in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 1 ,2 01 8 |10 OPINION K S M K e r r S t r e e t M i s s i o n N y O akville 's M ission o f Hope Neighbours Helping Neighbours. Through our community meals program, Kerr Street Mission (KSM) is committed to deepening relationships, building community and opening doors to conversation that allow individuals and families to move forward with hope. Last year, KSM served over 25,000 meals to individuals and families in need and an additional 10,000 nutritious snacks to children and youth participating in programs at KSM. All of this is possible because of the 50 or more volunteer groups and countless volunteers who commit to planning, preparing, and serving meals and snacks with great love and care. "It is incredible how one meal provides relief; and how one conversation can helps lift spirits, build lasting relationships and open new doors." Erin McAllister, Programs & Partnerships, KSM Your support is so greatly appreciated. Please consider giving so that together we can continue to provide help and hope for individuals, families and neighbours in need. To learn more about Kerr Street Mission, call or visit . Kerr Street Mission 485 Kerr Street Oakville P: 905.845.7485 Charitable Reg. No. 897106845RR0001 Fraudsters are getting more sophisticated I f something sounds suspicious, put your guard up, writes Watson Criminals continue to prey on unsuspecting souls across all dem o graphics, and are getting away with millions o f dol lars. In some cases, finan cially ruining families. If you have received a phone call, authentic looking email or text from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) asking for personal inform ation such as your credit card, bank account or social in surance numbers, it's a scam. In its news release, CRA said it will never ask Get Results in 2018 UNLIMITED BOOTCAMP CLASSES $240 *first time members only IMAL^ATHPRIMAL^ATHLETICS ■^EVOLUTION OF FITNESSyif 647-896-3294 461 North Service Rd. W., Ut B36 DIAMOND AWARD FOR BEST IN FITNESS 2017 readerschoice.oakvillebea .com In s ta llin g D o o r s & W in d o w s Since 1982 Ask us about how to get $1000 off 9 0 5 - 8 4 9 - 7 8 0 0 g e o r g e @ s u p r e m e w in d o w s .c o m w w w . s u p r e m e w i n d o w s . c o m PETER WATSON Column for personal or financial inform ation through an unsolicited email with a link or text message. It al so won't ask for payment by prepaid credit or gift cards, or leave threaten ing voice mails. Even if the messages appear real you shouldn't respond to them or click on any o f their links. If you are in doubt, contact CRA di rectly. Anonymous missed calls may mean you have been targeted by the 'one ring scam.' Fraudsters hope you will call back. Returned calls end up as pay-per-call scenarios, which can add hundreds o f dollars to your phone bill. The Canadian Anti- Fraud Centre advises not to return calls to num bers you don't know. Recently, Torontoni ans encountered another 'transfer funds' phone scam to the tune o f $5.1 million. The scammer called a land line telling the victim their credit card had been fraudu lently used, and to notify the authorities on their bank. Thinking the call was over, the victims made the call. Unfortu nately, the fraudsters hadn't hung up, and posed as the police or bank rep resentative, urging the transfer o f money until the 'investigation' was over. Computer hackers have gained notoriety in recent years by stealing sensitive inform ation from millions o f individu als who dealt with some well-regarded organiza tions. Gaining sensitive in formation is the starting point for much crim inal activity. In January, an Ontario man was accused o f selling stolen identi ties, gained over the dark web, through his website. Yes, there are laws to protect us and enforce ment agencies are work ing non-stop to keep us safe. However, theft is big business and the scams keep getting more sophis ticated. These examples are just a few o f many. March is Fraud Pre vention Month, but we need to keep diligent ev ery month. If something sounds suspicious, put your guard up. - Peter Watson, o f Peter Watson Investments MBA, CFP®, R.F.P., CIM, FCSI, offers a weekly financial planning col umn, Dollars & Sense. He can be contacted through www.peterwatsoninvest- --- S '? 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