Oakville North News (Oakville, Ontario: Oakville Beaver, Ian Oliver - Publisher), 1 Oct 1993, p. 20

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REASONABLE Industrial Units For rent. 1.05010 3200 anl. Secretarial Services on pruning 875-1200 or 1- 416-2756834 '* ' 1. ‘ wi workshop. 844â€"5243 MUSTBESEEN- oTh Lino/Upper Middle- 9‘1'992": wager: lame CLASSIFIEDS GLEN ABBEV- 15 room house, a old, walk-out hnuumm mnnv unnnadu basement: man upgrades, 1418 _bboywood bEW'. ’wb’fi'i’wlaat i335, 8184.900. 1-416-573-3000. STONEY CREEK. moun- tain. detached, 2 storey. seven years new. a bed- rooms. 2 1/2 baths, large rooms. above ground pool, ta".m "an 0'9” mar-00M PRIVATE-150 It. lake- hont lot. 300 It. deep on lovely LOVELY Seagull Lake on Hi hway 522. mam? :2 . o r his available on his lake. Veiy' Bfifl'réioiiéi- tin . no km rom main [1ngng on maintained ..A.__ .__J . LA.-. subdivis‘bon toad. Hydio; telephone and driveway are they. __A_sking Immaculate townhouse, three adous bed- rooms, fireplace, family room, appliances; gara e. owous ravine patio, near 60.; ,m l. vein condition, must selll Stanley Feldman, Sales Rep 923-4621 $187,500 Brick Bung. 3+2 bdrms, excel. Ice. in Ir- oquois Ridge. PRIVATE pie-shaped lot, eat-in kit, C/A, ingrd. pool tiered deck 1222 KENSINGTON PK. RD, 849-1804 Lake view, 2 bdrm. 2 baths, Iiv. rm., separate din. rm. den. New European kit. with sunshine ceiling. Pantry with loads of cupboards. Pool, party rm. etc. Night security guard. Asking $172,900 hall-uterus 100 OPEN HOUSE suunAv. 2 - 5 pm 1288 Beaufort Dr. BURLINGTON (Just mum at #5 Him. «a on Brant smut) To place an ad please call 845-2809 or FAX 845-3085 Mon.â€" Fri. 8:30 a.m.- 5 pm. FEATURE HOME - OPEN SUN. 2-4 ~757-i ADMIRAL'S WALK On The Lake For nppt. {a flaw call 637-01 54 BEST QUALITY 8: LOCATION APPROX. 5.500 SQ. FT. 0F FINISHED AREA Ndm Corporation Real Estate minutes t6 Abbey, 2,100, Executive Freehold, end unil. new. bright open Florida decor. Seatoam green. u raded broadloom. Bleac ed oak staircase/cabinets. ceram- ics.‘ 3 bedrooms. 2 1/2 heme. large family room. fireplace. walk-out fenced yard Single garage, double driveway. Long closing. m.” lilm. 849â€"3698 2,000 so. FT. lacing Spoon Road. Good for your own car repairs. 1100 sq. n. zoned automofivo. suitable tor retail. 1350 . it. with skyligm. zoned -1. 1200 sq. ft.. 3500/ month. _All on Spears. Need more Infor- mation? Rudy 847â€"6663 SHARED office space for Iawy_er or accountant in FOFI RENT: 1200 sq. It. or 2600 sq. ft. unit industrid or storage. Also 2500 sq. n. buildm . allhava drive in doors. aka otter; Qajl Pet- pne ‘ ioue Briarwood Buei- ness ark al Tmtalgar and OEW. Private offices plus share reception. kitchen. boardroom. telephone III'IBS and more. Call Eric or An- 9000 «am . Silas-7541. 344-5132. $184, 900. Charming 4 bedroom home on premium sized lot nestled on quiet lamily-orienled crescent. Redeoolatsd inside and out 92/93 in soft neulral ones. New 12'x16' deck. rivate enclosed bac aid. endor unnelened tags Plus Realty Inc a44-«44 “Was-ford: mum INVESTOR rcquiro: $2500.00 lo $60,000.00. vir- tually riak tm investment. Return 18% to 25% per your. You control your own Investment. Call 1-416-338- room apartmeht, 554 Kg}: 81, abave slma. adults only. Available immediately. . RENOVATED, , "[97 99d- LAKEFRONT. 2 bedroom. beautifully lumiehed. avail- able November through April. 3809/ month. Roler- enoee rammed. 627-2664 TRAFALGARI Upper Mid- dIe. A-1 two bedroom bane- ment apartment. separate entrance. militias included. BACHELOR Wayailalzlo in fling. Odtville. de to 34mm. Park- Cdl W. in extra. Edie? town PENTHOUSE LUXURY. All glue view of lake from living area. Spiral staircase to loft bedroom. Master] bedroom wiIh and don. Jacuzzi. walk in shower. 2 WPi”. powder mom.5 eppiIencee. ceramic and c“mecegelmd throu hout. FURNISHEDone bedroom basement apartment. for employed person. rat. entrance. close to uses 999 gbgeping plaza. $485. Kvaslifilb V 'i’riirho’d’ia’to’ly. OAKVILLE la a one bed- room. Oct. 55 . two bed- room. 3699. October. Close to Kerri Lakeshom Rd. Nmaunokon. 233â€"7441 at «Miâ€"7m ESTABLISHED small ap- pliance re air and retail store. Idea [or owner op- erator. Tony Farrah. Sales Roprounlativa, Sutton Group Central. 329-1010. Certified Derma- loglists experi- enced in micro- pigmentation work (Ex.e ebrows,eye- liner, i'pliner) seek: ing 0 fice spacei with physician in clinical setting. I Oekvllle area ‘ 844-2111 or fax 844-6678 OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY _Con_do Apts. 2_ 3 bedroorns from $875 per month. . 5 Iiances - firep ace - air conditioning - vertical blinds - broadloom - storage rooms . recreational area - parking included - security entrance Please call bet- ween 9 a.m.- 5pm. at 825-3327 MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1 229 Marlborough Court 2 l 3 Bodmm Madman“ Av-llablo Close to Sheridan Colle Oakville Place. Quiet park-likg setting. or info call: Mwlmhm 84457332 BRONTE basement apart- ment ono bedroom. open concept. laundry. non- smoker. pots welcome, 5575. includes utilities. Oc- tober lat. 825-8732. tarnished. one bedroom, near Sheridan College. All lacllitios available. 3400. monlhly. 842-1551. BRONTEILAKESHORE. e-plex 1 bedroom, 3575 plus hydro. Available No- vember 1st. Fm parlong. References. Call 277-0509 or 847-5727. BASEMENT apartment twabodmom. Availablaim- medialolz. New carpet, kitchen oqr. privato_en- trqncg. _ut_illt_iu._ parAkflg, 9‘Assansw spawn! ur- TWO bedroom end bachelor apartment. avail- able immediate! . $815. and $475. month y. Cell between 6 pm. and 8 pm. Two agonqqy .Iarg. a nmont. available immo- dlalely Kerr ls Elmwood. area. $700. monthly plua WWW-0491.827“ fully maintained quiet bund- ing. Old Oakvillo. Lots at senior: in building. Cail 844- 6952. No lease. IISSISSAUGA OEWI Southdown, one bedroom uniurnished baseman! apartment. 8500 plus U2 utilities. 621-8634 or 055- SUITES available. Ono bedroom 8800. Open con- cep t. 5675. 2 bedroom. $900. Downlown in beauti- BASEMENT apartment. Downtown location. Avail - ablo immediately ylhrouPh April 1994. $500 all me u- oIvo. Female non- -arnokor am ' 1330â€"5098. LARGE TWO bedroom on bus route, core area. Avalh able Nov-tuber 13!. 5680/1110. plus hydro. Call 339-3804. please leave NOVEMBER 15! One bed- room fridge. shove. Cfoeefo Oakvilfe Harbour. $650 monthly monthl 845-67 7 ONE bedroom. sunkon liv- in room, close to Go. “go. 644-6443 Mon. -Frl. KERRISPEERS: one bedroom q lalnment 3645 includes utl me: and park- I_n_gA November ‘st. 849- \auxuxv 2..,=1,b99r291" Garden Homos in Oak- viue frqm $905 per month. -Bp6édioom Names! binds -§g|eonies or patios bhiiflé'nunagemem ~Rmational ma 'W-s DEADLINES CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 4 pm. for Wednesday issue. Wed. 4 pm. for Mday issue. Thurs. 4 pm. for Sunday issue . ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Oakville Beaver assumes no financial liability tor typographicat errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than the cost 01 space occupied by the error. Ctaims tor errors,must be made prior to next publication date. EMREALESTATE 100-165 ETAUTOMART ~ 400-455 m RENTALS 170-196 HELP WANFED 500-570 mm; LEISURE LIVING 200-265 FHANNOUNCEMENI‘SGWIGgs “MERCHANDISE 300-385 um- SERVICES 700-794 TVIO bedroom in new build- ing, whiflpool and separate shower In main washruom, covered oparking, near 60 and ah oping‘zssso In- AVAILABLE November 1st. 2 bedroom condo, lab- viow. $900. monthly. Mars pm. (519) 941â€"6784. BEAUTIFUL Bronlo loca- tion : 2 bedrooms. Party room. fitness centre, indoor pool. 2 underground park- Ing. Several upgrades in- cluding broadloom. jacuzzi. lrnmadiale. Asking $1375Imonth. 644â€"1586 SPACIOUS 2 bedroom unit within walking distance to GO andsh opIng. Living room with he wood floors. walk-out to balcony. sepa- rate dinin room, 2 bath- rooms. 3 95/ month in- cludes utilities. Non-smoker, no pots. 338â€"8573 evenings Exceptional one two bedroom apart- ments, each with balcony overlooking beau- tiful Lake Ontario. Perfect for someone seeking prime location at affordable price. 36 East St. Bronte ‘mmm ,nuhedroan,mmey, adun mun, nglalmmllhalc" madbom, 4' appllances, parking. Please call between 5-8 pm. to view: An apartment building with only seven- ty-four lar 9 two or three bedroom Suites. we! known for its quiet. spa- cious. elegance in downtown east Oak- ville. Indoor pool, saunas, and parking. Reasonable rents. Call for appolntment 842-5518 ENNISCLARE ON THE 1m 11 Close to Sheridan College Oakville Place. Quiet park-like setting. For info call: 5220 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington's Prime Address! _ ‘l-Bdrm. (1100 sq.ft.) From $838. ‘ 2-Bdrm. (1425 sq.ft.) From $965. * Big 20'x26' lideinm *A/C *Fridge, Stove, Dishwasher *Healed Outdoor Pool *Sauna ‘Recroom ‘Indoor/Outdoor Parking Call For Appointment to View 632â€"5486 Daily 9 am - 7 pm Luxurious Lichen! Wt For Rent, Odtvllle 2 bedroom den - 1730 sq.fl 3 bedroom - 1575 sq.ft. “Infidel“ mmgmfifim Beautiful Bronte 1260 Marlborough Court 1 8x 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Immediately WALLACE PINES II Call 827-6625 or 845-1482 BROKERS WELCOME OAKVILLE COURT Picturesque Country Lifestyle Residence On-The-Lake THE CANADIANA SIR RICHARD TOWERS $1,000Imonth Inclusive 827-91 69 845-7545 LANDLORDSI WE have many screened. qualified tenants available! Call anytime It you have a va- cancy. 333â€"5506. Active Management FURNISHED. BURLING- TON Luxury1 bedroom condos (tom $1095. over- looking the lake. Pool. rec complex. 632-8354. 632- 6189. BURLINGTON- LUXURY 2 bedroom overlooking lake. Pool. rec. complex, ap- pliances. utllmas included. $895.]mo. Immediate. Call 525-2202. 632-6189 BURLINGTON. TWO bed- room. 1-1/2 baths. five ap- pliances. CIA. solarium. 24hr security Rent or Buy. 632-1913 Eflhouseflormt 847-1659 {MAIN floor 701 house! three $1750IMONTH. Execu- tive 2 store in man east Oakvllle. uiot crescent. Ravino. private, lenood lot. 8 looms. 2 1/2 baths, ap- pliances central air, and more. Will take long term lean. and/or option to buy. Call Victor Saric. Re/Max Aboutowne Realty. 842â€"7000 EXECUTIVE home located Robeson/Sad ewick, (Ho- padale area , tour bed- lqoms. finishsd lamilymom with bar. 2-1/2 car garage. all appliances. $1500./monlh. Ma le Leaf Home Marketing onsult- ants Inc. 842â€"8383 bodmoms, laundry ,31025. plus utilities, East Oakvillo. Available immediately. 740â€"6172 SHERIDAN College area, a bedroom, double garage, immediate oueasion, gjosolmonth y. Call THREE bedroom brick bun- ROOM TO Hoaml Execu-' tiva custom-built 4 bedroom house on 5 acres. 2-1/2 baths. Jacuzzi. double ga- rage. CIA. carpeted throughom. sundaek. lami- Iyroom w/lireplaco. don. 20003q.ft. out-building. many extras. $1550. Nago- tiabla. 333-5506. Acflva ganw. finished buomonl, appliances. large luv 3- rago. near schools. 0- vombornt. $1154lmonth. TflREE bedroom house. lnge. stove. central Oak- vullo. large tenced lot. $10501nnonm. 257â€"1376. afg'e'lot FImflaoe air No- vombor 1 fiesiden- tia|lindustrial a’roa. S1109!m_onfl1. 349â€"1514 or TWO bedrooms, quiet shot. gonna}. Kerr/Rebeca ma. garage and basement store 0. laundry. $520 month. available Oc- tober 131 8454588 THREE bedroom. 2 car ga- rag, Lpfliee w 29 x14, wk-._‘_ -._ u- 62745617. TOP floor ol 3 bedroom bungalow. $975. monthly all utilities Included. Pos- aoalion November 13L Call 847-7”! TWO BEDROOM c9}; bungalow. downtown Mil- ton. ~$895 plus utilities grid appliancea. Available un- untimely. Cd! 2746333. HOUSE lor rent. 1023 Fal- garwood Drive. with ap- Iiancoa. Oakville. Call via 01’ Joe 849-0912. . BURLINGTON ~ $750010. 1!: l-Bdrm. + Den Q 5 Appliances 9 Neutral Decor 9 Ensuite Laundry * Indoor Parking fl Immediate Call 24 Hours a Day BE THE FMST! BRAND NEW Garden Homes (Corner of Fainriew Maple Ave., opp. Mapleview Centre, Burlington) Luxury 1-2-3 Bedrooms From $875. + utilities FEATURING: *Fireplace *Fam.rm. *5 appliances *1-1/2 baths *Attached garage *Min. to GOI49_3/QEW Enjoy comfortable living in our spacious 3 4 bedroom townhouses, available imme- diately. Our features include 4 appliances, 2- 1/2 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool, sauna shower facilities, indoor parking, on-site management, some fireplaces. Near shopping transportation. Starting at $1,000. up + utilities. EACTIVEE 6 WEEKS RENT FREE Burlington By Appointment, 639-0950 Westminster Place Brant St. 8: Ghent Ave. 521-5453 or 546-9119 Uni? 541 Call 333-5506 FAMILY townhouse in- cludes stove. (ridge. one cable ougtlpg. o_n_o car 9:!- LANDLOBDS! WE have many screened. quelmed tenams avalleblel Call anytime I! you have a va- BURLINGTON VILLAS Townhomes - Exquisite rentals in quiet complex. Three bedrooms. 1 1/2 baihs. 5 appliances. CIA. fireplace. garage. near GO siation OEW. $9951mo. plus utilfios. 637-31 12 rage. unfinished basement carpeting on bedroom level. no pets, three bedrooms. $895.00 plus utilities. Call 842â€"8353 leave message. Manégoment TOVINHOUSE. 2021 Sixth Line 3 bedrooms. Avail- ayla immediqtelx. 5 ap- TOWNHOUSE. 415 River Oaks Blvd. 3 bedrooms. Availabloimgnedialely. 5 appliances. air oondfloning. gas haatin .1 1/2 bath- rooms. 81‘ (month. Call Lia; 845-8624. KC. McCall. NORTH BURLINGTON~ Quality townhouse. 3 bed- rooms. llvingroom/dl- ningroom. eat- in kitchen. appliances. 1- 1/2 baths. ga- rage. lenced backyard. Pool in complex. Near schools, GO. $900/mo.+ utilities. Nov.1st. Boler- ences. 335-1915. alter in 7 liancu; air. era '0. Aegilablo Nov. 131.9311 . THREE bedroom town- hougg, 5_apgliay_nqga.£ir THREE and [our bodmom townhouses. available No- vember 1st. Hopedale Mall Tamas" "".'”"'"Iiéifi {1’1'72 IhroomsFCall 33a 845- 3624, KC. Mood. PM WWI” RV lobar 1d. 81,090.;Iuahy- drg. , 338 7482 andra. R25. Mééiu'FrbBefii'Ma'il All classified ads must be pre-paid We Accept NORTH OAKVILLE (Lancaster Dr.) 3 bedroom townhouse, available immediately Close to amenities. 4 ap- pliances, finished base- ment. attached garage. 51W. To View contact 219-7191 Cheque or cash '“;th ' 66-

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