Oakville Beaver, 15 Mar 2018, p. 12

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 1 5, 2 01 8 | STRIKING SUCCESS FOR BBBS Graham Paine/Metroland Brooklyn Vanderwater, 11, hopes of a strike at Classic Bowl, where Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn hosted the Bowl for Kids' Sake event March 2 in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton. The Ontario Minister of Labour shows off his bowling prowess. Lauren 'the rock star' Kenworth gives it her best shot. Kenworth (second from the right) joins members of her We Don't Give a Split team, including from left, Sara Douglas, Gus Khabbaz, Aaron 'guitar head' Murphy and Meeri Jarjis, for a photo. Douglas keeps her eyes on the pins as she lets her ball go. 12 COMMUNITY (SEE READY POWERSPORTS.COM FOR DETAILS) Suzuki: " Springtime Sales Event!" i | $ S U Z U K I w w w .re a d y s u z u k i.c o m 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga Sales Direct: 866-819-4114 *Vehicle License fee (where applicable) and HST are extra. Vehicle(s) and accessories shown are fo r illustration purposes only. Pricing includes fa c tory incentives as follows: (DRZ7 0 $ 300 /TU250X $ 0/ SV6 50 SA $ 1000 /GSX2 5 0 R $ 250 /VZ800 $ 1 .200 /GSX-R7 50 $ 100 ). A ll 2015 / 2 0 1 6 - 201 8 Motorcycles com e w ith 4 8 /6 0 m onths SPP included. See us fo r fu ll details. Offers good until M arch 3 1 , 2 0 1 8 . 2017 DRZ70 $ 2 ,3 6 9 * 2017 TU250X $ 5 ,1 7 9 * • 3 4 2018 GSX250R$ 5 ,1 2 9 * J j l f c * V | f | A 2015 SV650SA $ 7 ,7 6 9 2016 VZ800 $ 8 ,6 6 9 * WWW.READYKAWASAKI.COM • 430 HENSALL CIRCLE, MISSISSAUGA • 877-297-7446 MEGA CASH CREDITS W f l g P 2016 GSX-R750 $ 1 3 ,2 6 9 * 'Vehicle Licence fee (if applicable) and HST extra on all offers. Sale Price on the New Motorcycles includes freight and RD.E., ECRF, Licence Administration Fee and OMVIC Fee. Pricing of the following include a lim ited time rebate of: EX300BGFA $850/EX400GJF $0/Versys X300 $0/Z800 $ 1 .000/VN900DGF S1000/ZX6SE ABS $1,500. Ivlotorcycle(s) and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual colours may vary depending on availability. Dealer trade or Factory Order may be necessary. Offers subject to change w ithout notice, see us for full details. Offers cannot be combined w ith any other offers, programs or discounts and are good until March 31 ,20 18 . "IT'S SPRING! Outboard Motors 4HP *1,490 www.readyyamaha.com * 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga 866-819-4086 1 15HP$3,088*Bodyadd l u u " ■ ■ C P jU U C P ■ , ■ * v 'Vehicle Licence (where applicable) and HST extra. Sale Price on the New Motorcycles includes freight and P.D.E, ECRF, Licence Administration Fee and OMVIC Fee. Freight & PDE ($65/$75/$100/$65), all extra on the following on the other products: (EF2000iS/EF3000iSEB/F15SMHS/F4CMHA). Pricing of the following include a limited time rebate and discount of: (R3 $640/FZ7 $160/FJ-09 $0/FZ-1 OANG $0/Kodiac $0/EF2000iS $120/EF3000iSEB $150/F4SMHA $50/F15SMHA $100). Dealer order/trade may be necessary, i f we sell out of our inventory. Vehicle(s) and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only. Offers good until March 3 1 ,2018 and are subject to change without notice, see us for full details. [jWMMMm O VER 105 U SED M O T O R C Y C LE S IN -S T O C K ! 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga www.readypowerspoi HSM7W0) laaai acsus m am www.readyktm.com 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga 866-812-5582 'Vehicle License Fee (where applicable) and HST extra. Some of the prices include limited time Factory Incentives: 390 Duke $800/RC390 $800/450 SX-F $1,500/250 EXC-F $0/450 XC-F $0/690 Enduro $1,500. Offers good until March 31,2018. fc i[Q E £ E l H O N D A D R E A M G A R A G E S A L E S E V E N T ! PAwm $1,999'f S ) s4,9995j£nffi EG5000 OLA' EU7000ISC * $999* >vHRX2175HYC <7\ *589* \ \ HRS2165PKC HRR21610PKC 2016 CBR6 00RAG * 1 2 ,6 0 0 *m *1,399 *529* EU2000IT1 PI H O N D A WB20XK2C _ $38g, mww.readyhondapowersporis.com A t \\H R S2165PK C 430 Hensall C ircle, M ississauga I s 1,199 Sales Direct: 866-819-4116 1 2 3 "L ice nce fee ( if app lica b le ) and HST e xtra on all o ffe rs . O ffe rs can no t be c om bin ed w ith a ny o th er o ffe rs , p ro gram s o r d isco u n ts and are good un til M arch 3 1 ,2 0 1 8 . D own paym e nt o r e qu iva len t tra d e -in on purchase fin a n c in g m a y be required based on approved c re d it from Honda Financial Se rv ices Inc. Sale Price o n the New M otorcyc les in cludes fre ig h t and P.D.E., ECRF, L icence A d m in is tra tion Fee and OMVIC Fee. F r e ig h ts PDE ($ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 0 0 /$ 6 0 0 ) , ECRF ($ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 1 8 .5 0) and L icence A dm in is tra tion ($ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 3 9 9 /$ 3 9 9 ) are all extra on the fo llo w in g on the o ther p roducts:W B20XK 2C/EU2000iT1/EG 5000//EU7000ISC /2.3DK2SCHC/HRS2165PKC/HRR216 1 0PKC/HRX217 5HYC/TRX420FA6/TRX500FA7). P ric ing o f the p ow er e q u ip m e n t m a y include a lim ite d tim e re b a te and d isco u n t and the M otorcycles/ATV's as fo llo w s : CB300F $ 1 ,000/CBX500H $500/C BR600R AG $2 ,00 0 /C R F 25 0 L $500/CRF1000LARG $ 1 ,000/C BR 1000S $ 4 ,00 0/G L1 80 0B G $ 3 ,5 0 0 .1 .9 % C onventional Purchase fin a n c in g fo r 2 4 m onth term a pp lie s to a ll 2 0 1 4 -2 0 1 7 N ew Honda M o to rcyc le 's . F inancing Exam ples: $ 8 ,0 0 0 @ 1 .9 % per annum fo r 2 4 m o nth s equ a ls $ 3 3 9 .9 7 p er m o nth C.O.B. is $ 1 5 9 .2 8 Total O bligation $ 8 ,1 5 9 .2 8 . Dealer o rd er/trad e m ay be necessary, if w e ru n o u t o f in ve n to ry o f se lected m ode ls. Vehicle(s) and acce sso rie s sho w n are fo r illu stra tion p urpo se s only. O ffe rs s u b je c t to change w ith o u t notice, see us fo r fu ll deta ils . *21,769* http://www.readysuzuki.com http://WWW.READYKAWASAKI.COM http://www.readyyamaha.com http://www.readypowerspoi http://www.readyktm.com STRIKING SUCCESS FOR BBBS Suzuki: "Springtime Sales Event!" i|$ SUZUKI 2017 DRZ70 2017 TU250X 2018 GSX250R Jjlfc *V|f|A 2015 SV650SA 2016 VZ800 2016 GSX-R750 "IT'S SPRING! OVER 105 USED 866-812-5582 $1,999'fS) s4,9995j£nffi * $999* <7\ *589* *12,600* m *1,399

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