Oakville Beaver, 20 Oct 1999, A5

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Wednesdsay October 20, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A5 F oodban k donations fdling shelves More than 33,000 pounds of donations now stock the shelves of Oakville's Fareshare Foodbank, matching last year's Thanksgiving food drive total. "We're quite happy with the way it went. The warehouse is full," said Fareshare spokesman Dudley Clarke. "We're breathing a lot easier." The Thanksgiving drive is Fareshare's most important drive of the year, usually producing 60% of the foodbank's annual requirements. That said, local residents are encour aged to continue donations to ensure that no one goes hun gryTo that end, Clarke thanked all those who gave during the drive and all those who will do so in the future. Non-perishable items of any kind are always welcome, including baby food. The foodbank is always running out of meat products, fruit, apple juice and jam. Cash or cheques (for which income tax receipts will be issued) are also encouraged so that Fareshare can go to local stores and purchase what it requires. Cheques can be sent to 1240 Speers Rd., Unit 6, Oakville, Ontario, L6L 2X4. For more information call 847-3988. While there has been a reduction in the number of clients over the past year, Fareshare is still providing food to 240 families, or about 750 people, more than half of whom are children. In addition to food, families with children are also sup plied with a voucher redeemable at several supermarkets for such staples as milk, fruit and eggs. Fareshare Foodbank, which is run entirely by volunteers, has served needy Oakville families since 1988. No support is received or solicited from any level of government. In flu e n z a Im m unization Clinics T h e H a lt o n R e g io n a l H e a lth D e p a r t m e n t is o f f e r i n g f l u s h o ts in O a k v i l l e : O ctober 2 2 , 1 - 5 p .m . O a k v ille S e n io r C itiz e n s ' R e c r e a t io n C e n t r e 2 6 3 K e r r S tre e t N ovem ber 11, 11:30 a .m . - 3: 3 0 p .m . Oakville Senior Citizens' Residence 2 2 2 0 -2 2 2 2 L a k e s h o re R oad N o appointm ents necessary. T h e v a c c in e is f r e e f o r p e o p le w h o a r e 6 5 y e a rs o ld a n d o v e r , f o r a n y o n e w i t h c e r t a in m e d ic a l c o n d it io n s o r a c h r o n ic illn e s s a n d f o r w o r k e r s in lo n g t e r m c a re . F o r a l l o t h e r s th e fe e w i l l b e $ 1 2 (c a s h o n l y ) . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n c a l l th e H alton R egional H ealth D epartm ent (9 0 5 ) 8 2 5 -6 0 6 0 , ex t 7 8 4 9 T T Y (9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 -9 8 3 3 O a k v i l l e s OPP & Child Find in ID program Thousands o f children around the world are abducted annually. The importance of having a current identification kit for emergency situations cannot be over-emphasized. On Sat. Oct. 23rd, The Burlington Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, Child Find, Burlington Central Lions Club and Mapleview McDonald's will be hosting a Print A Child Day. It will be held at Mapleview Mall and commences at 10 a.m. and concludes at 3 p.m. Each child who attends the clinic will be fingerprinted and photographed. They will leave with a completed infor mation kit supplied by Child Find. Everyone is welcome to come out and have their child registered. THE Hi www.region.halton.on.ca/health PICKO THE CROP T O Y S S' B O O K S BRIO WEEK 23 October to 29 October v. 15% off all Brio in stock and special orders. . X a . Exciting Promotion X a Brio Carqo Express s e t with battery-operated engine: regular $ 9 9 3 9 - special $55.00 when you buy $50 of Brio product! Wood Room UNFINISHED FURNITURE Specializing in Solid Oak, Pine, Maple, Birch · DESKS & HUTCHES ·T A B L E S & C H A IR S · DRESSERS & ARMOIRES ·J E L L YC U P B O A R D S · TV/VCR UNITS ·M IR R O R S& P A N T R IE S 484 BAR STOOLS ·C H IN A C A B IN E T S LA IN SR D .E .1 ·> MICROWAVE STANDS ·R O C K IN G C H A IR S 'P U R L IN G T O N I · TOY CHESTS ·S H E L V E S ·W A L LU N IT S| B ·C O F F E E & E N D T A B L E S 681-6075 | · HIGH CHAIRS HOURS: TUE,, WED., FRI. 10-5:30 THUR. 10-8 SAT. 9-4 CLOSED SUN-MON. BRIO PIAYDA Y Saturday 23 October 11:00 - 2 :0 0 Play with Brenda from Brio and lots of Brio train s. Exerting draws! 7 0 Q L a lte rlio -r'e r j . c . c u v ( k t light? we?t of Irafalgcrr) (next to Bingo Connection) · MINWAX PRODUCTS · FINISHING SUPPLIES · HOMESTEAD HOUSE PAINT 245 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE 844-5363 845-2031 m M m -s m Walk whery ^ you leave the curb w ith us S a tu rd a y , O c to b e r 2 3 /9 9 fro m 10 a .m . - 3 p .m . fo r S a u s a g e s , S a u e rk ra u t C R E D IT D E C L IN E D IN TH E PAST? CALL TOLL FREE W E A C C E P T C O M P E T IT O R S ' C O U P O N S som e restrictions a p p ly I^ 1-877-990-KERR ( 5 3 7 7) CREDIT HOTLINE FOR HASSLE FREE FINANCING · W E U S E O N L Y F R E S H L Y F IL T E R E D W A T E R ! * C H O O S E F R O M O V E R lOO B E E R R E C I P E S A N D 80 W IN E V A R IE T IE S · 1 0 0 % S A T IS F A C T IO N G U A R A N T E E D A m essage Y i/V from the Canada Safety Council, A ' Repossessions, bankruptcy, charge off slow pay record and other credit problems will be overlooked during this approval process for A NEWER QUALITY PRE-OWNED automobile of your choice' KERR _ C A D IL L A C PO N T IA CB U IC K IN C 410 South Service Rd. VV., Oakville $ I' r iS o F F ^ M A n y B a tc h o f B E E R 4 O O F F Any B a tc h o f W IN E I prepared by you on site! Excludes fun grain. | Valid until Oct. 31/99 Not valid with any other offer j P^ prepared by you on site! Valid until Oct. 31/99 Not valid with any other offer HOURS M O N-FRI 12-8 SATURDAY 9-5 SUNDAY 11-3 tEm ite m $ou£e Call fo r an appointm ent 4th Line A 00 o C O *3-------------------------------7 o in S , Dorval v u C 825 -BEER (2337) 481 North Service R d. (just west of Dorvaf] ww w .safety-coundl.org l eu requirements musi he met O.A.C. ('.ill l«*r details. Kerr( '.kIiII.* is n«4 responsible t«»r pontine errors. 1 FALL SALE Offers valid until October 30, 1999 Ready-ta-Finish W ood Furniture that's ideal for the do-'ihyourseifers Pine & O ak Dressers 2 4 " Bar Stools w ith back & Chest of Drawers 3 & swivel seat 1 5 to 2 0 % O ff E p f£ rrfe l e $ 1 3 4 each R e g .$ 1 7 9 Complementing every b o t/t/ W ood Chair sales from $ 8 9 & up ................. * .......* .................. ^**"'t'**"**'*'"* ..................... Comer TV Units - S a le P r ic e d O ak Decon's Benchefe $ 2 9 8 R e g .$ 3 3 9 Pine & O ak End Tables & Coffee Tables 2 0 % ............................................................................................................................................. O ff ......... O ak dSkJ s Rocking Chairs Sale Price $ 9 9 W e carry bookcases, parities, hutch & buffets, high chairs, desks, stools, toy boxes & more R K D I- T O F IN IS H F U R N IT U R I 100 Bronte Road (South of Lakeshore) Unit #3, Oakville 847-1512 Free Parking 3 0 4 O T T A W A S T ., H A M IL T O N 549-4171 I goodmorning.com

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