www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, December 22, 2017 |2 0 T h e A n g lic a n C h u r c h in O a k v ille ~ I n v it e s y o u ! Church of the Epiphany 141 Bronte Road (905) 827-2546 www.epiphanyoakville.com Sunday, December 24th - Christmas Eve Monday, January 1st --New Year' s Day Sunday, January 7th 10:30 p m --Advent IV Service 4:30 p m --Family Service 8:00 p m --Family Choral Com m union Service with Carol 8:30 am --Spoken Com m union Service 10:30 am --Coral C om m union Service 8:30 am --Spoken Com m union Service 10:30 am --Choral Com m union with Chili Lunch celebrating Feast o f The Epiphany St. Simon's Church 1450 Litchfield Road (off Trafalgar Rd., south of Upper Middle Rd.) Y ou (905) 845-8351 E M ® www.stsimon.ca Sunday, D ecem b er 2 4 th 10:00 am o n ly --Service As Usual 4:30 p m --Family Christmas Service. Join us for this Eucharist Service which features the Sunday School Christmas Pageant, the Blessing o f the Creche and well loved carols. 8:00 p m & 10:00 p m -- Traditional Christmas Eve Services. A Candlelit Christmas Celebration celebrating the com ing o f Jesus into the world. Monday, December 25th Sunday, December 31st 10:00 am --Christmas D ay Eucharist 10:00 am o n ly --Christmas I Eucharist St. Jude's Church 160 William Street (Downtown Oakville) (905) 844-3972 www.stjudeschurch.net I thean gllcanch u rchofthe .-G1 D ecem ber 2 4 th --Fourth O fA dvent D ecem ber 2 4 th --Christm as Eve Eucharist at 10:00 am 4:00 p .m . - A Children's Christmas Service 6:30 p .m . - Family Eucharist n 8:30 p .m . - Choral Eucharist 11:00 p.m . - M idnight Choral Eucharist Decembe ecem ber 2 5 th --Christm as D ay D ecem ber 31st 10:00 a.m . - Christmas Day Eucharist Eucharist at 8:00, 9:15 & 11:00 am Incarnation 1240 O ld Abbey Lane (at Dorval Drive) Lessons and Carols Sunday, D ecem b er 2 4 th at 10 am C hristm as Eve Sunday, D ecem b er 2 4 th Christm as carols an d seasonal readings, w ith special m usic perform ances by the Incarnation Festival C h o ir an d Strings 4:30 p m - Fam ily frien d ly H o ly C o m m u n io n 7:00 p m - H o ly C o m m u n io n w ith carols and candles 10:30 p m - H o ly C o m m u n io n w ith carols and candles 8:30 am - in tim ate service in the chapel 10:00 am --C horal service in the w orsh ip area 10:30 am --Christmas Eve Family Service 11:00 p m --M idnight Mass n J a (905) 825-2851 www.incarnationchurch.ca @incaoakville N ew Year's Eve day Sunday, D ecem b er 3 1 st St. Luke's Palermo 3 1 4 4 Dundas Street West Sunday, D ecem b er 2 4 th (905) 825-3364 www.stlukepalermo.ca M onday, D ecem b er 2 5 th 10:30 am -- Christmas D ay Service St. Cuthberts 1541 O akhill Drive (M aple Grove & O akhill Dr.) Saturday, December 24 --Christmas Eve 9:00 a.m . H oly Eucharist with Carols 4:30 p .m . Family-Friendly C om m union with Carols 9:00 p.m . Candlelight Choral Com m union (905) 844-6200 www.stcuthbertoakville.ca Sunday, December 31 9:00 a.m . H oly Eucharist with Hym ns St. Aidan's Anglican Church 318 Queen Mary Drive (905) 845-6111 staidans318@hotmail.com Sunday, December 24th 8:30 am --Celtic Christmas Eve Eucharist 7:00 pm --Family Candlelight Christmas Eucharist with Children's Procession and Blessing o f the Manger Monday, December 25th Christmas Day Sunday, December 31st First Sunday After Christmas 10:00 am --Visit to the M anger and Eucharist 8:30 am --Celtic Eucharist 10:00 a.m. Family Eucharist with Top Ten Carols of Christmas