9 | Thursday D ecem ber 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com UWHH changing lives together W e made a resolution. The volunteer and staff leadership of your United Way resolved to do more and to do better for Oakville, so w e made 2 0 1 7 a year of decisive self improvement. As the end of that year approaches, I thank our partners, agencies and donors for being part of a watershed year for U nited Way and, more importantly, for the people w e serve: the friends and neighbours w ho are affected by the m ost pressing issues in our community. United W ay remains focused B rad Park on supporting local programs that help kids be all they can Hamilton. be, help foster healthy people Our new United Way and strong com m unities, and supports a population of help individuals and families more than one m illion people progress from poverty to through an organization that possibility. W hat has changed is stronger than the sum of its is the nam e and structure of four parts. our organization. I am proud o f our United In April, four United W ay for having the courage Ways from Halton Hills, to adapt w hile remaining M ilton, Burlington/Hamilton dedicated to the unchanging and Oakville amalgamated principles that drive us. as United W ay Halton & This year, w e supported 51 different programs here in Oakville and w orked w ith everyday local heroes -- volunteers, donors, agency staff and local leaders -- to help everyone in our com m unity thrive. W e also remain comm itted to our promise that the m oney w e raise in Oakville stays in Oakville. United W ay Halton & Hamilton is ready to build on the transformation o f 2017. W e are enhancing our legacy in Oakville by continuing to be a valued partner in our tow n' s exciting growth, rapidly evolving econom y and everstronger social network. Our com m unity is changing. Your United Way is changing w ith it, even as our m ission remains the same: to improve lives and build com m unity by engaging individuals and m obilizing collective action. United W ay is honoured to call Oakville home. FOUR FLOORS OF B O X IN G W E E K S A V IN G S HOME DECOR ACCESSORiES 20% OFF Select Furniture | Floor Models | Priced to Clear Ends D e c e m b e r 30th @ 5p.m . Swiss Interiors F u r n itu r e & H o m e D eco r -- submitted by Brad Park President and CEO, United Way Halton & Hamilton 217 Lakeshore Rd. E., Downtown Oakville Since 1953 w w w .s w is sin te rio rs .co m · 9 0 5 .8 4 4 .3 5 3 0 B is Presenting the H o l i d a y 's fin e s t VISIT US IN STORE FOR ALL YOUR HOLIDAY FOOD, GIFTS & CATERING OR VISIT PU SATER IS.C O M O A K V ILLE PLACE P U S A T E R I'S FINE FOOD SINCE 1963