display. The lengths to which orga property rose 18% from $16,500 in nizers go have certainly paid off: 1997 to $19,500 last year. everything from murder and auto Halton Regional Police Det. Leetheft to fraud and burglary has been Ann Ansell makes it clear that solved as a result of the program. Crime Stoppers is a community"Many people don't want to get based program staffed by volun involved," said Sunter. "We don't teers and that she is the only police ask them to get involved, just to officer involved. That's not to say, make an anonymous call." of course, that law enforcement is not a vital com Crime Stoppers provides a means for people to relate crime solving tips to police and pays cash to ponent of the partnership which also involves those whose information leads to arrests. No tax Halton residents and all forms of media. Ansell is also quick to point out that tips gen dollars are used for the rewards and the program erated by Crime Stoppers are not a short cut to depends on the generosity of companies, service clubs and individuals. Calls are taken seven days methodical police work. "They are just another lead," said Ansell. a week, 24 hours a day at 1-800-22J-TIPS or As far as the public is concerned, Sunter's locally at 825-TIPS. appeal to residents to participate basically hinges Tipsters can call back using their code number to check on the progress of an investigation and if on the Golden Rule. "Anything that can happen can happen to an arrest is made, a reward will be paid. Sunter you," she said. "And you would like someone to says, however, that about 90% of informants don't help." want the cash. THERE'S A SPACE By Howard Mozel FOR YOU! PARKING METERS The electronic meters located on downtown streets accept two dollar coins as well as quarters and loonies. Parking on Lakeshore Rd. is limited to two hours at $1.00 per hour. iB CRIME STOPPERS :TM W-» h w u « cV di im ·" A S H { LA K ESH O R E R D . EA ST q H 3 i * h> B I I 1 * LONG-TERM PARKING Day long parking is available in lots 5, 7, 8 & 11B. In addition there are long-term meters along Water, Robinson and Douglas Streets. in a m FREE PARKING is available in all Municipal Lots and at street meters daily after 6:00 p.m., Sundays and holidays. HANDICAPPED PARKING There are a total of 18 signed spaces available in lots 1,2, 3 ,1 0 ,11a, 15, in the Municipal Parking Garage and at specified street meters. TOWN OF OAKVILLE PARKING OPERATIONS DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA OF HALTON 338-4394 844-4520 THERE ARE MORE THAN 2,800 PARKING SPOTS AVAILABLE IN DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE U p C lo s e & Intim ate... Colin James & The Little Big Band Sunday, Nov. 21 8:00 P.M. SOLD OUT New show added Sunday, Nov. 21 3:00 p.m. M ic h e lle W rig h t Friday, October 29 at 7:30 & 10:00 p.m. One o f llie most awarded artists in Canadian country music history, Michelle lias compiled twentx-two Top Ten hits on countrx radio! Presented hv t S T * S m ith K h n e B e ech em Crime Stoppers needs volunteers to prosper Crime Stoppers of Halton is looking for volun teers to flesh out its already dedicated core of sup porters. According to Board of Directors chair Karen Sunter, the program is already a success, but with even more people on board, a number of impor tant new initiatives can maximize the program's potential. Particularly important, says Halton Regional Police Det. Lee-Ann Ansell - the only law enforcement member of Crime Stoppers of'Halton - is the marketing of the program throughout the community. "My personal goal is to get Crime Stoppers' phone number (1 -800-222-TIPS or locally at 825TIPS) in every household and business," she said. Crime Stoppers o f Halton was created in 1989, not as a police initiative, but by residents wanting to become involved to improve their community. (It's first chair was Stu Chapman, Burlington's Volunteer of the Year for 1998.) Today, Crime Stoppers is anchored by an active 15-member board which is spread a little too thin to run new endeavors designed to spread the word about the program. Individuals are need ed, therefore, for a host of subcommittees, such as fundraising (bingos etc.) and promotion (mall dis plays, poster drops). Ideally, says Ansell, would be the creation of an "ambassador program" similar to that run by the Lions Foundation of Canada to actively pro mote Crime Stoppers. In short, a bank of volun teers from which the board can draw. "We need many more volunteers in a host of areas," said Ansell, who can be contacted regard ing volunteerism at 825-4747 ext. 5139. Just recently Ansell was called by a bilingual volunteer eager to help out in whatever way he could. (Stickers containing Crime Stoppers infor mation and phone number, for example, are need ed for French language schools.) In fact, high schools are one vital target with which both Ansell and Sunter hope to forge relationships. `T o involve the students is really time consum ing so we need more people," said Sunter. "Students know exactly what's going on in school." Ansell and Sunter want to make inroads toward youth in general, not only because they have their ear to ground but because Crime Stoppers is an ideal way to expose young people to the volunteer experience. Halton's multicultural communities need to be tapped as well, they say. Ansell said that with a provincial "super jail" being built in Milton, Crime Stoppers is also look ing for a volunteer to liaise with prisoners who can often provide valuable information. The training session for new volunteers will encompass an understanding of the roles of police, the board and the media. 3 L # Pharma Presented by C c ^ jp e r ROYAL UPAGE Johnny Favourite Swing Orchestra Saturday, October 30 8:00 p.m. Borrow ini' from the glory years o f big hand swing. Tavourite electrifies the sound with a hopping twelve-piece band!I9 9 9 Juno Award winner fo r Best New Group! F O R T IC K E T S CALL (905) 815-2021 or visit us at, 130 Navy S treet M onday to Friday, noon to 5 p.m . or tw o hours b e fo r e show tim e. www.oc4pa.com O C a k v il l e entre *t > «F fw o m w oa * is Service started in U.S. by Canadian -born police officer Although Crim e Stoppers began in the U nited S tates, the in novative program was actually started by a C anadianborn police offi cer. J o h n M acC leese was a m em ber o f the A lb u q u e rq u e , N ew M exico police d ep art m ent and in 1976 his investi gation of a murder/robbery was going nowhere. He hatched a plan, cleared by his superiors, to run an article in the local paper calling for anonym ods w it nesses and to o ffer a rew ard from his own pocket. As luck would have it, a vital lead origi nated from a call and within 24 hours M acC leese had solved an unre lated rape. In 72 hours, h e 'd solved the m ur der. NORTH EAST C h ir o p r a c t ic for Sciatica & Leg Pain The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest in the body. When it is inflamed, the condition is called sciat ica (pronounced si'ada'ka). Not all leg pain is sciatica, but most all sciati ca involves leg pain. Sciatica sufferers often have severe pain along the sciatic nerve path, usually in the back of the legs and thighs, although sometimes the pain is felt in the ankle, foot and toes. Occasionally pain is felt in the front or side of the legs, in the hips, or for some sufferers, in both legs. Apart from pain, paresthesia or pins-and-needles, burning, tin gling, prickling, crawling sensations or tender ness may be felt Ironically the painful leg might feel numb as well! coughing or sneezing episode. Many people believe that sciatica can be caused by "catching cold." While cold may aggravate the pain, it does not cause sciatica Sciatica has also been related to various nonspinal conditions, such as advanced diabetes, constipation, tumours and some vitamin defi ciencies. Sciatica may appear gradually or suddenly, and may be the result of a trauma that occurred sev eral months or even several years before. It sometimes appears while a person is walking or upon waking in the morning. Although the pain does eventually disappear, fur ther attacks remain a possibility. It is extremely unusual for a vertebral subluxation to correct itself. Unless a chiropractor intervenes, the pain will return sooner or later. Ninety percent o f sciatica cases are caused by compression o f the roots o f the sciatic nerve between the intervertebral disk and ligaments due to a dys function o f the verte brae - in other words, vertebral subluxation (misalignment & "pinched" nerve) sacrum" Chiroproctic Care Centre River Oaks Professional Building 2-2169 Sixth Line Dr. R ichard G rolm us Upper Oakville Chiropractic Centre 1011 Upper M iddle Rd. E. Dr. D ave H e a le y Eogle Chiropractic Health & Wellness Circle 1235 Trafalgar Rd., Suite 413 Dr. N a d a Luburic 338-5558 849-1400 337-7047 Trafalgar Ridge Chiroproctic & Acupuncture 257-0021 23 87 Trafalgar Rd. Dr. Todd D e ia m e re , Dr. M a r k D eig hto n SOUTH EAST L5-r .iliac bone _ femur -sciatic nerve Alliance Health Care Professionals (Oakville Chiropractic Centre) 232 South Service Rd. East 845*2291 Dr. A rn o ld Roper, Dr. B rian H uggins Maple Grove Chiropractic Clinic 338-3732 511 Maple Grove Dr. Dr. Jam es W ilso n , D r. P atrick Z a k Moore Chiropractic Centre 845-5747 275 Trafalgar Rd. Dr. B re tt M o o re , Dr. S tephen C onnor Dr. Diane Meyer 845-2335 275 Trafalgar Rd. Dr. D ia n e M e y e r Shaw ChiropracHc Centre 842-5489 586 Argus Rd. Dr, G re g S h a w Trafalgar Chiropractic and Wellness Centre 338-1548 145 Trafalgar Rd. Dr. M a r k Fleet, Dr. P a v it K a p o o r SOUTH WEST Bronte Chiropractic Office 23 68 Lakeshore Rd. W. Dr. Joyce A llm a n 827-1633 SUBLUXATION Chiropractic Results For decades chiropractors and patients have observed the benefits of chiropractic spinal adjustments on those suffering from sciatica and leg pain. Many sciatica sufferers have experi enced dramatic relief of their pain after chiro practic care. For this type of problem, chiroprac tic treatment is safe, natural, and effective, elimi nating the need for medication or surgery. If you have sciatica, a chiropractic spinal adjust ment is very badly needed. Every sciatica suffer er needs a healthy spine. Chiropractic First 2 3 18 lakeshore Rd. W ., Suite l Dr. F red die So Hassard Chiropractic Clinic 2361 Lakeshore Rd. W. Dr. M u r r a y H a s s a rd Oakville Rehab Centre 465 Morden Road Dr. R ich ard Fenn 827-2444 The Pain Varies The quality of pain may vary as well. There may be constant throbbing but then it may let up for hours or even days. In severe cases, sciatica can cause a loss of reflexes or even a wasting of the calf muscles. 847-2225 845-2293 Halton Chiropractic Clinic 844-9117 250 Wyecroft Rd.. Suite 5 Dr. L a rry Laughlin, Dr. Bill S tackhouse Oak*West ChiropracHc Clinic 635 Fourth Line Dr. D o n a ld J. H a m m o n d Dr. M ichele A ris h e n k o ff For sciatica sufferers, a good night's sleep may be a thing of the past. Simple things like walking, bending, turning, sitting, or standing up can be Back Pain and Sciatica difficult or impossible. Backache or hip problems may occur long Causes o f Sciatica before the sciatica symptoms show up, however, Like most other conditions, sciatica has a wide that isn't always the case. Sometimes sciatica is variety of causes. Unlike most other conditions, preceded by lower back or hip symptoms and however, this health problem's relationship to the sometimes it isn't spinal column is often very obvious. A vertebral The Chiropractic Approach subluxation (misaligned vertebra and pinched Chiropractors correct vertebral subluxations nerve) a protruded or ruptured disc can irritate using spinal adjustments to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve which may result in sciatica. the spinal nerves, joints and discs, eradicating the Sciatica may be the result of cumulative traumas, cause of the irritation and the pain at the same a sharp or false movement, a strenuous attempt time. to lift something, or a jolt caused by a violent 845-9777 NORTH WEST Abbey Chiropractic 1500 Upper M iddle Road Dr. Ron M cA lister McPhail Chiropractic 1500 Heritage W ay Dr. M u r r a y M cP n ail Northoak ChiropracHc 243 N . Service Rd. W., Suite 203 Dr. J a y Burness NotHnghil! Place Chiropractic Clinic 1131 Nottinghill Gate, Suite 205 Dr. S a n d ra Sim pson Dr. Lidia Bartofom ucci Westoak Trails Family Chiropractic and Wellness 2275 Westoak Trails Blvd. Dr. J. S hulm an 825-1992 Don' t Wait.. Chiropractic care appears to have the most pro found effect on sciatica when problems first occur. However, even those who have tried everything to no avail, chiropractic can provide excellent results. In many cases it is never too late to enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care. But please, don't wait. ^ A pubic awareness program t v your local chiropractic assocaton. 825-9529 338-5951 827-4197 465-2929

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