Oakville North News (Oakville, Ontario: Oakville Beaver, Ian Oliver - Publisher), 8 Oct 1993, p. 17

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LUXURIOUS velveteen trench provlnclal sofa chair. eomtonabie and solid. rust peach. $400. pair. FAXEs, COPIERS, com- uters for home or omce. aw and r ssessod. Buy or lease.Ca| 842-8259 COMPUTER 286/10 with 640K and 30MB HD. Key- board and mono monitor. DOS 4.01. excetlem tor yggdnggocessing. S300. WASHER and dryer. ap- proximately 8 years old. ex- cellent condition. top of the line Mgiiatt. Asking COLONIAL pine dining room table, matching hutch. no drop- Ieat kitchen table. tolm: washer dryer. fri ge. _sto_ve. Iargeucubic Iawnnidviéi. 54113355 SOLID teak -two and ta- bles 31x21, comm table 60x21, $85. Teak veneer wall unit 35wlde x65-1/2 high with told down door. double slicing bottom draw- ers $70. 842â€"0686 12. short sleeve. V-neck with veil. Bridesmaid drau- es (2). royal blue. short sleeve. rounded neck. size 9. $500. for entire package or $300. for wedding dress and $100. each for Brides- maid dresses. Call Missis- sauga. 824-0334. Cherry. 6-pce. 4-posler. $1599. Dinette. French Country. washed-oak. 7- pm.. $000. sell S1899. Ta~ bles. white pine, Signature Collection. square end. round pedestal. coflee leble. low chest for TV. $2500. sell $999. New from model home. W786 BONE CHINA service tor 10. $399. Italian porcelaln cannister set. Oriental vas- es, lamps. candlesticks. Victorian decorative prlnts. exquisite sllk/drled floral arrangements In Ori- ental vases/baskets. Half price. no taxes. New trom model home. Open House. Sm. 10-3p. m. 33-0786 pet, pad' 77 Irrisiailavfiéfi. '(50 yams). Steve 339-2902 QUEEN ANNE Cherry col- fee, and and hall table. Di- nette. while 7-pce. English country floral love seals. Mahogany plant stand. Book table. Unlque carved mahogany tables lrorn Eu- rope. O.A. Vlctorlan gold leal mlnor. New from model WEDDING DRESS - size CARPETS, I have several 1 000' 5 yards new Sieln- master a 100% Nylon Car- pet. Will do livingvyoom and flet. Will do livin foam and all for $369, in w?” car- SUPER Sale. Slngle mak Béd/mdttiés's. $160; P'Ifie gofleg tablq. 519. black full length leather ecket. size 12. $80. IKEA 4 drawer dresser. $35, blue curtains, $25. Flori Modem rad bl- cycle with extras. 5 50. r_n_auve carpet. 9x13 560. Doublo pedestal secre- tarial. student desks. Cro- denzas. Chalrs. Computer tables. Call to View 632- STORE DISPLAY Units (12), 4'x2‘, seHâ€"suppofling, pegboard; two indusmal ceiling lans. 829-4663 ggonoou, QUEEN Anna ASSORTED EXECUTIVE AROIIATHERAPV mas- sage for all Stress related eondltlons, Relaxation and Vltallty. Mlchael's Halr Design. Maplegrove Vll- lage. Appointments 845- harvest old. iSfié‘bBLB‘BE offer. 2 cult chest freezer, white. 3200. 338-1961 PORCELAIN DOLL-MAK- ING taught 'The'European way" by certified German Artist/Instructor In Oakville. Limited space available. Adults/Children. 825-2927. ML. .192“. We, All sizes for rivacy h9dg_es.l Pick-efup angl ‘ Iafited delivaréd’. ree est. Helsaac jfiqucafzgé Acton. auras from the IGA Plan. (416) 689-6833 Call lint hr our Butlnm Hours. YOUNG CHANG Grand: Uprlghts. Large selection. VanGeest House Of Pianos, [31.1 women's mm CEDAR TREES [lluadostomae Wateriofln, BURLINGTON Nostalgia Show. Sunda October 10. 10am-4pm. oliday Inn. QEW and Guelph Line. Bur- lington. $4.00 admisslon. Bottles. tlnware, toys. brewery. post cards. adv9r_- using. colledlblas.etc. : A DREWS SCENIC ACRES FULLY seasoned 100% premium hardwood. pickup or delivery. Open 7 days. Halton‘s largest firewood outlet. Marc's Quality Fire- wood. northeast corner Tra- falgar Rd/Highway 5. hard used; Infaht car said 733 W'N.°'UP,. *ZflPY. SW'Wz HIGHEST rices paid for Canadian. uropean paint- Ings. antiques. furniture, sil- ver, porcelain, clocks, etc. Tom 607-5856. COUNTRY MRI ORCHARD North at Hwyls on Guelph Una. Was! on Culling Road. to Blind Llne. (Just 5 Mlnutos North .0! Burllngtonl) ”all. "III-H. 'I lays/Id in Oakville Holiday Inn. at Trafalgar lid. (off of the am October 9th, 1993 9:30 am to 3:30 pm EREE A_DM|_SSIO__N. gen! Be_an pr_aw_ (A monetId donaticim for §he Foog)Bank wou great appreciate For more info call arlene at 845-2017 Other Shows comln to Oakville Dec 4th and Feb. 12th. ome see us ! qu Run your ad in this section and reach the maximum number of potential buyers. Place your crafi sale ad with us. Slaughter-do ' FRESH Apples - 6 VARIETIESI 1/2 Bushel - $10. Full Bushel $15. Pro-plated or P.Y.o. - Baking - cm: Come See Our Farm Anlmals! Gm Shop - FREE Hayrldesl Call To Register In: For Our CHRISTMAS :RAFT SALES COME TO A CRAFT SHOW Book Your School Tour Now! on Saturday, Octohor 91h TOP QUALITY Muskoka firewood. seasoned. mixed hardwood, for delivery lease call, Nonhem Ughts umod.825â€"8347. béflenc'e. 'Réiiablb 'aaa’réa. sonable. Picture Perfect Wedding Photography. ANTIQUE dlnlng suite. cm: 100 years. Seven piece solld oak. Needs some tender loving care. Enqui- flee.B47â€"9399. WEDDING Photography - 100-115 prints in album 1oo-n5 rims ifi album 9'95“” _ 15 Y”? 9" 639-671 HO0KERS:Have Hookers hook u up. custom stereo. TV. CR Installation. get In" potential out of your home amonalnment system. (416) 801â€"1073 (or further infor- mauon. [aunt-animate!» Plck Your Own or Ready Plcked PUMPKINS, ! PUMPKIN E CHALLENGE: Gounns" : RASPBERRIES g DEADUNES for Classified Advenising are: Monday at 4 pm. tor the Wednesday paper; Wednesday at 4 pm. for the Friday c{aapen Thurs any at 4 pm. for the Sunday paper. km'figgifiéy infiééi '31 2.606. 349- so ..~ ‘3, 3RD LINE MILTON .-. (N. of 5 Sideroad) ; . 876-4220 7% 1991 HONDA ACCORD EX. _|pa_d9d, 4 d_oor,132.000 1986 CENTURY wagon. batted. air. cruise. tilt, amlfrn cassette stereo; power windows] locks. Good eon- qltion. $4.800 Call 332- 9523 lam "message. 1985 CADILLAC FLEET- WOOD -lront wheel drive. ood oond‘nlon. brakes just n9. $3900. 825-8641. 1982 BUICK PARK AVE- NUE â€"neads transmlssion, ood V8 en ins. as Is. £500.00 . 1987 CHRYSLER NEW YOHKEB 2.5L engine. fully equipped. air conditioning renewed. Exceilent condu- tlon. No rust. certified. $4500. 827-5241 1990 WHITE Pontiac Grand Prix SE. tulg loaded, low mlloage. 12.300. 681-8504. 1987 ISUZU TROOPER ll. 4WD. 2.3L. 5-speod. 4- door, 212.000km, great truck. $3000.. Mllton, 876- $33 A babe 01 a deal. Cars and trucks wanted. Dead or alive. best does. Call 270- 1656. FAG R 582.8999. SSSAA Bans Towlng wlll pay top dollars for scrap cars and trucks. 24 hours. 276-(BART 478-2278. pner 376.89 1.7days. APPLES 1 3 VARIETIES WILLIAMS' ORCHARD Elm] carstorsale 9-PIECE dining room sulto. antique dressers, antique settee, parlour chairs, ”"395- .loveseet; 9'95???“ riieker. books 15w. ft Mdge. numerous household items. wooden book case. 849- Computer and software. dehumidifier. children's franch. eng. books. youth skl equip. and sklwear. skates. bikes. toys. golf- clubs, drapery. clothing. Colonial pine dinln rm. set. pine drop~leai kitchen table. antiques. i e, stove. freezer. washer. dry. er, pine hutch. ki en items, baskets. glassware. dlshwai'e. china, Christmas lights/ decorations. cof- fee/ end tables. lamps, baby wseat. bar-b-q, lawnâ€" moweg patio set etc. Qgck _@hapel m Garage Sale Sat Oct 9 9am-4pm one-ot-aâ€"kind lreasum. Antiqua, Collectibles. Art, VIct. style tine linen. pre- sem, take-out horne- made soups 8. tounieres, Watkins Herbs Spices. More... 1230 Windrush Dr Wed-Thurs-Fri Sat, Sun. Thanksgiving Monday, 10 am - 5 pm Located at the Ideal Garden Center 1 mlla w.ot Hwy. 6 on Hwy. 5 Featuring beautiful handcraflediunique ' MOVING Sat. 0ct.9 8a.m. 1 051 Pearson (Glen Am; OPEN la-B'raél' Bali: 6(- SliIi-io Piano: desks. dress'e'r. bar-1 :bolls, bikes, books. tools. \ Fumniua. 'emu'ren's'ctom-l "‘9- BPPEB'IW- qus- ”“0" (Lakeside Mamm parking lot) "Come see It to believe n" Furnhum. twin bed. house- hold items. coffee table. and tables, stereo and much mom. LTo s. games. new baby? 08. lumlture. \Irsgomg tobudandyllll Baby Items. toys. bath- room vanity wlsink. bed «311149.610. Bronte Giant Garage Sale Sat. Oct. 9th 9am 14pm lhold items Chrisimas decorations. asst. of baskets. wood gang. decorative house- 1 305 1 344 Odessa Gr Garage Sale Sat. Oct. 9 9 - Noon Garage Sale Sun Oct 10 1° 3,!!‘15, Pm Ggragg Séle 8:30 - noon Chartwell Sat-Oct 9 8:30am-me (Balm 0c! 16) GARAGE SALE Sat. Oct. 9 1 530' Lancaster Multi Fa|_ni_ly Garage Salé Sat. Oct. 9 8:30 a.m. 35 _ Bronte Rd Huge _Yard Salé Sat Oct 9 9am-2pm 1336 Monks Passage (G_lep Abbey) . §ale Sat Oct 9 MUNN'S AVE Bray's Lane Everything for everyone! 2 Family 1 365 Golden Meadow Tr. (0" 08‘9"! “9-) Frolp Yourfigrage Sale Can be sént OverEeas For Info Call Nelll at 844-2600 BOOKS Left Over Collectibles. jewellery. pic- tures. household. Featuring fumfture. books. trinkets. and bric-a-brac that Is a must for the (near. ty flnlshed??) home. (Foilow the signs- off Grove) 9-pc9 dining room suite. antique dressers. antique sense. parlour chairs, Iamfls. loveseat, press- bac rocker. books, 15cu.fl mugs. numerous household Items. wooden bookcase. 849-7985. Femdngselectionsothdmammmwfl dingsdeandmdnirsmawaaommstofubles mudimremlusglasdlhabooksm at Iaphhum Rebeca Low priced quality goods Sat,$un,Mon Oct 9, 10, 1 1 9 any-5 7pm Garage Sale Sat. Oct. 9 Start 8 a.m. 1 068 Shaw St. Garage Sale Sat. Oct. 9 9 - 2 p.m. Garage Sale Sat Oct 9 Sam 1 289 Hillview Ores. . 1 58 WATSON AVENUE Balm Sunday Brass bed (Single). child's car. toys sports equip- ment, clothes. etc Yard Sale Sat. Oct 9 9 am- 1 pm. Including Antique Furnishings Sat. Oct. 9’ 8am - 3pm 416 YALE GR. 1 1 35 McGraney st. El Unit 1 5 Garage Sale Sat. Oct. 9 Sam - 1pm 2032 Malbrook Road Yard Sale 359 Douglas Ave. presents THE OAKVILLE, MILTON AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD OAKVILLE UNITED WAY YARD SALE Saturday, October Bill 10 am. to 3 pm. Something for everyone. All proceeds to UNITED WAY To be held at: APPLEBY COLLEGE 540 unsharo Rd. W. Oakvlllo mm or Shine Antiques, store displays. household Items. furni: lure. lawn equipment. 3 gunmen Kerr and Dorvat) t work location due to gaming problems at Fridge. toys. books. sing|e bed. arms. answering mach no. room dlvlder. stacking omits. NEW: puz- ztes. pmio thermometers, track llghts. tub an- closuras. nuts. bolts. screws. etc. etc. (Baln orShlnet) 2 5 a 3- § E é .brandneszlke Manin 6. 7,.8 achnik E Transforrnars. f0" Dorval, N. of lonhSorvleofid. Garage] Contents of House Sale Sun, Oct. 10 8 am-2 pm 1 1 86 Leewood Drive Garage Sale Sat Oct 9 :30-747:7370pm Garage Sale Sat. Oct 9, 9 am- 2 pm. 1316 " Cambridge Dr "STEEâ€" Sat. Oct. 9 Sam - Noon Huge Garage Sale Home Oflice Sat Oct 9 9 agn-izipm 21 2 Wyecroft Unit 26 1 324 Birchclifi Lo! 31,000+ households know about It PLACE YOUR GARAGE SALE IN 2055 Glenada Gres GARAGE SALES 8“! Duo :3 U “ml. Old one. Giant Call

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