Oakville Beaver, 14 Dec 2017, p. 23

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23 |Thursday December 14, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Pearson super hub airport urgent noise concern: mayor by Marta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff / j'o j/ t a t Oakville Mayor Rob Burton is calling for additional measures to reduce aircraft noise, in response to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority' s (GTAA) updated Five-Year N oise Management Plan. "This is urgent," said Burton. "W e remain concerned airplanes descend too soon, fly too low and fly too slow," said Burton. "These factors, on their ow n, and collectively, have the effect of increasing noise im pacts on our com m unity" The GTAA, the non-profit organization that runs Toronto Pearson International Airport, released the updated plan Wednesday, Dec. 6. Burton, along w ith north Oakville councillors Jeff Knoll (Ward 5), Ward 4 councillors Allan Elgar and Roger Lapworth and Tom Adams (Ward 6), w ho are m em bers of the Mayor' s Advisory Group (MAG) on aircraft traffic and noise, held a press conference at Oakville Town Hall Monday, Dec. 11, to voice their concerns. Toronto Pearson is the second busiest airport in North America for international passengers and is poised to becom e even larger - w ith plans to becom e a super-hub airport. By 2037, the GTAA estimates 85 m illion passengers w ill use Toronto Pearson. "That super hub is going to be super n o isy " Burton said. There has been a flurry o f reports, Knoll added, including the Independent Toronto Airspace Review by Helios Consulting, w hich w as made public in November, and outlines a number of recom m endations to mitigate noise. Knoll said upon review of the GTAAs updated action plan, a number of measures, in combination, could reduce aircraft noise in Oakville. These include: further restrictions in night time operations; im plem enting recomm endations in the H elios noise mitigation report; retrofitting Air Canada' s A 320 airbus planes to reduce noise; and; m ake Toronto Pearson' s C om m unity Environment and N oise Advisory Committee (CENAC) a true advisory comm ittee, w ith opportunities for direct input to the GTAA board. "There is n o grand slam concept to fixing this problem ," said Knoll, w h o chaired MAG on aircraft traffic and noise. But a lot more has to be done -- and it needs to be done faster. N av Canada, a privately run, non-profit corporation that ow ns and operates Canada' s civil air navigation system, hired Helios to see Nav on p.25 access abilities I V«*| I Your ability store.Our passion. G r a lftB a js S h o w e P s Ip o ls T ra n sfe r B e n ch e s Tub M o u n t G rab Bars CPAP T h e ra p y S u p p lie s H o sp ita l B ed s I Bed Rails O v e r Bed T a b le s | D ressin g A ids M o b ility S c o o te rs | W h e e lc h a irs Stair Lifts | V e h ic le Lifts | P o rch Lifts L ift a n d R e clin e C h a irs | L iftin g D evices m u ch m ore! W e c a n h elp y o u w ith y o u r |ealth C a re n e e d s & w e 'll d o it w ith a sm il *r \oj v access abilities Your ability store.Our passion. M en tio n this a d & save 2 0 % o n all lift chairs until D ecem ber 23.2017 d o e s not in c lu d e third p a rty fu n d e d item s 54 9 Bronte Rd, O a k v il l e 905-825-5335 416-237-9654 154 N o r s e m a n St, Et o b ic o k e in fo @ a c c e s s a b ilitie s .c a access abilities IV ^ II Your ability store.O ur passion. 19 n w w w .a c c e s s a b ilitie s .c a A u th o rize d A D P /W S IB /V A C V e n d o r. L ic e n s e d M e d ic a l D e v ic e s E sta b lish m e n t W e will a lw a y s h a p p ily h on o u r o ur lo c a l co m p e tito r's p ric e s. L TO NS OF i Y am ahaF310A coub over AC 400 in stock- ssones ' starting M S^ S 6 W W « > * " " S3" Handcrafted in Canada U k u le f e s U S IC _ & u ku le le G odinSession SGElecmc . Handcrafted in Canada if & r w/case $579 This year's hottest guitar amp' \ / H m ©YAMAHA K atana50 905-257-3110 · theguitarworldoakville.com 380 Dundas St. E. (at Trafalgar Rd., in Lo n go 's Plaza) GUITARWORU) Open Sundays Dec. 17 & 2 4

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