CO in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, J an ua ry 1 8, 20 18 | f o r m o r e n e w s ch eck out I n s i d e H a l t o n c o m ^Halton REGION ha () 311 PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE W a te rm a in R ep lacem ent on M ississaga S tree t fro m Rebecca St to Lakeshore Road W est Tow n o f O akv ille PR -3204 Halton Region is planning to replace the watermain on Mississaga Street from Rebecca Street to Lakeshore Road West in the Town of Oakville. A Public Information Centre will be held for residents who want to learn more about the construction project. Please drop in at any time between 6 to 8 p.m. Project staff will be available to answer your questions. Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 Time: 6 -8 p.m. Location: Halton Regional Centre, Halton Room 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville If you would like to learn more about the project and are unable to attend the Public Information Centre, please contact: Caroline Hales, Project Manager Engineering & Construction Public Works 905-825-6000, ext. 7612 Investing in resident priority areas this year On December 13,2017, Regional Council approved Halton's 2018 Budget and Business Plan.The budget ensures our programs and services provide top value for taxpayers while supporting a high quality of life in Halton. It will preserve our strong financial position and A A A credit rating, maintain service levels for Regional programs and make strategic infrastructure investments.The budget also includes a 1.9 per cent property tax increase for Regional services.These actions will address resident priorities and support the successful completion of the current Strategic Action Plan, which ensures Halton remains a great place to live, work, raise a family and retire.To learn more, visit Gary Carr Regional Chair M e e tin g s a t H a lton R e g ion , 1151 B ronte Rd., O a k v ille , L6M 3L1 Visit for full schedule. Feb 13 9:30 a.m. Health & Social Services Feb 14 1:30 p.m. Adm inistration & Finance Feb 14 9:30 a.m. Planning & Public Works Feb 21 9:30 a.m. Regional Council Please contact us, as soon as possible, if you have any accessibility needs at Halton Region events or meetings. T A B R IC L A N D SMffl S2IB@Dl F A L L /W IN T E R I n v e n t o r y C le a r a n c e Sale in effect January 4-31, on se lec ted in -stock m erch an d ise . Owt O ucfim l VnlceA on a huge special selection.? of Seasonal Merchandise *T AND JAN.I9&20 EVERYONE SAVES 40% OFF OUR REG. PRICES ON ALMOST EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE STORE! Follow us on Facebook & Twitter! NOW OPEN IN OAKVILLE - 2501 HAMPSHIRE GATE, UNIT 7A TEL. 905-287-4148 IN THE PIER 1 PLAZA, S. SIDE OF DUNDAS JUSTW. OF WINSTON CHURCHILL READY FOR EVERY OCCASION 15% OFF PLAIN SUITS&TIES t EXP. 12/31/2017 SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY DRY CLEANERS 20% OFF COCKTAIL DRESSES & FORMAL WEARDRY CLEANERS + EXP. 12/31/2017 SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY FOR A LOCATION NEAR YOU, CALL 905333.6210 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE W W W .S P O TLE S SD R Y C LE A N E R S .C O M ASK ABOUT OUR REWARDS PROGRAM POWERED BY: vicinity DRY CLEANERS http://WWW.SPOTLESSDRYCLEANERS.COM () 311 Investing in resident priority areas this year Sale in effect January 4-31, on selected in-stock merchandise. AND JAN.I9&20 EVERYONE SAVES 40% OFF OUR REG. PRICES ON ALMOST EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE STORE! NOW OPEN IN OAKVILLE - 2501 HAMPSHIRE GATE, UNIT 7A TEL. 905-287-4148 IN THE PIER 1 PLAZA, S. SIDE OF DUNDAS JUSTW. OF WINSTON CHURCHILL 15% OFF 20% OFF