1 1 | Thursday D ecem ber 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com What's open and what's closed B O X IN G IW E E K S A L E LIMITED QTY - SALE ENDS 31ST DEC over the holidays around Oakville by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff Oakville residents looking for som ething to do during the holiday season should be aware of w hat' s open and w hat' s closed over the next few days. Town Hall w ill remain closed until Tuesday, Jan. 2. All Town online services w ill still be available. Residents w h o need to report urgent problems related to roads, traffic lights and signs, parks and trees or storms can call 905-845-6601 to be connected w ith the Town' s after-hours service. People can also connect w ith the Town' s sn ow information line at 905-815-5999 or online at www.oakville.ca/residents/snow-clearing.html. Local com m unity centres, pools and arenas w ill close at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 31 and remain closed Monday, Jan. 1. Local youth centres w ill be closed Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. Area seniors' centres w ill be closed, re opening on Tuesday, Jan. 2. The Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts w ill be closed Dec. 30 and Jan. 1, but w ill be open for performances on Dec. 28, Dec. 29 and Dec. 31. For sh ow times visit www.oakvillecentre.ca. The Oakville M useum at Erchless Estate will be closed Dec. 31 and Jan. 1, and w ill return to regular business hours on Jan. 2. The Town' s Central Operations Depot w ill be closed Dec. 30, 31 and Jan. 1. All Oakville Public Library branches w ill be closed Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. Library hours w ill change effective Jan. 2 and can be view ed at www.opl.on.ca/blog/hom e/ newbranchhours/. Those interested in using Oakville Transit over the holidays should be aware that regular w eekly service w ill be available Dec. 28 and Jan. 2. Sunday level service w ill be offered Jan. 1. Saturday level service w ill be offered Dec. 30, and 31. For schedule information, visit http://www. oakvilletransit.ca/tsu-17dec07.html or call 905 815-2020. PRINCE M E D IU M REG PRICE: $ 1329 P EAK LARGE PO W E R E D REG PRICE: $ 2 6 2 9 D U K E M E D IU M REG PRICE: $ 2 2 8 9 NOW: $ 8 9 9 FABRIC: CASHMERE I GREY 'ALSO AVAILABLE IN LARGE NOW: $ 2 1 2 9 TREND SAND ONLY MULTIPLE COLOURS IN M ANU AL 'ALSO AVAILABLE IN M EDIUM NOW: $ 1 8 8 9 SM O KE I BEIGE I CINDER TU XED O I GRAPHITE I VAN ILLA 'ALSO AVAILABLE IN LARGE COMFOi For more news, visit insidehaltDn.com N O FRILLS won't be beat If you find a cheaper price, simply show us and we will match. REG PRICE: $ 5 0 2 9 to all our valued customers for all your support this year! G A R D A S M A LL REG PRICE: $ 2 9 5 9 NOW: $ 2 2 9 9 G A R D A M ED REG PRICE: $ 3 0 9 9 NOW: $ 2 3 9 9 PALOMA SAND I CHOCOLATE LIGHT GREY I METAL GREY `ALSO AVAILABLE IN LARGE ON PROMOTION Wishing you and your family a joyous holiday season and a happy new year! O NS E L E C TF L O O RM O D E L S THE INNOVATORS OF COMFOAT' O NA L LR E G U L A RP R IC E DIT E M S SPACE 51.51 REG PRICE: $ 2 8 6 9 NOW: $ 2 3 6 9 TU XED O I SN O W I STONE I CHILLI C o la n g e lo 'sN o F rills O le g 'sN o F rills 125 C ro ss 1395A b b e yw o o d A ve n u e D rive 1 3 if NOFRILLS ______ 1 QEW 4 0 8 0 FAIR VIEW ST, BURLINGTON I 905.633.7226 PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE DISPLAYED IN SHOWROOMS AS SHOWN ABOVE LIMITED QUANTITIES I CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH OTHER PROMOS OAKVILLE