Please forward announcements for What's Up . . . North to Kathy Yanchus, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont, UK 354, or call the Update Mailbox at 845- 5585 Box 5440, or FAX 845-3085 BEFORE NOON WEDNESDAY for next publication date, free. Priority is given to local, non-proï¬t groups. om Museum Walking Tour of Old Oakville, 2 pm, from the Museum, 8 Navy St. Approximately two hours long. Cost $10 with proceeds to Emhless Rworation Fund. Information: 845 -3541. Oakville’s barbershoppers, The Entertainers, meet St. Volodymyr’s Hall, Hwy. 5 and Fourth Line Mondays, 7:45 pm. Male singers needed. L2: Leche Leagite Monthly Meeting, 8 p.m., 204 Arichat Rd. Information: Karen We, 849-5959. Iroquois Ridge High School Community Meeting, 7 to 9 p.m., Falgarwood Public School Library. Everyone welcome Oakville Scottish Country Dance Group meets Tuesday evenings 8 pm. - social group at Munn's Public School; beginners group at Montclair School. Information: Dennis Blannin, 845-2739. Canadian Federation of University Women meet, 7:30 pm, White Oaks Secondary School, Montclair Drive. Topic: Womens Future/World Future with guest speaker Linda Souter, IFUW : 847-8756 i by ordering delivery on Art's 'lilesday Special. “1 love the speciak,†she said. 1500 Sixth Line 844-9209 5:3» Delivery Available ï¬sh; After 7 groomings at regular price, receive the 8th FREE OFF c822 gayâ€"<0 o 2. dz Eczmmgï¬ sA d. E dz mZE GEE mmN \. 'FESECEX | and past pmident, CFUW. Membership information: Sue McArthur. 825-2412. Oakville African Violet Society meets 7:30 to 10 p.m., General Wolfe High School. 1055 McCraney St. VlSitOl'S welcome. Infozz W831. Glen Abbey Toastmasters meet Wednesdays, 7:30 pm, St. Ignatius of Loyola High School. Information: John, 847-1235 or Dennis, 827-8216. Oakville Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society Annual Meeting, 7;30 p.m., Oakville Unit Office, 51-635 Fourth Line. Special guests: Cancer Can Be Beaten: Three Success Stories. Oakville Singles Club meets every Friday, 8 pm, Oakville Legion (Navy Street), Dancing to the music of dj. Information: Joan, 849-6747. Book Sale, 9 am. to 6 p.m., Trafalgar Village Mall, sponsored by Front Row Centre, the volunteer arm of the Oakville Centre. Donations of good DO paperback books is appreciated. For pick-up, call: 844â€"9318. Music for Disarmant Week, fea- turing Steve Hall with positive_lyï¬cs in a roots reggae sound. Oakville Community Centre for peace, ecology and human rights, 148 Kerr St. Information: 849-5501. Jade Garden, 5558 Trafalgar Rd., holds Pumpkin-carving Contest, Hotdog Sale with proceeds to Sick Children’s Hospital. 10:30 am. Information: 878-3989. New to Nostalgia Sale, Munn’s United Church (corner of Hwy 5 and Sixth Line), 10 am. to 2 pm. Christmas decorations and crafts, baked goods, knitting new and old items from cloth- ing to fumiture, lunch. Mountsberg Conservation Area’s annual Great Pumpkin Carving can- test. Judging at 3 pm. Pumpkin includ- ed in gate admission. Bring carving tools and imagination. Located on Milborough Line, five km west of Campbellville. Don’tforget to put Futurekids on your list of bocktoschool essentiols l0i your boy 0! girl! We help kids become bettet leamets. Petiod! W m I'lls Futurekids puts the power and magic of computes to wodc helping childien build a solid foundation of fundamental learning and study skills, attitudes and knowledge; tools to empowei their lives. And because we mess the lun in fundomentuls, kids love to leom ot Futurekids! Great Tamers. Only 4 INS! m ‘ Futurekids teaches children from 5 to l 2 inavet l ,200 locations ‘ ‘ around the globe. Specially trained teachers and small classesâ€" only 4 students per gtoapâ€"easme that your oltild will tecelve lots of high quality individual aï¬enï¬on {1nd hundsm computer instruction. Heasemllfor further mfonnaï¬on 7. Baqlm School, Forward to} Futureln'ds. Fall Orienteering at Bronte Creek years olds. $1. Vomher with park entry. ~ Provincial Park, 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. fee for pumpkin carving at the Visitor" u. p. Hallowe’ en String course for 2 to 8 Centre. 52 Commercial Point 481 North Servce Rd. w. Umt A10 BODY 51mm 461 Speers Rd., Dakvllle. Located In Ferrone Fitnesgmc‘eyre Full Body Massage with Aromatherapy mï¬aloils _ -Aidsi_nrelaxanon °Allevmtwm 'Assistsinhealinf '540pasmsign/i -5- We’re all newl renovated, and ready or action. Come in and see us! fUWREKIDS® aim The Power to Empower“ 3% 'Relaxecandxejuvenatesthebody g from . $25 per session/45mm ndï¬lu'unwanted hair the ancient Egyptian way. Alexandria Body Sugaring' ts 100% natural. I Futurekids Learning Centers are magical places brimming with technol ogy and excitement. Right now we're offering a great back-toschaol special. (all us for details and to schedule your free introduction. There's no obligation, but classes fill up fast so please don't wait! h urination I: Here What do we teach at Futurekids? Our computerized curriculum ranges from keyboarding and word processing to computer assisted math and reading; from graphics and desktop publishing to animation, robotics and more. H_wae teach is equally important. Futurelrids kids learn by doing exciting things like exploring for comers of the Earth , building cities of the future, growing forests. . .even saving the world (usina simulation i. Relaxing45- minute footmassagc - Relicm m tension 1mm Mm MMSW Reflexology 467 SPEEHS â€0., ‘ 849-1021