Oakville Beaver, 20 Oct 1999, A4

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A4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday October 20, 1999 One Day only - Saturday October 23rd C h e s t e r s h o e s w o u l d lik e y o u t o a t t e n d e c c o day. MILLENNIUM WINE LAUNCHED: The Oakville 2000 M illennium Committee officially launched O akville's own Millennium wine last week. The occasion was the Lions Foundation of Canada Art Auction, sponsored by RBC Dominion Securities. The wine is produced by Pelee Island Winery. The Oakville 2000 Baco Noir and Blanc de Blanc VQA wines will be available at all Oakville LCBO out lets. That's Nancy O 'Dea with a bottle of wine. For every bottle sold, $1 will go to the Community Foundation of Oakville in support of the Heritage Trails project, a CFO initiative in part nership with the Oakville 2000 Millennium Committee and the Town o f Oakville. Photo by Riziero Vertolfi. FREE gift with purchase W e in v it e y o u t o t r y o n t h e w o r l d 's m o s t c o m f o r t a b l e s h o e Chesler Shoes in Oakville Pla hos now opened the first CC " Shop m Shop" in the oreo.V started carrying the C C C O fc.u.ru three short years ago and the comfort and quality o f the shoes is such that our commitment to this brand has grown every season . Our customers rove about the feel o f these shoes and as o result we have taken the next step in developing this brand here in Oakville. We have opened up the whole back o f our store for the eCCO brand o f shoes. This is the only fu ll"shop in shop" in the Toronto Hamilton area. We are pleased to be involved with COCO to this extent and we would be very pleased to have you come in and try on the world' s most comfortable shoe. Taxpayers may see $2 1 hike next year By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Next year's municipal budget will not be viewed in isolation, says Keith Bird, but as a continuation of the trend of prudent planning for the future. The Ward 1 councillor and 2000 Budget Committee chair explained that he expects no big surprises as the Town continues to implement the "strategic directions" imposed by Council, such as the Master Fire Plan and the Iroquois Ridge Library. "We're taking a long-term approach, not yearby-year," said Bird. "It's the cumulative effect of the programs - the big picture - that counts." That said, Bird points out that the Town is con stantly seeking efficiencies and re-prioritizing long term capital projects and service levels so he encour ages the public to attend budget meetings in order to help shape local policies. Bird says he will run the committee with an eye on two guiding principles: to meet the expectations of citizens and to bring in a budget of less than the rate of inflation. Public involvement, therefore, is essential. After all, Bird continues, simply charging more taxes is easy but homeowners must make it clear what service levels they expect for the money they are willing to spend. While the Town's 1998 Budget came in around 2.6%, Bird says he will not be a party to any kind of competition to bring in a lower rate for its own sake but to do what's best for Oakville. The public is invited to participate in the budget process which takes place on the following dates: Nov. 3 frtyn 6 to 11 p.m.; Nov. 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Nov. 9 from 6 to 11 p.m.; Nov. 11 from 6 to 11 p.m. (if required); Nov. 13 from 9 a.m. to noon (if required). According to Town Director Finance and Treasurer Michelle Seguin, the main challenge fac ing the Budget Committee is figuring out the finan cial options that are available to work this year's costs of the strategic directions into the 2000 Budget. The committee will also consider the lengthy list of new departmental initiatives and the financial options open to them other than the tax levy. Seguin explained that the impact of Council's strategic directions on the 2000 Budget total just over $1.2 million, for a total forecasted tax levy change of 2.3%. Implementation of the strategic directions alone would result in a tax rate increase of about 0.6% on the total residential tax bills and 0.4% of the total commercial/industrial tax bills, which also includes regional and education tax rates. For a home assessed at $250,000, this works out to an increase of about $21 in 2000. To cover any funding shortfall for the Town's capital requirements - such as the new Rebecca Street Bridge - the municipality will continue its 10year plan of increasing the contribution to capital equivalent to 1% of the total tax levy. In 2000 this works out to $594,000. S ta r's M ens Shops 2 fo r SALE! CHRISTIAN DIOR REG. TO S695 EACH DRESS SHIRTS REG. TO S75 EACH CASHMERE · COTTON 2k *$5 9 9 99I 2«*s110 ITALIAN GABARDINE KNITS REG. TO $85 EACH REG. TO $125 EACH Advisers to small and home based businesses since 1983, our Company will become a mem ber your Advisory Team providing you with solutions to your business problems and ideas on how to grow your business. 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These are the principles behind Jo es high-impact motivational seminars which cover current business topics. These include: Leadership, Team Building, Managing Personal and Professional Change, Empowerment, Strategic Planning, and Ethics. Joe has trained thousands o f managers and professionals. His lively mid passionate delivery make him a favourite speaker at conferences all over North America. on G I B B A R D -- Jo e's corporate experience includes 25 years at large multi-national corporations in management positions including: marketing, finance, customer service, and human resources. During his assignment in each o f these areas, he was responsible for the education and development o f management and staff. Joe will kick-off or close your conference with a positive, up-beat message to till attendees and leave them motivated to take control o f their own future. His seminars are thought provoking, filled with practical information that can be applied immediately, and packed with humour which keeps people engaged. · » i ...I I 4 ' 5£. · B ed ro o m s ;· ' < ; S '/, / / / & / , ' 9 / / / " r , T fffy r > , / 'X / ........................... · O c c a s io n a l T a b le s W o rk s h o p D e ta ils I L a k t e k a n M o n d a y , O c to b e r W o r k sh o p 2 5 , (c 1 9 9 9 s t u « j .) C o st: $ 2 0 W o r k sh o p s: 9 :0 0 a m -1 2 n o o n d a s s o c i a t e s · B o o kca ses & D esks · C u r io C a b in e ts · rlD t o a n !tm t is & e m ( a p p a r tir n it ^ y p lo y e e s ! m o r a le ! E n te r ta in m e n t C e n tr e s b a a & Encourage y o u r s ta ff to p a rtic ip a te in th is sp e cia l w o rk s h o p : Tom orrow is Going To Be Am azing" As part of the Oakville Chamber of Commerce Small Business Week kick-off, Mr. Joseph Sherren will be keynote speaker at the Mayors Breakfast. His address will be entitled "D iscovering Personal Potential". Mr. Sherren will then provide morning workshops focusing on "Tom orrow is going to be A m azin g' & `tr e a tin g Com m unication Connections" 217 Lakeshore Rd. E. 844-3530 To reserve your space call Cindy Potter at the Chamber of Commerce 845-6613 P r e se n te d by: T h e O a k v i l l e B e a v e r Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9 :3 0 - 6 ; Fri. 9 :3 0 - 9. Sat. 9 :3 0 - 5 46 Y E A R S IN D O W N T O W N O A K V ILLE O A K V IL L E H Y D R O M A IL>PO STE OAKVILLE CHAMBER J COMMERCE

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