Sunday, July 18, 1999 Oakville Beaver Weekend Petro-Canada has cut odour emissions at refinevy (C o n t in u e d f r o m p a g e 1) "A lot of these symptoms are based on social, cultural and personal factors," he explained. "For example, those people who felt the refinery was a benefit to the community might be less like ly to be bothered by the odours or notice symptoms. 'To me, the bottom line is that many of the indicators showed improvement," he added. In 1992, following a num ber of complaints and prob lems relating to odours com ing from the Petro-Canada refinery, a health study of area residents was undertaken. The study found that dur ing the period of time studied, "refinery odours had negative impacts on health and quality of life of people living in the vicinity." Following the study, Petro- Canada undertook a number of odour reduction measures at the plant, including: the installation of a waste water treatment plant to deal with refinery waste water; the pur chase of a sulphur recovery unit to improve the combus tion of sulphur gases; the installation of new thermal oxidizers in the flare system to minimize odour, noise and visibility impacts on the com munity; and improvements to a complaint hotline system to more accurately document potential causes of communi ty complaints. The latest survey, which was undertaken in 1997, but just released last month, found that the improvements have reduced the frequency with which residents notice odours and the amount those odours bothered them. However, the report rec ommends that Petro-Canada continue to work on reducing odourous emissions, that the regional health department conduct periodic follow-up surveys to monitor the situa tion and that the provincial Ministry of the Environment expand air quality monitoring in the vicinity of the refinery. Kevin Flynn, who chairs the Petro-Canada Community Advisory Committee, said he is pleased with the results of the survey. "It sort of quantifies what the (committee) has been feel ing - that we've been making some progress and the work we've been doing is worth while," he said. The committee, made up of interested local residents, area town councillors Flynn and Ralph Robinson, and staff from Petro-Canada, has worked in a cooperative man ner to make changes to bene fit the area, said Flynn. "We've been fortunate over the last six or eight years to have a management at the refinery that, by and large, has been very cooperative and quite willing to make changes to make the community a bet ter place to live," he said. Still, he said, most resi- C a m p T V i l l i u m s w i m g a i n i n g r e c o g n i t i o n (C o n t in u e d from p a g e 3 ) swim was soon linked to fundraising for Camp Trillium. Traci remains in remis sion. Last year, Greene swam the 22-kilome ter length of Lake Rousseau in eight hours, seven minutes with Bang only minutes behind her. In the past Greene had pacers but 1998 marked the first time another swimmer went the distance. "A lot depends on what Mother Nature throws at us," says Greene, who won't be stopped by anything other than thunder storms. "Luckily we've had sunshine every year." Like previous years, Greene and Bang will hit the water at 7 a.m. To fuel her body for the ordeal, Greene will load up on pasta the night before then sustain herself during the swim with a peculiar combination of hot chocolate, Gatorade, Jelio and choco late bars. Cottage Life Television will be cover ing the event, as will the "New VR" and some cottage country radio. Rather than feed her ego, Greene said all the fuss sim ply draws more attention to Camp Trillium. "I want it to be bigger and more for the kids," she said. Camp Trillium has two sites at M A R T On page 1 of the flyer in effect from Sunday July 18, 1999 to Saturday July 24, 1999 the Royale Facial Tissues Ultra 100's are incorrectly advertised at the sale price of 690, they are available at their regular price. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. 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