9 | T h u rsd a y D e ce m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 | O A K V IL L E B E A V E R | w w w .insidehalton.com T E A M H O L I D A Y T O Y A N D M O M D R I V E \ a V kv L s p Vl M Metroland Media West, Halton Division staff, left, from Oakville (Oakville Beaver), Burlington (Burlington Post), and Milton, (Milton Canadian Champion), West o f the City, as well as members of the community, donated to collect nearly 4 00 toys and clothing items for Halton Women's Place, the local shelter for abused women and their children, to be distributed for Christmas. Above, from left, Metroland staffers Allan Roshko, Tara Camani, Julie Sla ck and Don Ford join Halton Women's Place Development Manager Carm Bozzo, pictured second from left with the Christmas donations, picking up the collected items on Friday, Dec. 15. | Riziero Vertolli/Metroland | Graham Paine/Metroland P r e s e n tin g th e H o l i d a y 's f in e s t VISIT US IN STORE FOR A L L YOUR HOLIDAY FOOD, GIFTS & CATERING OR VISIT PUSATERIS.COM O A K V ILLE PLACE PUSATERTS FINE FOOD SIN CE 1963