Oakville Beaver, 13 Oct 1999, B3

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Wednesday, October 13, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 CFUW-OaMle celebrates 50 years, welcomes back local historian as speaker COMMUNITY UPDATE The Canadian Federation of University Women -- CFUW-Oakville, formerly the Oakville University Women's Club, celebrates its 50th anniversary with a 'Guest Night' on Oct. 18th. Betty Tough, a charter member and its first secre­ tary will cut the anniversary cake, along with Nancy Williams, current CFUW- Oakville president. Archives, along with ledger books, and photo albums, will be available for viewing at this special meet­ ing. The club installed its first executive on Oct. 11, 1949. Charter and former mem­ bers of CFUW - Oakville/ University Women's Club are invited to join the cele­ bration. The celebration will be held from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Oakville Trafalgar High School, Devon Road west of Maplegrove Drive. In the first, hand-written minute book, are listed the 62 names of the founding members, with their years of graduation, their universi­ ties, and their occupations. A sign of the times was the list­ ing of 42 members as house­ wife, teachers (unmarried) accounted for six, plus one secretary, one stenographer, one piano teacher, one matron at Appleby College, one Red Cross supervisor, one librarian, and one doc­ tor-anaesthetist. The rest left their occupations blank. The hour-long celebra­ tion will be followed at 8 p.m., by the return of archi­ tect and local historian David Jefferies, who spoke to the CFUW last February about the history of south­ east Oakville. He will present a slide show featuring portions of southwest Oakville titled 'Tales from the Pine Grove.' It will feature the Fourth Line including areas former­ ly known as McCraney's David Je ffe rie s Comers and Proudfoot Hollow and present-day Appleby College. His presentation last win­ ter was very well-attended and included a suggested walking tour of the areas he described. Jefferies' talks focus on the history of former Trafalgar Township, estab­ lished in 1805 that today encompasses most of the land area known as as the Town of Oakville. He is a director of office management for Zeidler Roberts Partnership/ Architects on Queen Street West in downtown Toronto. He has spent a consider­ able portion of the last year working with Canada's Sports Hall of Fame to relo­ cate to their proposed new national headquarters at the former Union Station near Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Since returning to Oakville in 1986, Jefferies has produced a variety of historical reviews including one for the 125th Anniversary of Maple Grove School entitled, Tales for the Maple Grove. He is a graduate of Oakville Trafalgar High School and the University of Waterloo. All women university graduates are invited to attend. For more informa­ tion, contact Ann Pajunen 849-3962. f ' • 4 course dinner y • Custom decor • Wine with dinner t n n %\2 9 per person including taxes & gratuities (Based on a minimum of 75 guests in the Atriun Ballroom & 100 guests in the Trafalgar Ballroom) Available Saturdays until April I or any Friday or Sunday throughout the year. Host, Cash o r Consumption Bars are also available. Call (905) 339-1261 www.carmenscatering.com K A R M E N Carmen's Catering located in the Holiday Inn-Oakville Also inquire about filll-seivice off premise corporate catering! SCARECROW M A K IN G CUDMORES GARDEN CENTRE Saturday, October 16 10:00- 11: 60, 11:00- 12:00, 12:00- 1:00 Phone to book your space for making a Hallowe'en Scarecrow. You bring the clothes (overalls, jeans, plaid shirts, bandanas, hats, gloves, etc.) we'll supply the fixin's. $5.00 / scarecrow $10.00/w ith deluxe pumpkin head 827-1872 3171 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville "A Growing Tradition By The Lake" Rain o r Shine Please forward announcements for Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4; call 845-3824 E xt 250, or Fax 337-5567 BEFORE NOON Monday to be included. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13 Fibromyalgia Support Group, St. Dominic's Parish Hall, 2415 Rebecca, 7 to 9 p.m. Speaker: Dr. Freddie So, chiropractor. Call Cathy, 827-0243 or Brenda, 847-2620. Visual Communication Strategies fo r Young Children with Autism/PDD, lecture with Kristie Morgan of Erinoak, at Notre Dame High School main auditorium, 2333 Headon Forest Dr., Burlington, 7 to 9 p.m. Free to members of Autism Society of Ontario, Halton chapter, and Halton Instructional Assistants Association - all others $5 at the door. Oakville Strutters are back. Fun fitness walks, downtown to Gairloch • Gardens and back, 60 to 90-minute walk. Cafe/pub visit afterwards. Meet at Oakville Central Library main doors, Lakeshore and Navy, 7 p.m. Call Patti Crichton, 338-2751. THURSDAY OCTOBER 14 Need something for your younger children to do a few afternoons a week? Discovery Station Nursery School Open house, St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre, 9 to 11 a.m. Call Oakville Parent-Child Centre, 849- 6366. Hockey MOMS monthly meeting at MOHA office, 1026 Speers Rd., second Thursday of every month, 8 p.m. Anyone who wants to learn more about minor hockey, become more involved or just meet some new friends, is welcome. Call 842-3038. Abuse Counselling - Halton Women's Place in partnership with Women's Centre provides one-to-one counselling to former residents of shel­ ter and community clients who have experienced abuse. To schedule appointment, call 847-5520. ME Association o f Halton/Hamilton Wentworth Support Group meets at 7 p.m. at Tansley United Church, 2111 Walker's Line (north of Upper Middle), Burlington. Call 319-7966. Beautiful Women - From the Inside Out, at j.Orlando, 92A Dunn St., 7 p.m. Topic: Makeup Bag. Cost: $5, call 337-2934. Proceeds to charity. Schizophrenia Society o f Ontario, Oakville Family & Friends Support Group meeting, Canadian Mental Health Association office, 488 Kerr, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Call Bonnie Grant, co-ordinator, 815-0070. Anger Management, six-week course offered by Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton, at CMHA, 460 Brant St., Unit 21, Burlington, Thursdays 5 to 6:30 p.m., Oct. 14th to Nov. 18th. Cost: $100, call 693-4270. FRIDAY_OCIQBERJ5 Retrouvaille, process designed to heal and renew troubled marriages with focus on communication, and opportunities for couples to rediscover themselves and their marriage relation­ ship, Oct. 15th, 16th and 17th. Call, in strict confidence, 844-6057. Healing Mission - The Order o f St. Luke the Physician holds annual Healing Mission at St. Simon's Church, 1450 Litchfield, Trafalgar south of Upper Middle, Oct. 15th and 16th. Call church office, 845-8351. Oakville Galleries Art Rental and Sales holds Fall Juried Art Show, Oct. 15th, 16th, and 17th from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Gairloch Gallery, 1306 Lakeshore Rd. E. For information call 338-0117 - a project of the Oakville Galleries Volunteer Association. Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton, offering 10-week course, Managing Panic and Anxiety: Education and Self-Help Support, for people with anxiety, panic attacks and phobias, Fridays, 2 to 4 p.m., CMHA office, 460 Brant St., Unit 21, Burlington, Oct. 15th to Dec. 17th. Cost: $70, call 693-4270. Oakville Parent-Child Centre offers Cabin Fever, drop-in for parents and caregivers Friday mornings from 10:30 to noon at 337 Kerr St. This pro­ gram allows children to interact with other children and parents to resource with other individuals. Call 849-6366. Oakville Single/Social Dance every Friday at the Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Normandy Room, Church and Navy. Admission $10. Proceeds through Branch 114 to chari­ ties. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Dress code. Tickets, $53 each, avail­ able for New Year's Eve Dance with dinner, champagne, and cash prizes. Tickets available until Nov. 15th at the dances, call 842-1327 or 845-6271. SATURDAY OCTOBER 16 Autumn Harvest Craft & Bake Sale, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Oakville Senior's Centre, 263 Kerr St. Bake table, Christmas handicrafts, sewing, knitted items, plants, jewelry and tea room. Call 815-5966. Rummage Sale, 10 a.m. to noon, Hopedale Presbyterian Church, 156 Third Line, north of Lakeshore. Boyd's Bear 20th Anniversary Celebration, at Mary's Keepsakes, 132 Trafalgar Rd., 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Games, refreshments and promotions to celebrate 'the bear that started it all.' Call 842-6265. Oakville Galleries - Centennial Gallery presents former journalist Geoffrey James' Running Fence, exhibit of large format black and white photographs of both sides of 14 miles of border fence separating United States and Mexico, from the Pacific Ocean to the Otay Mountains. Opening reception Oct. 22nd, 7 to 8:30 p.m., followed by reception at Gairloch; artist's talk Oct. 25th, 7:30 p.m., at Centennial. Call 844-4402. Voices In The Night XVII - West Side Story, Ragtime, Les Miz, Fiddler on the Roof, Man of La Mancha - directed by Tom Oliver and accompa­ nied by Linda Fletcher, Oct. 16th and 17th, 7:30 p.m., Walton Memorial United Church, Lakeshore and Bronte. Tickets: $12, call 827-1643 or Linda Fletcher, 845-5076. All proceeds to expansion of community hall (Bronte Hall), to include a stage and mini gym. New eight-week Saturday pro­ gram, Come Play With Me, starting at Oakville Parent Child Centre on Oct. 16th, 9:30 to 11 a.m., for working par­ ents. Call 849-6366 - advance regis­ tration required. SUNDAY OCTOBER 17 A Celebration o f Trafalgar Day will be held at the Sovereign House, 7 West River St., from 1 to 4 p.m. with a special celebration at 2 p.m. Presentation on Lord Nelson, displays by the Bronte Historical Society, and Museums of Mississauga. Refreshments. Admission is free, donations appreciated. Call 825-5552. You've come a Long Way with Y2K! (your two kidneys). Fall '99 Patient Education Workshop will be held by the Kidney Foundation of Canada, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Black Creek Pioneer Village. Renal profes­ sionals will speak about coping with kidney disease physically, mentally and emotionally. Registration cost is $25 per person or $45 for two. Call Kate Neil at 416-445-0373. MONDAY OCTOBER 18 Living with Cancer support group, 7:30 p.m.. Cancer Society office, 635 Fourth Line, Unit 51. Call 845-5231. Oakville chapter, Breast Cancer Support Services, 7 p.m., Alternatives, 579 Kerr St., 7 p.m. Call 634-2333. Support and information available at BCSS, 2nd floor, Burlington Mall. Parent Watch - Burlington/ Oakville/Waterdown, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Brant Bible Church, 2501 Eaglesfield Dr., Burlington. Call 319- 9026, or visit web site: www.parent- watch.com ALPHA, practical introduction to the Christian faith, Mondays to Nov. 21st. Complimentary meal at 6:30 p.m., followed by video presentation and small group discussion, Central Baptist Church, 340 Rebecca St. Call church office, 845-2942 or Winnie Spencer, 845-1088. Separated/Divorced? Coping with separation and divorce support group, share experiences and concerns, Mondays 7 to 9 p.m. for 10 weeks. Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, Ste. 210. Call 847-5520. Free. . ADVANCED REGISTRATION Halton Family Services offering Parenting After Separation & Children and Divorce (6 to 13) begin­ ning Oct. 18th, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Eight week group program offers parents and children practical approach to gaining information and skills to help them adjust. Also PAC - Power Anger & Control, 'phase one' group for men willing to examine issues of power, anger and control involving relation­ ships with women, children and their peers. Call 845-3811. Services for Abused Women pro­ gram at Halton Family Services offers education/support and therapy groups for women who have experi­ enced emotional, physical and/or sexu­ al abuse within their spousal or dating relationships, starting Oct. 18th. Individual counselling/therapy for women and children's groups also pro­ vided. Call 845-3811. Free services. Dessert Bridge for Seniors at The Kensington, 25 Lakeshore W., Oct. 20th, 1:30 p.m. Registration required, free, bring a partner. Call 844-4000. Free Internet Training fo r Job Seekers - Internetworking Program taking registrations for two-week pro­ gram for Oct. 20th and Nov. 3rd, 9 a.m., at Human Resource Devel­ opment Centre, 1090 Speers Rd. Bring resume. Call 1 -877-722-1777 to regis­ ter or orientation. 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