OLYMPICS Herb G a rbu tt/M e tro la nd Nancy Botting, left, and Chelsey Gotell from Oakville's Physical Edge Physiotherapy will be working behind the scenes at the Paralympics next month in PyeongChang, South Korea. Botting will be the chief therapist for Canadian contingent in PyeongChang while Gotell, a 12-time Paralympic medallist in swimming, is the chair of the International Paralympic Committee Athlete Council. 'I try to help the athletes and be an effective voice for them,' says osteopath • Continued from page 32 Gotell, a 12-time Para lympic medallist in swim ming, was actually in spired to pursue her career due to the treatment she received as an athlete. Told a back injury would end her career, Gotell vis ited an osteopath whose treatment allowed her to continue to compete at a high level. Gotell's role at the Para lympics will not be to treat athletes, but to help set the course for future Games. Her position gives her a vote on all IPC matters, in cluding the recent decision to allow Russian athletes to compete at the Games. It also includes reviewing sports and classifications. "I try to help the ath letes and be an effective voice for them. It's one thing to complain, it's an other to get a solution and move forward," she said. "When I vote, I want to make a decision that is in their best interest." Gotell has worked as an athlete services officer at three Paralympics - which is where she first met Bot ting - and was also on the Toronto 2015 Pan Am/Pa- rapan Am Games organiz ing committee. She said her new role is unique in that she is advo cating for athletes from all countries, each with unique situations depend ing upon how each country supports its athletes. So while Gotell focuses on the future of the Games, Botting will be making sure current athletes are at their best to compete. She said the hours are long, usually from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m., and she vol unteers her time, but she thoroughly enjoys the ex perience. D a u g h t e r t o o k t h e c a r . T h e Young D rive rs of C a n a d a E xp ress C o u rse te a c h e s s a fe and resp o n s ib le d riv ing p ra c tic e s . T h is M a rc h B re a k , e x p e rie n c e th e p e a c e of m ind an E xp ress C o u rse o ffe rs . W eather took a turn. T ext Y D O A K V IL L E B E A V E R to 5 8 8 8 8 fo r d a tes . T h e r e ' s n o n e e d t o w o r f y . Y D .C O M I 9 0 5 - 8 4 2 - 6 8 4 6 312-345 Lakeshore Rd. East, Oakville 107-180 Oak Park Blvd., Oakville YOUNG , DRIVERS £$ | O akville B eaver | Thursday, M arch 1,2018 insidehalton.com Weather took a turn. Text YDOAKVILLEBEAVER to 58888 for dates. YD.COM I 905-842-6846 312-345 Lakeshore Rd. East, Oakville 107-180 Oak Park Blvd., Oakville YOUNG , DRIVERS