FIFTEEN room house in Glen Abbey. three qld, reduced $70,000 or qunck sale. 825â€"4283. GLEN ABBEY executive Rahâ€"6f [Se’dFobni "'us'dan, 2-1/2 baths; can ale and vac. II,gï¬arago door opener. kitchen with Florida ceiln 9. many up~ radea. $299, 999 7â€"7623 SECOND CUP collee Imnchise {or sale. West of Oakville. Relocation forces 991e, $193,000. 905-841- RENTAL, Florida, Isle Del Solo. 2 bedroom, bay front condo. December/January. “‘18? 749â€"0341. (905) 849- 4 . 2600 sq. ft. unil industrial or storage. Also 2500 sq. ft. buildln . allhave drive in doors. aka ofler. Call Pet- er, 8275M, 844-5182. FROII $150. r month. in- clusive, only ST and mill- lies extra. Spears lThird Line. 220 h. 4320 n. All siz- es. most C class ofï¬ce [retail ï¬nish. some industrial lacer- age. All priced n‘ghl. Call owner 347-3526 or 878- 0170. leave message i! nec- REASONABLE Industrial Units for rent 1,050 to 3200 sq. it. Secrelan'al Services on premises 875-1209 or 1- 416- 2756834 . , 2,000 so. FT. facing Spears Road. Good ior your own car repairs. 1100 sq. ft zoned automotive. suitable for retail. 1350 sq. it. with skylight. zoned M-1. 1200 sq. ft, $500] monih. Ali on Speers. Need more inioro mation? Rudy 047â€"5663 FOR RENT: Igoo _sq._ ft. or Beautiful location, 4 large bdrms., 2- 1/2 baths, 6' bath. central air/vac, high efï¬c. furnace, air tight stove, par- quet, ceramic, ’ stained glass, plaster moulding, redwood garage door, fully fenced, wrap around deck, walk to bus stores. $279, 000. 847-7184 PRIVATE-150 it. lake- front lot, 300 ft. deep on lovely LOVELY Seagull Lakey on Highway 522. Amsnein. Om. To be sold by elderly lady. No olher lots†available on lhia lake. iet and Frivate set- ting. ne km rom main lipa; One km irom main hlg’dway on maintained an ivision mad. Hydro. teiephone and driveway are they. ' ‘Ansking L765 457-2336 FEATURE HOMES OPEN HOUSES SAT. SUN. 2-4 PM. BURUNGTON - $171,900 EXCELLENT VALUE - MAKE AN OFF- ER! MOVE IN CONDJI 3 bdrm. MAT- TWOOD built bksplt, exc. quiet loc., eat ‘in kit., sep. din. rm. OAK cabms. rail- ‘ings,F/R with heatil. F/P. Mstr RETREAT ‘ON ITS OWN LEVEL with 4-pce. ens. gmore. MUST BE SEEN TO APPRE- I CIATEl! 1582 RILEY AVE. 335-1581 LAKE VIEWS OAKVILLE - $187,500 - LOCATION PLUS! Brick Bung. 3+2 bdrms, in Iroquois Ridge, PRIVATE pie- shaped lot, eat-in kit., C/A, ingrd. pool tiered decking. 1222 KENSINGTON PARK ROAD, Cell 849-1804 [flaw-nun -Mmutomla CLASSIFIEDS To place an ad please call 845-2809 or FAX 845-3085 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m.- 5 pm. HAPPY? It you' re not mak- ing $300 a day - lets talk. (416) 761-7510 (24 hours). BASEMENT apartment tor rent, very large one bed- room. separate entrance, tul| kitchen and bath. park- ing. laundry. cable, utilities included. $825.00 Must be 89911.3475278. SPEERSI DoNal. Three bedroom upper level at bun. ï¬alow. ï¬replace. hardwood oors. air, parking. large deck and yard. private laun- dry facilities. Available 09- WU- .(436) 28149497: 1. THREE ROOMS for lease within hair salon. seek 1on- ems with related services. {or esthetlcien, message. aroma therapist, nail exten- dons. etc. 632-6090. BACHELOR apartment available December 13L. central location, all utilities including parking. $491.83 monthly. Call 844â€"1934 bet: welen 9am-4pm Mon-Fri BACHELOR basamenl apartment, private bath- room. parking, non-smoker, mature person, imme- diately, “SQ/month, 825-9142 PROFITABLE advertising business for sale in Oak- ville. Accounts in place. sales of $100,000. ptus. In pusinees for a years, growth Industry, aï¬erate business tram your ome. Low de- posit and tinancin avail. able. No paymen for 15 months. vauous sales ex- perience necessary. Call 835-1380 BACHELOR apartment, Norm Oakville. exclusjve right to backyard. Parking. hydro extra. available No- vember 15!. $500. monthly. OAKVILLE PLACE area. 2 bedrooms, 3730. Heat! hot water paid. Available No- vember 15!. For mpra In- OAKVILLE large one bed- room. Oct. or Nov. $599, two bedroom, Get or Nov. $699. Close to Kerr! Lakeshore Road. Non-smokers. 233â€"7441 maid" call 847-1136. NOV., CAMPBELLVILLE. large 3-bedroom. lower country ranch. Patio/deck. woodstova. 5-appliances. {ISO/mo. sham utilities. 876- 3473 Leave message Elmaflmbrmt clean, quiet building down. town. old Oakvilla. 1 person Inferred. Lots of seniors in uilding. $691. monthly. Call 845-8254 - » TWO bedroom apartment available immediately. Harbourview Plaza. comer o! Lakeahore and Bronte Rd. 825â€"1261 . menl, available irr'Ime- diately, close to Kerr St. $650. monthly. 542â€"1609 Two bedroom duplex. downtown Oakville. near lake. Washer/dryer. Patio, parking, no pets. $850 plus utilities. 637-3914 eve. T_W0 bedg'opg'n â€its iq very TWQ BEDï¬QQII ppart- 2 l 3 Bodmm Win30!“ Available Close to Sheridan Colle e Oakville Place; Quiet park-"kg s91ti_ng. or info call: Enjoy the convenience of downtown Iiv-I ing in quiet, well maintained building with indoor parking, pool and saunas. Walk to shopping, library. theatre and the best restaurants. Glorious all season view of the harbour and East Oakville. Call for appointment 842-5518 1260 Marlborough Court 1 a 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Immediately Close to Sheridan College Oakville Place. Quiet IPark-like setting. or info call: Exceptional one two bedroom apart- ments, each with balcony ovenooking beau- tiful Lake Ontario. Perfect for someone seeking prime location at affordable price. 36 East St. Bronte ENNISCLARE ON THE LAKE 11 Luxurious Lakefront Apltmonh For Rent. Oakvillo 2 bedroom den - 1730 sq.ft 3 bedroom - 1575 qut. “annuals-Ian ' mMM!W.M5W- Unique, charming, 2 bedroom, 2 storey, apartment overlooking lake, with a/c., broadloom, sunny patio, lots of closet and storage space. 4 appliances, parking. $1 ,000lmonth inclusive Please call between 5-8 pm. to view: 84 7-1659 5220-Lakeshore Rd. Burlington's Prime Address! ’l-Bdrm. (1100 sq.fL) From $838. * Big 20'x26' Iiv./din.rm *A/C *Fridge, Stove, Dishwasher *Heated Outdoor Pool *Sauna *Recroom *Indoor/Outdoor Parking Call For Appointment to View 632â€"5486 Daily 9 am- 7 pm MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1229 Marlborough Court Beautiful Bronte WALLACE PINES H mammm -apu.flatslorrent -aptunamormn Call 827-6625 or 845-1482 BROKERS WELCOME OAKVILLE COURT THE CANADIANA Picturesque Country Lifestyle Residence On-The-Lake SIR RICHARD . TOWERS 84457332 827-91 69 845-7545 Two bedrooms. live ap- pliances. ï¬replace. air con- ditioning. two large storage rooms, recreation lacililies. Call 8474729 BRONTE du lex, 1-1/2 bedrooms.1-34balhs plus basement. den and bed- room 98separate driveway gara,dge private fenced backy at with deck $885. ylrnonlhly all inclusive. 827â€"8571. SUITES available. One bedroom 5800. 2 bedroom. 3900. Downtown in beauti- fully maintained quiet build- ing. Oid Oakville. Lots 0! senior: in building. Call 844- 5952. Nobaee. _ ‘. TWO BEDROOM apart- ment, available November Isl, 2367 Lakeshore Rd. West. Phone 494-3763. TWO bedroom apartment, balcony, close to sho pin and transportation. vai- able December 1st. 827â€"8655 TWO bedroom apartment. Bronte eras. $40 plus hy â€" near Kerr and Sp ears PhoneMZ-QMG TWO l?_edroom . ypgnment LARGE, luxury. furnished or unfurnished apartment in Glen Abbe . like new, avail- able im ialely, 3254233 LARGE 2 bedroom, walk to Go a. she ping. $995. monthly inc udes utilities. 338-8873 AVAILABLE November 1,-4. 2 bedroom condo, lake- vuew. $900. momhly. [War 5 pm. (519) 941â€"5734. EASTA _ _ gyï¬LLNGTpN. near (30/ OEW. Spacious one bedroom, 1-1/2 baths. balcony. security. recrea- “on. 3795. 828â€"91 16 OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY Condo Apts. 2 3‘ bedrooms from $875 per month. - 5 liances - ï¬rep ace - air conditioning ~ vertical blinds - broadloom - storage rooms - recreational area - parking included - security entrance Please call bet- ween 9 a.m.- 5p.m. TWO bedmom, oveflooking lake, â€SQ/month utilities included, parking. use 0! facilities. Jean 827â€"9577, 637-9673. \at: FURNISHED. BURLING- TON Luxury1 bedroom condos from $1095. over- looking the lake. Pool, rec complex. 632-8354. 632- 6189. ONE bedroom condo apart- ment, in Bronte. Close to har- bour. Oveï¬ooks creek and marsh. Upscale building. Available November lst. 1993. References and credit check required. $875. ILuxury 2 e 3 bedroom Garden Homes in Oak- }viIIe from $905 per momn -5 appliances ~Fireplace 0Bmad|oom -Vertical blinds 1oBaleenles or patios Storage rooms -Secumy entrance oOn-sfle management ~Recreatienal ates -Parkin§i4n;iuded - mlnerom GEWIGO - Exoe tlonally well- mal Ined hinhrise - Hydro Included - Outdoor pool 1 bedroom 606 2 bedrooms 766 845-9502 DEADLINESV CANCELLKTIONSE 7 Mon. 4 pm. for Wednesday issue. Allclassyied ads Wed. 4 pm. for Wday issue. Thurs. 4 pm. for Sunday issue . ’"USt be Prepaid We Accept ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Oakville Beaver assumes no financial liability lor typographical errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than lhe cost of space occupied __ by the error. Claims lor errors must be made priorlo next publication date Cheque or cash HERREALESFATE 100-165 ETAU’IUMART 400.455 m RENTALS 170-196 HELP WANIED 500.570 mm. LEISURE LIVING 200-265 EIANNOUNCEmNmemgs “MERCHANDISE. 300.335 m- SERVICES 700.794 m condominium 825-3327 Iroquois Rid a. $1100/ month. Avail December 1st._ 849â€"6499 evanings/ ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom semi-dammed townhouse. lroqyoig ï¬igge.‘ $1190! DOWNTOWN Oakville walk to lake and shopping. 3 bedroom house. 345â€"7582 after 6 pm THREE bedroom brick bun- galow. ï¬nished basement, appliances, large loll a- rage. near schools. 0- vember 13L $1154/monlh. CLEAN, 3 bedrooms. main level, close to schools. shopping and bus. Ap- pliances. 827-5441 OAKVILLE, Glen Abbey area. 4 bedrooms. 2 1/2 baths, ï¬nished basement, double arage. 5 applianc- es. Avai able November 15!. $1,500 month. 827â€"9545. THREE bedroom, 2 1/2 bathrooms. gara e, avail- able November, war Oaks area, $1,100Imonth, plus utilities 257-0623. THREE bedroom bunga- low. ï¬nished basement, near shopping/ schools. $1125 monlhl . Near Ho- pedale. Novgm r 1st. 847- 3965 TWO BEDROOM cozy bungalow. downtown Mil- (on. $895 plus utilities and appliances. Available im- medately. Call 274-5333. OAKVILLE, QEW and Win- ston Churchill. executive 4 bedroom, 3,100 sq. IL avail- able Novemberl In July 31, $1,600 per month plus utili- ties. (416) 460â€"8507. (415) 532-4170. TOP 'Iloor ol 3 bedroom bungalow. $975. monthly all utilities included. Pos- session November 1st Call 347-7981 THREE bedroom bunga- low. Hopedale Mall area, ï¬nished basement, gara , fridge and stove. fenced at, $1095Jmonthly. 849â€"0769 CUSTOM BUILT! Secluded 4 bedroom. 5 acres, double garage. C/A. familyroom wllireplace. den. eat-in kitchen. Iaundryroom. lull basement. 20003q.ft. out- building w/hydro/water. Handy city. $1550. Nego- tiable. 333â€"5506. Active Mangagemem LANDLOHDS! WE have many screened. qualified tenants availablel Call anytime if you have a va- Manégomem BRONTE three bedroom townhouse. 1- 1/2 baths. I136 living/ dining room kitchen. Rec ro_om. pri- Gate patcé; 4 hpplianhbs. $920. plus utilities. Avail- able immediately. 827-1885. RIVER Oaks townhouse. and unit, some tumishin . air, 5 appliances. bac s unto River Oaks Recreaiion Centre. S1100 includes util- flies. Brant. (416) 219â€"1738.] Area 4-bedroom semi det- ached. Large living, dining room and kitchen. Finished basement. 2 baths, attached garage. First and last month rent required. Pos- session. Immediate. Call: 847-5502 Includes stove, fridge. one cable outlet. one car ga- rage, unfinished basement, carpetâ€" ing on bedroom lev- el. Three 3 bedroom units starting at $830 plus utilities. One unit for handi: cap. No p.els I Call 842-8353 l $995 Monthly Bronte Harbour FAMILY TOWNHOUSE [Emtorml leave message for rent THREE and four bedroom townhouses, available No- vember 1st, Hopedale Mall ama. 253â€"9347 many screened. qualified tenants available! Call anytimeuifA xggï¬avg g va- TOWNHOUSE, 2021 Sixth Line 3 bedrooms. Avail- able immediately. 5 ap- pliances. gaslueglyyg. 1 1/2 lianoes. gas heating. 1 1/2 throoms. Call Lisa 845- 8624, KC. McCall. PM. LANDLORDS! WE have LARGE turnished room in new home, use of all facili- ties including Iaund , close to Sheridan, $375 month. Days. 625â€"3516. evenings. 257-2796. TOWNHOUSE, 415 River Oaks Blvd. 3 bedrooms. Available immediately. 5 appliances. air conditioning, gas heating. 1 1/2 bath- rooms. S1100/monlh. Call Liga 845-8624. K.C. McCall. TOWNHOUSE tor rem. 1023 Falgarwood Drive, Oakviua. Call Maria or Joe 849â€"0912. CLOSE to Oakville Place. one Iar a room, parking. shares! facilities. $325 in- clusive. November 13!. 507-6762. air, parkin , bué. noan maker. $37 .338â€"1126 DELIGHTFUL room, bright, clean. turnished, Third Line/Lakeshore area. non-smoker, all utilities in- cluded. 8350. 825-0789. TRAFALGAR lWhite Oaks. large furnished room in clean hoqqe. Caple. fridge, LARGE room in Bronte eon- do. First and last. rater- ences. Available imme- diately. 847â€"0473 FURNISHEQ rppml‘ $300. Eth'r'ï¬ii‘aEnabie Ndvem- ber 13!, no parking, female preferred. Call after 5:30 pm BRONTE area. 4 bedroom house to share, 5850 plus share utilities. Kids wel- cannon-8886 LARGE Iurnished. bed- room. Easthkville. .Gen- tleman preferred. Private entrance, air, cable. laun- d .very quiet “so/month. al inclusive. 844â€"2111. BURLINGTON >~ $750/Mo. 1!? l-Bdrm. + Den Q 5 Appliances 3‘ Ample Storage Ensuite Laundry 9 Indoor Parking Q Immediate fl 3-Storeys with Elevators (Corner of Fairview Maple Ave., opp. Mapleview Centre, Burlington) Luxury 1-2-3 Bedrooms From $875. + utilities ' FEATURING: *Fireplace *Fam.nn. *5 appliances *1-1/2 baths *Attached garage *Min. to GO/403/QEW Leasing om“, EACTIVEE. “#3142522“ Enjoy comfortable living in our spacious 3 4 bedroom townhouses, available imme- diately. Our features include 4 appliances, 2- 1/2 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool, sauna shower facilities indoor parking, on-site management, some ï¬replaces. Near shopping transportation. Starting at $1,000.81 up + utilities. BE THE FIRST! BRAND NEW Garden Homes _â€"unuc|-I- : noâ€" 511mb!†6 WEEKS RENT FREE 521-5453 or 546-9119, 24 hrs. Burlington By Appointment, 639-0950 Westminster Place Brant St. Ghent Ave. Uni? 541 Call 333-5506 PRIVATE bedsittin room, separate entrance. ‘tchen. bathroom. fully lurnished. Nop parking. 3350/ month. 845â€"1592. ave message ROOM for rent in six bed- room house. share with 5 other oung adults, $325. month including utililies. Heale pool. alc. close to college, stores, on two bus routes, available December 13!. Call Rob 845-2282 or Jell 338-1502. LOWER IeveI 0! house, share bathroom and kitchen only. $500 monthl inclu- sivg. C_|ose to bus 3 opping ONE BEDROOM, share kitchen, bathroom laundry and livingroom. Separate entrance, near Glen Abbey. 3350. 825â€"2941 ROOM tor mm. Glen Abbey. would suit student pleasant environment, rent negoti- GLEN ABBEV. Large new house on ravine to share. All amenities. large bed- rooms. etc. Luxury living. ROOM FOR RENT in base~ menl. $375. per month. Available November 13!. Kerr St area 844â€"2131 ROOM with fireplace, walk- oul_ to_ouldoqr ipggound ‘ L'bdééï¬â€™s’iz’e bé'd, own athroom in executive home, many extras. $450. KNIGHTS OF Columbus Hall available for weddings. anniversaries, parties etc. Call lor more inlormalion 627-1854 afleraprn BANFF Récky Mountain Resort. 5 star timeshare, fully (umished. 2 bedroom chalel. Gnaat tor skiers and outdoor types! 510.000. {327-4020 msusvwonm ~ Rent, gtailylweeklyx good rages, 2 béd'room. '2 bathroom lovin- house. ,Pool, air. tennis. 31;] Ml: Hodges m] vacaï¬on properties Cheque or cash