Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2018, p. 61

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Careers Careers Careers Careers Careers Careers JOB FAIR for School Bus Drivers Attridge Transportation Incorporated is having an open house to recruit potential school bus drivers. This is an excellent opportunity to: • Meet our staff • Ask questions about bus driving • Learn about opportunities for growth • Complete a job application; bring your driver's license to the event • Discuss financial assistance to help with the cost of becoming a school bus driver Please join us on one of the following dates anytime between 9:30 am & noon Ham ilton March 28th 465 Rennie Street, L8H 3P6 B u rlin gto n March 29th 4150 Harvester Road, L7L 0C1 Call fo r m ore inform ation: 905-333-4047 ext. 105 or 1-888-749-1515 w w w .attridge.com Please see the following Ministry of Transportation minimum requirements to upgrade to a school bus driver license. To drive a school bus in Ontario, you need either a B Class licence or an E Class licence. A Class B licence lets you drive a school bus with seating for more than 24 passengers. It also allows you to drive vehicles covered by C, D, E, F and G class licences. To apply for a Class B you need to: • be at least 21 years of age • hold a valid Ontario license other than G1, G2, M, M1 or M2 • pass an eye test • submit a medical report • pass a knowledge test • pass a road test • successfully complete a government-approved School Bus Driver Improvement Course (SBDIC) • pass a criminal record check • have fewer than 3 demerit points on your driving record (Attridge requirement) Applicants will also be required to successfully: a)complete a Vulnerable Sector Screen obtained through the local police service b)submit a drr's abstract obtained through Service ON General Help General Help General Help WE A RE GROW ING. COME j o i n o u r TEAM . JOB FAIR Where: 2844 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario When: Monday, March 12th, 10:00AM to 3:00PM We are looking to fill the following roles at our Oakville location: • Warehouse Material Handlers • Fork Operators • Clerical • Van "G" Drivers • A Z Drivers • DZ Drivers £ 7 T ii l/ lA K O Q O 0 O 0 a ContainerWorld company FULL TIME, PART TIME and SEASONAL OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE To book your career opportunity call 905.632.4440 General Help 0 General Help 3 Henry's Lawn & Garden We are currently hiring for our upcoming season starting April 2018 for Full-time staff and seasonal staff (students welcome to apply) Duties to include: Lawn maintenance, landscaping, and stone work. Exp is an asset, competitive wages, benefits avail for FT staff. Must have transportation to Yard (Milton/Oakville) Send resume to: h lg m s p o t@ s y m p a tic o .c a or Call: 9 0 5 -8 7 8 -2 4 8 8 Dental Dental Assistant Cedar Springs Dental Waterdown Abeldent knowledge is an asset & CDAII is req'd. Please fax resume to 905-690-6060 or email: info@cedarsprings dental.com Bus Driver/ Tour Guide for Day Trips to Niagara Falls. $200-$350/day. Must have B or C lic. 3 yrs min. FT or PT. Email resume to: n iagaradaytour@ g m a il.co m Treatment Coordinator Cedar Springs Dental Maternity Leave contract. Abeldent knowledge & Dental Asst. Level 2 is an asset Please fax resume to 905 690 6060 or email: info@cedar springsdental.com Furniture Delivery Helper PT Approx. 20hrs/wk including Saturdays. Some heavy lifting/assisting the driver. Apply in person to: Swiss Interiors 217 Lakeshore Rd E., Oakville. General Help 3 Production - Full tim e. Days $ 1 4 .2 5 /h r, benefits W ill tra in . A pp ly at: 9 3 0 Sheldon Ct, Burling ton Ph: 9 0 5 -6 34 -77 5 1 Seasonal Tax Preparer Experience a must. P lease fa x resum e to: 905-842-6616 Summer in The Rockies Seasonal resort in Jasper, AB requires energetic s ta ff with positive attitude. Experience not necessary. Positions: Housekeepers, N ight Audit, Front Desk, Retail, Restaurant, K itchen, M aintenance, Front Desk Manager. Low cost staff accom. Start in May, Work available to Oct 20. Email: myjob@sunwapta.com Web: bit.ly/jasper-jobs Technical/ Skilled Trades Technical/ Skilled Trades MECHANICS REQUIRED * * * Willing to *** TRAIN APPRENTICES O th er trade mechanics or apprentices considered. 35 year old fork li ft shop. * Excellen t w ages and b e n e fit package Located in O AKVILLE ONTARIO A p p ly by fa x or em ail to Halton Lift Truck Fax: 905-849-3515 Em ail: Glendon@ halton-lift.com TAMBRO CONSTRUCTION LTD. Required fo r n ew pro jects Carpenters & Labourers Em ail: ntam i@ tam bro.com Technical/ Skilled Trades Technical/ Skilled Trades General Help | yourdassfiieds.ca VISTAMERE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE Oakville requires: - RPN's - FT Cook - Relief Cook - PT W aitsta ff - PT Casual Housekeepers Students Welcome Email resume to vistamere@ vistam ere .ca or drop off at 380 Sherin Dr, Oakville Optometrist Office seeking individual to complement our Oakville team. Approx 20hrs PT days/ evenings. Email ccv@ OakvilleCentreForVision Office/ Administration EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS Formwork carpenter needed with 2 or more years experience Full time. $ 3 3 / hr. E m ail resum e: Health Care/Medical J Sales Administration Assistant Burlington leasing company is creating a new position. Sales administration assistant will assist Sales Manager in the day to day administration of the sales cycle. Computer, communication and organizational skills essential. Reply to rlennox@ n iscocanada.com Sales Opportunities Stuart Budd and Sons "Budds' M otorrad" 2486 South Service Rd, Oakville, ON L6L 5M9 is h ir in g a Motorcycle Mechanic 1 perm anent full-t ime position $25.00/hr. G roup Insurance and Benefits. Start as soon as possible. Job requirem ents: Languages: English Registered A p p ren t icesh ip certif icate or equivalent experience M o to rc y c le M e c h a n ic Tra d e C e r t i f i ­ cation 3 -5 years experience Job description: Advise customers on w o rk performed and cond it io n o f e q u ip m e n t, adjust, r e p a i r o r r e p l a c e m e c h a n i c a l or electrical system parts, test and adjust r e p a i r e d e q u i p m e n t f o r p r o p e r p e r f o r m a n c e , p e r f o r m s c h e d u l e d m a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e , in s p e c t a n d te s t e n g i n e s t o d i a g n o s e an d i s o la t e fa u lt s , r e v ie w w o r k o r d e rs and discuss w o rk with supervisor. Please call John Parker 1-844-900-7723 Sales Opportunities Sales Opportunities oSAFETYCARE S a l e s / m a r k e t in g p o s it io n S a fe t y c a r e In c. is an i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o m p a n y w i t h offices in 6 countries. W e produce and distribute Safety T r a i n i n g V id e o s g e a r e d t o h e a lt h a n d s a f e t y in t h e w o rk p la c e . W e have a large l ibrary t h a t covers a w id e spectrum o f topics in the typical workplace. W e are lo o k in g to fill 2 sales positions. W o r k in g from o u r o f f i c e in B u r l i n g t o n , w e sel l t o m a n u f a c t u r e r s , s c h o o l s , g o v e r n m e n t b o d i e s a n d m a n y o t h e r o r g a n iz a t i o n s across C a n a d a a n d th e U S A . M o st sales are done over the te le p h on e whi le a limited n u m b e r of visits can be done with local clients. Th e ideal candidate is enthusiastic, has a go o d com m and o f t h e E n g l i s h la n g u a g e a nd en jo ys th e c h a l l e n g e o f d e v e l o p in g a r a p p o r t w ith t h e i r c lients . T h e p o s it ion involves in tro d u c in g o u r var ious products to the client, sett ing up a p rev iew o f the p rod u ct and f in a l i z in g the sale o f f the preview. There are exist ing cl ient bases that t h e s u c c e s s f u l c a n d i d a t e s w i l l s t e p in t o t h a t w i l l g e n e r a t e a n i m m e d i a t e r e t u r n . A d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e successful candida tes m ust be ski lled at p rospect ing for new clients in order to add to and gro w your client base. W e offer a com p etit ive salary/commission a lo n g w ith a health and pension plan. This is an excellent position that will be attractive to both new and seasoned sales people. For more information, please contact Ed Aasman at 905-631-6070 or email your resume to ed_aasman@safetycare.com Technical/ Skilled Trades mjrcontractors.com .com a>| O akville Beaver | Thursday, M arch 8, 2018 lnsldehalton.com http://www.attridge.com mailto:hlgmspot@sympatico.ca mailto:myjob@sunwapta.com mailto:Glendon@halton-lift.com mailto:ntami@tambro.com mailto:ed_aasman@safetycare.com JOB FAIR TAMBRO | yourdassfiieds.ca SAFETYCARE

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