Oakville North News (Oakville, Ontario: Oakville Beaver, Ian Oliver - Publisher), 8 Oct 1993, p. 16

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friday, Wflh News “HAPPY? u ypu're p9! ma_k- SHARED office space tor lawyer or accountant in prest ious Briarwood Busi- -4\ess ark et Trafalgar and QEW. Private offices plus share reception. kitchen. boardroom. telephone lines and more. Call Eric or An- gelo 842-0300. ONE OFFICE Ideal for «mall business. Rea to move in. Reasons le. 2400 W each Rd. Unit 10. 895-381 In? $300 a.d - lets talk. 4-a)7s1-7s1o{a¢ ham). - OEWI Winston Churchill sublet.. 890511.". otflce space. new building. tree parking. $850.00 gross tur- want-6244468. FOR RENT: 1200 sq. ft. or 2600 sq. ft. unit industtial or store 0; Also 2500 sq. ft. building, allhave drive in doors. Make otter. Call Pet- er. 828-7544. 844-5182. REASONABLE Industrial Units for rent. 1.050 to 3200 sq.ft. Secretarial Services on premises 8751200 or 1- 416-275â€"6834 AUCTION- Sunday Oc- tober 24th 3:30 pm. Updat- ed 4 bedroom Victorian. great harbour location in ‘Ile. Auctioneer - David Crook. A.M.D. Preview Open House Wednesday October 13th, 6-7 pm and Odober161h a. 17th 1-3 . Advantage Plus Realty nc. guy Reed, Sales Rep. 844- OPEN HOUSE $199,900. 3 bedroom bungalow. large mature b1. hardwood floors. double garage. cemral lo- cation. 137 Lei hland Rd. Sat. Sun. 1 - 3 pm. (416)699-1054 My ~ mg. no km rom mam highway on maintained PRIVATE-1501!. lake- tmm lot soon deepen lovely LOVELY Seagull Lake on Highway: 522. mm; Togas 5:5 e . 0 at r 1013 available on this lake. hiuway on maintained su iyision roa_d.. .Hydro. telephone and driveway are there. Asking $69,900. Please Call 1-705-757-2336 RETREAT. ON ITS OWN LEVEL with 4- pce. Ens., R/l C/A Vac. MUST BE SEEN TO APPRECIATE” EXCELLENT NALUEII 1582 RILEY AVE. 335-1581 FEATURE HOME OPEN SAT. SUN. 2-4 PM. BURLINGTON - $171,900 MAKE HOUSE HUNTING A REAL PLEASURE“ MOVE IN CONDI! 3 bdrm, MATI’WOOD built bksplt, exc. quiet Ioc., eat in kit., sep. din. rm. OAK cabnts. rail- ings Mn. Flr. F/R with __h_eat_i_|._ _.__E/P Mstr OPEN HOUSE SAT. 2-4pm $187,500 Brick Bung. 3+2 bdrms, excel. Ice. in Ir- oquois Hidge,.PRIVATE pie-shaped lot, eat-in kit., C/A, ingrd. pool tiered deck- ing. 1222 KENSINGTON PARK ROAD, Call 849-1804 to vlew. m Wlspaee Lake view, 2 bdrm. 2 baths. liv. rm.. separate din. rm. den. New European kit. with sunshine ceiling. Pantry with loads of cupboards. Pool, party rm. etc. Night security guard. Asking $172,993 [010] houses for sale CLASSIFIEDS ADMIRAL'S WALK On The Lake For appt: t3 View call 637-0154 olllealbusim obndocbruo To place an ad please call 845-2805 or FAX 845-3085 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m.- 5 pm TWO bedrooms. five ap- pliances. fireplace. air con- ditioning. Mo large storage rooms. recreation facilities. Call 847â€"2729 TWO BEDROOM apart- ment. available imme- diately. close to Kerr St. $650. monthly. 842â€"1609 ONE bedroom basement apartment. separate on- trance all utilities. availabb November 151 non-smoker. TWO bedroom apartment avallable Immediately. Hafbourview Plaza. corner at Lakeshore and Bronte Fkt 825-1261. BACHELOR apartment avallable immediately. $475./nlonlhly. Gall bet- \iveen 6p.m.' and 8pm. LARGE, luxury, furnished gr- unfymlshog apartment !I_1 Glen Abbe . like'new. avail- able maker]. was; MISSISSAUGA, Erin Mills Parkway and Brittanla. 3 bedroom condo. Ensuite laundry. 2 in-door parking spaces. owner sacrificing. Call 254-1131 or 567-1653 ONE bedroom with salar- ium condo In new luxury building. Burlingron, $121,000 lirm. Occupied unm Sprln or Summer 1994 (negotiable). Close to lake and shopping, five ap- pliances. air. separate shower. neutral decor. blinds, private View, all rec ladl‘rfles. Call 842-0131. o Exce tlonally well- main _ained high rise - Hydro included 0 Outdoor pool 1 bedroom $06 2 bedrooms 766 o I_nins.[I;om gEW/[io mmhdo -apts.flatsforrent -apu.flltsbrram -apts.flmsform1t-housesforlem 845-9502 cbndosforsaie One of the nicest one bedroom a an- monts in Oakw la is now available, newl irenovatqd, new_broa â€" :loom. 3 appliances ‘plus microwave. deâ€" 1signer kitchen in beauâ€" ‘titully maintained and landscaped duplex in the downtown area. Would suit quiet. non- smoker who will a - predate the fine finis - mg details of this spe- dalsujte. $8004n30nth. An apartment building with only seven- ty-four Iar e two or three bedroom suites, wel known for its quiet, spa- cious, elegance in downtown-east Oak- vilie. Indoor pool, saunas, and parking. Reasonable rents. Unique. charming, 3 bedroom, 2 storey, adult apartment overlookin lake, with a/c., broadloom, horizontal blin s, lots of closet and storage space. 4 appliances. parking. $1 ,000/month inclusive Please call between 5-8 pm. to view: 847-1659 MARLBOROUGH OOURT APARTMENTS 1 229 Marlborough Court 2 G 3 Bedroom Apartmo'nls Available Close to Sheridan Coll e Oakville Place. Quiet parkâ€"like setting. or info call: ENNISCLARE ON THE IAKE II Luxurious Lakefront Apamnm Fot Rem. 0mm. . 2 bedroom 8: den - 1730 sq.fl 3 bedroom ‘- 1575 sq.fl. the D II I a he mm !! II!!- #5”: Exceptional one two bedroom apart- ments, each with balcony overlooking beau- tiful Lake Ontario. Perfect for someone seeking prime location at affordable price. 36 East St. Bronte 1260 Marlborough Court 1 8x 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Immediately Close to Sheridan College Oakville Place. Quiet ark-like setting. or info call: THE CANADIANA 5220 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington's Prime Address! ‘l-Bdrm. (1100 sq.ft.) From $838. ‘ 2-Bdnn. (1425 sqfi.) From $965. "' Big 20'x26' liv./din.nn I'A/C *Fridge, Stove, Dishwasher *Heated Outdoor Pool *Sauna *Recroom *Indoor/Outdoor Parking Call For Appointment to View 632-5486 Daily 9 am - 7 pm Call 344-2713 Beautiful Bronte WALLACE PINES II Call 827-6625 or 845-1482 BROKERS WELCOME OAKVILLE COURT Picturesque Country Lifestyle Residence On-111e-Lake SIB RICHARD TOWERS Call for appolntment 842-5518 84457332 827-91 69 845-7545 BACHELOR apartment. Nonh Oakvllle. exclusive right to backyard. Parklng. hydro extra. available No- vember lst. $500. monthly. BACHELOR basement apanmenL private bath- room. parking. non-smoker. mature person, imme- dlmol $450./momh, azs-sflz SUITES available. One bedroom $800. 2 bedroom. 3900. Downtown in beauti- fully mm'ntained quiet build- ing. Old Oakvi 9. Lots of seniors In buildng. all” 6952. 7N0 lease. EAST Oakville. one bed- room basement apartment. separate entrance. utilities included. non-smoker. SGOOJmomhly. 849-6999. FURNISHED. BURLING- TON Luxury1 bedroom condos from $1095. over- looking the lake. Pool. rec complex. 632-8354. 632- 6189. BURLIIGTON- LUXURY 2 bedroom overlooklng lake. Pool. rec. complex. ap- pliances. utlii‘ies incIuded. $895‘Imo. Immediate. Call 525-2202. 632-6189 CONDO for sale or ram. 3 bedmom, 1200 sq. ft. 2 lev- els, 4 llamas. If renting, mlmia: nnludad Call Painr EAST BURLINGTON. near 60/ OEW. s aclous one bedroom. 1-1/ baths. balcony. security. recrea- tion. $795. 828-9116 als. 4 llamas. ll renting, ulllltlas ncludad. Call Peter or Julia 338-6509 alter 5 pm. shopping ' $995 monthly inc udes utilities. TWO pagroom. oyeflooking lake. $950./momh negotF able. utllhies Included. park- ing. use 01 tacilitles. Also basemem apanrnent in Bur- llnglpfl, Jean 827â€"9577. THREE bedroom house. mags, stove. central Oak- ville. largo tencad lot. $1050Jmomh. 257â€"1378. BASEMENT apartment two bedroom. Available im- madlatoi . New carpet. kitchen Ioor, private enâ€" trance, utilities. parking, trance. utilities arkin cable included. BHONTE/LAKESHORE. 6-plex 1 bedroom. 5575 plus hydro. Available No- vember 13!. Free rklng. References. Call 2 -0509 or 847-5727. LARGE 2 bodmom walk to room basement apartmeril All utilities Included. laund 1aclllt|es;1 parking, Avai- able Immediately s 50. per month 825-8136 NINTH Line/ Upper Middle area. sell-contained one or two bedroom apartment m older home. fireplace. 842- amagn spacious 2 beq- Luxury 2 3 bedroom Garden Homes in Oak- vnlle from $905 per month. ‘ ‘fitws -Bmadloom -Venieal blinds ‘-Ba|eonies or patios -smmqe rooms -Secqmy entrance °On-sne management -Fleoreational area - 5 li‘ ' firep ac - air con - vertical - broadk - storage - recreal - parking . securir ' fireplace ' air conditioning - vertical blinds - broadloom - storage rooms - recreational area - parking included - security entrance ‘ Please call bet-i ‘ween 9 a.m.- 5p.m.‘ \at: OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY Condo Apts. 2 31 bedrooms from‘ 1$875 per month. 5 appliances [:flhousesfomm DEADLINES CANCELIATEONS: Mon. 4 pm. for Wednesday issue‘ Wed. 4 pm. for Mday issue. Thurs. 4 pm. for Sunday issue . ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSlONS: The Oakville Beaver assumes no financial liabilin for typographical errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims for errors must be made priorto next publication date. mammmm 100-165 HAumMART ‘ 400-455 mm RENTALS 170-196 IIIHELP WANTED 500-570 mm; LEISURE LIVING 200-265 EJANNOUNCEMENISGMM “MERCHANDISE. 300-385 was. SERVICES 700.794 825-3327 i1 1661mm; 637-7014. FOUR bedrooms. two bath: rooms. fireplace. large liv- ingroom. a pliances. Sixth [JungL avalpble Nov_1st. LANDLOHDSI WE have many screened. qualified tonanls availablel Call anytlmo If you have a va- TWO BEDROOM coz bung alow. downtown Mi- lon. 93895 plus milllias and appliances. Available im- mediately. Call 274-5333. TWO bedrooms. quiet sweet, central. Kerr/Rem area. garage and basement storage. laundry, ”Zn/month, available 0c. tober1st 845â€"4586 EXECUTIVE RETREAT! Spaclous 4 bedroom. den. 2-1/2 baths. Jacuzzb, CIA, double garage, familyroom w/firoplace. on 5 acres w/2.0005q.ft. outbulldlng. Mlnutas to city. $1550. No- goflable. 333â€"5506. Active Management THREE bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, finished basement. ravine lot. appliances. $995/month. availabSe No- vember 151. Tim 847-2937. TOWNHOUSE, 2021 Sixth Llne 3 bedrooms. Avail- able immediaialy. 5 ap- glgnees. gas heaflng. 1 1/2 brooms. Call Lisa 845- 8624. KC. McCall. P.M. West Oakvllle, dose to lake. 4/5 bedroom. 3-1/2 bath- rooms. 3 fireplaces, cozy {armhouse kitchen with pliances. $2100. r mom . 827â€"5663 or 572- 9. THREE bedroom older home. large fenced yard, close to schools. shopping a. Go. $900. month! plus utilities. available mme- dime .relerenees requinad. 84+- 17. RIVER Oaks treshly painted 3 bedrooms. 2 1/2 baths. 4 appliances. alr. garage. Available November 18!. 31100. 829â€"2554. THREE and four bedroom townhouses. available No- vember 1st, Hopedale Man area. 253-9347. yECyflVg home lgr gem. SMALL two bedroom downtown Oakvllle. Refer- ences required. No pets. Available Immediately. $975. plus utllltles. 827â€"7378. THREE bedroom brick bun- galow. finished basement. appliances. large MI a- rage. near schools. 0- vember1st. $1154/month. 845-5995 THHEE bedroom bunga- low. finished basement. near shopping/ schools. $1125 monthl . Near Ho- pedale. Novem r 131. 847- THEE; bedroqm ggpgalow In a nice area in MiflJn. no pets. $1100. plus utlllllaa, available now. 878-5125 alter 69m. CLEAN, 3 bedrooms. main level. close to schools. shopping and bus. Avail- able ovember 15!. 827-5441 FOR RENT- On Lake. Coronation Park area. Small house, 2 bedrooms. Ideal for 2 people. $1500. or month. 827â€"5663 or 72-7659 FOUR bedroom. pool. ap- llances. rofessionally andsca e . hardwood floors. Ion Abbey, calde- sac. $2000Jmonth plus util- lfies, 825-0512. THBEE bedroom bunga- low, Hopedale Mall area. fif'lsm“ '235.°m°"3- 93"???- Mdge and'stove. fén'éed Tot; $11501momhly, 849-0769 ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom semi-detached townhouse. Iroquois Rid a. $1100/ month. Availabe December 1st._ 845-6499 eveningsl 3 bedroom townhouse. available immediately Close to amenities. 4 ap- pliances, finished base- ment, attached garage. $1000/momh. To view contact 21 9-7191 (Lympr D_r.) NORTH OAKVILLE ROOM for rent in six bed- room house. share with 5 other oung adults. $325. montgdy including utilities. Heat pool, a/c. close to college. stores. on two bus routes, available December 1st. Call Hob 845-2265 or 40173384502. 3.2... .....' ROOM FOR RENT In basa- ment. $375. per month. Available November 1st. Kart 8!. ma 844â€"2131 UPPER MIDDLE/8m Llne area, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, SIMS/monthly. Available November 13L Call after 6 pm. 649-0091 PRIVATE bedslmn room, separate entrance. when. bathroom. full furnished. Nop parklnf. S 50/ month. 845-1592. save message ROOM tor rem. kitchen and llvingroom privileges. Ninth Line Upper Middle Rd. 842-2854 BURLINGTON VILLAS Thwnhomes ~ Exquislte female In qulei complex. Three bedrooms. 1 1/2 baths, 5 appliances, CIA. fireplace. garage. near GO statlon 8. OEW. $995/mo. plus utilities. 63761 12 LANDLORDSI WE have many screened. qualllled tenants available! Call anytime if you have a va- TOWNHOUSE. 415 River Oaks Blvd. 3 bedrooms. Available immediately. 5 appliances. air conditioning. gas heating. 1 1/2 bath- rooms. 51100/month. Call ygg 845-8624. K.c. McCall. FAMILY townhouse In- cludes stove. lrldoe. one cable outlet. one car ga- rage. unllnlshed basement. carpeting on bedroom level. no pets. three bedrooms. §§§5.00 plus utilmes. Call 512-8353' leéiré massage: BHONTE. three bedroom townhouse. appliances in- cluded. $975. Call Sylvia Crompton. Sales Repre- sentative. sales rep. Cana- da Trust Realty Inc/Realtor. 847-3030. 827-6503. BURLINGTON: Large 2 8- 3 bedroom townhouse - ma- sonetye. closed-5n patlo. Barkln a. laundry faculties. rom $555.90 1-416-332- 8818 Managemem loasé avarllablé. V'cr'e'dll check. N/E. Oakvllle. 527-0511 _$1,900. _4 bqgrooms._1 1/2 a l-Bdrm. + Den 0 Neutral Decor 0 Indoor Parking From $875. + utilities FEATURING: *Fireplace *Fam.rm. *5 appliances *1-1/2 baths *Attached garage *Min. to GOI403/QEW Leasing Oflice, ‘ . _ Unlt541 = CTIVE; Fall 21: Eflfl‘ BE THE FIRST! BRAND NEW Garden Homes BURLINGTON ~ $750/Mo. Enjoy comfortable living in our spacious 3 4 bedroom townhouses. available imme- diately. Our features include 4 appliances, 2- 1/2 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool, sauna shower facilities, indoor parking, on-site management. some fireplaces. Near shopping 8: transportation. Starting at $1,000. up + utilities. Mmiorm (Corner of Fairview Maple Ave., opp. Mapleview Centre, Burlington) Luxury 1-2-3 Beglrpoms 6 WEEKS RENT FREE Burlington By Appointment, 639â€"0950 Westminster Place Brant St. Ghent Ave. Call 24 Hours a Day 521-5453 or 546-9119 a 5 Appliances 0 Ensuite Laundry i Immediate Unii 541 Call 333-5506 bedroom. 2 bmhroom lovin- house. Pool, air. tennls. 827â€"4020 A DISNEYWOHLD - Rem. gaily/weeky._ Good rates. 2 KNIGHTS 0F Columbus Hall available for weddings. anniversaries. anios-eIc. Call tor more ntormation 827-1854 after 39m room. 4 place bath In housa lust of! of Ford Drive. Kings- wa . Non-smoktng tomale on y. 3275 per month. 829-1960. BEDSITTING room. share kitchen and bathroom Sadn- fles. separate entrance. bus rome. suit mature working gentleman. 827-3606. BRIGHT, shared 2 bed- room apartment. Immediate possession. 4 appliances. (able and utilities included. Femaie pmiorred. 257â€"0313 FURNISHED, large room. use 01 all ladmles. dose to Sheridan College. 3409 Imonth. available .m- 55315.6( . 72577â€"2796. day- time (905 253515. ONE BEDROOM. share kitchen. bathroom Iaundty and Ilvlngroom. Separate entrance. near Glen Abbey. $350. 825â€"2941 FALGAHWOOD area. Full use of condo. Available Im- mediately. Non-smoker. $350. John 845-6077 GLEN ABBEY. Large new house on mvlno to share. All amonlfias. large bed- rooms. etc. Luxury llvlng. 647-2200 LARGE room In Bronte con- do. First and last. refer- ences. Available Immo- dimeiy. 847â€"0473 PHIVAjl'E_ llvlqg{90.m,_ bed- LARGE bedsittin room. Self-contalned. ocaled downtown Oakville. All in- clusive Including cable. Parkln available after 7 p.rn. on . Availablelmme- diatel . SSW/month. 845â€"1 . LARGE lurnished, bed- room. East Oakvme. Gen- tleman preferred. Private entrance. air. cable. laun- . very quiet. MSG/month. Inclusive. 344-2111. glamauga m mounrfogruu All classified ads must be pre-paid We Accept Cheque 0; cash

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