in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 1, 20 18 | ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT PAY TO THE ORDER OF . Charitable Registra ^ wellspring e il s p r in g c a n c e r s u p p o r t f o u n d a t io n 5 0 , . r n . ov̂ orA Kuricl/eJ ^dlor /loo DOLLARS OaWvi « Acura of Oakville supports Wellspring Cancer Support Foundation D o n a tin g a p o rt io n o f th e sa les fro m n e w a n d p re -ow ned veh ic les th ro u g h o u t No ve m b e r a n d D ecem ber, th e A cu ra o f O akville team n e tte d $ 3 ,5 0 0 fo r the W e llsp ring C ancer S u p p o rt F ounda tion . P ic tu re d he re a re W e llsp ring L igh t-up c o m m itte e m e m b e rs a n d A cu ra re sp re se n ta tive s : (b a ck ro w le ft to r ig h t) Lynn Verwey, B a rba ra M organ , Tina H opkins, Jon Z o rm a n n (A cura o f O akville G enera l S a les M anager), E lisabe th W ijke r (A cura o f O akville S a les a n d Le a s ing C onsu ltan t), E ve line Dear, ( fro n t ro w le ft to rig h t) C laud ia Connor, Vanessa Fraser, A nn ie K o h u t,J a n T ingle a n d G rac ie la R a inusso. M iss in g fro m th e p h o to a re J e n n ife r S tevenson , M a rla N ew ton, B ev C athro, S usy Borges S an tos a n d Lau ren M cL e o d .W e iisp rin g B irm in g h a m Gilgan H ouse in O akville o ffe rs a s u p p o rtiv e ca re p rog ram s, a t no cost, fo r ca n c e r p a tie n ts a n d th e ir fa m ilie s . L o ca te d in the h e a r t o f O akville , i t is p a r t o f a n e tw o rk o f W e llsp ring cen tres th a t p rov ide e m o tio n al, psycho log ica l, re s to ra tiv e a n d e d u c a tio n a l s u p p o rt p ro g ra m s a n d se rv ices. M aste rw o rk s seeks ch o ris te rs a n d m u sic ian s Masterworks of Oakville Chorus and Orchestra is calling on new choristers and orchestra musicians to join its ranks. The group, one of the largest community organi zations in Oakville, is cur rently holding auditions and welcomes talented resi dents to try out. Masterworks regularly performs with over 100 mu sicians, choir and orchestra combined. It is dedicated to per forming the works of choral classical tradition and is known for executing chal lenging works seldom heard outside major metro politan centres. Plans for the group's spring concert are already in the works and rehearsals for the April 28-29 concert, featuring Handel's Samson, begin Saturday (Feb. 3). The spring concert takes place at St. Andrew Catho lic Church in downtown Oakville. Masterworks was found ed by Joyce Sitarski. Its ar tistic director of Charles Demuynck. For more information, email info@masterworkso- Please keep our community clean! I f y o u f in d a c h e a p e r p r ic e , s im p ly s h o w u s a n d w e w i l l m a tc h . (A*,"'LMiWSlLJL Club Size, centre and rib end, bone in COBBLESTONE ' PORK BACK RIBS eaogor CHICKEN DRUM STICKS 900G, Selected varieties frozen CLEMENTINES Product of Moroco D AN-0 PAK CASHEWS 908g, salted or unsalted UNICO TOMATOES or CHICK PEAS or RED KIDNEY BEANS 796ml, ■ NOFRILLS 18x355ml, selected varieties selected varieties, frozen pizzas selected varieties 3 days only - Thurs. Feb 1 to Sat Feb 3 i 15,000 (j£ when you spend $100 on almost anything in the store. That's $15 in points. See store for details. O lp n '^ N n F rill^ FLYER PRICES EFFECTIVE IN 1 V/icy o i tu r im o Ontario stores only. Thursday, V. A one A UUAtnim H FEBRUARY 1 to Wednesday,1 Oi/O ADDSyWOOU FEBRUARY 7,2018. Jl D rive , O a k v ille VJQ n o fr ills .c a L ^ l NOFRILLS 1 P V ------- QEW i CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF RECOGNIZING IMMIGRANT ACHIEVERS Do you know an inspiring immigrant who has made a positive impact in Canada? Recognize and celebrate their achievements by nominating them for this coveted national award by Feb 27, 2018. 2018 NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN Visit Title sponsor: Presented by: Media sponsors: Royal Bank * i m m metre EBBffi CANADIAN IMMIGRANT ^ wellspring CANADIAN